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  • Funny you should say that. I was thinking it would be the perfect avatar for you! And I love the thread. I started reading it from the beginning, so I don't miss anything. Taking it all in.

    Are you a Taurus by any chance?

    Edit: never mind! Just saw profile and see that you are! :)
    I'm doing good my man, staying rather busy. How are you & the lady?
    I say you should try some Forever Living products. It can work wonders sometimes! Just give it a try.
    The aloe vera gel works amazingly on arthritis. Some have claimed even a total healing!
    I'm sory to hear you have arthritis :(
    Have you tried some products on aloe vera basis? Its extremely effiecient and calming, I know this because a aquintance of my mother has the same problem, and it works really well. Check these videos:
    Aloe Vera has the best aloe based products.
    I'm ok. Life flows normally and boring in this period. I'm just working myself to death :)
    I saw it when it came to my email. I had no idea it was a translation. I thought it was someone's interpretation of what they felt it should be. Wow! You're right. It does follow in sync with what's happening and what we're learning to be true - instead of the lies and games we thought were. "Create ...unity now...through our hearts and hands" ... I love that line as I am working my way to being in that state. Thank you for sharing with me. :)
    Happy Valentine's Day!

    Sorry, I probably won't be back in there any time soon. I just got back my every-moment-zen and I'm not in a hurry to be rid of it.

    And yeah, it's probably going to hell which is exactly why I don't wanna be there. :P
    I'm so glad you're good! I do agree that these type of topics spur a passion in people that is so deeply rooted in their beliefs, morals, and ideologies! I'm so glad to find a place that has individuals that are so passionate! And I think it's great that we can have these conversations, and discuss opposing views- especially if it's done respectfully! :) In the short time I have been here, I have learned so much! And even more importantly, I have become interested in learning more and understanding my own beliefs, morals and ideologies! :)

    I am looking forward to catching up on the posts you have made in the thread! I have quickly read them over, but wanted to go back when I had time to think about them and respond. I'm going to have to do some research on a few things to full understand them! But I like that :)
    That was perfect! I was sleepy and tired and had to drive an hour one way to the big city to get healthier food anyway. Talk when you feel moved to do so. In the meantime - send love to your body while you're laying around feeling miserable. I hope you feel better soon. How does the saying go? "Be Well Now"!!! :hug:
    Thank you for the note! I agree that I should focus on the things I have learned. I just have realized that I know a lot about certain things, rather than being really well versed in several areas. My knowledge and reading has really been focused on work-related interests, which is great- but I'm also interested in a range of other things! Some times I get discouraged with how little time I have to really pursue non-work interests! But learning is a life-long endeavour, so I have years and years to read up on things that I'm interested in :)
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