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  • Haha, no problem! Yeah this place can get a little glitchy at times, thankfully it resolves pretty quickly usually. If it doesn't and you've tried restarting your browser etc, then feel free to message one of us and we can pass along any bugs to the tech admins.
    Wow that sounds terrible! I know what you mean though, I've rubbed shoulders with some pretty shitty doctors and it's terrible. I totally sympathize with the pain issue though. I didn't know what pain was until I started to get flares or on those days when it was painful to just be. I find myself getting angry too much if I dwell on shitty doctors and equally shitty diagnosis's that I can't change. I will leave the shoulder open for you to cry on because I have been where you are at...not the same exactly...but close enough to know what you are saying.

    I always meant to tell you that you had the most striking eyes when I saw your picture on the Member Photo Thread, even if you had your "fuck off" face on. :)
    I'm doing okay with the RA. I switched to liquid methotrexate which has vastly reduced the amount of nausea and tiredness I experience. Just kinda eww to shoot up the liquid. My RA doctor is this bubbly, overly analytical bitch who dismisses everything I say but she tries...bless her heart. I just hate doctors in general I think.
    I don't think anyone had implied or even thought that other deistic religions were any less stained by their history. I think pretty much everyone posting in that thread understands, or at least acknowledges that most religions have had atrocities committed under their banner.
    Snarky or not, nothing he said was wrong. Mind you, he has to live in close proximity, every day, to the people about whom he's talking, and his own highly contradictory views juxtaposed with their own undoubtedly creates a great deal of tension in his interactions with them. He doesn't seem to suffer from jade-colored lenses, however. Radiant Shadow he is not, but he seems rather lucid about the whole thing.
    Well happy early birthday to the lad. :D

    You should open a pawn shop, or some sort of antique/repair store. Former member Billy was doing something along these lines, unfortunately he is no longer with us to talk to about it... Covering a desk with pennies sounds interesting! Though I'd hate to put the pennies on one-by-one; are they all facing the same side up / varying ages of copper with some more shiny than others? You should sneak a Canadian penny on there, this way you could play a game with people where they have to spot it. The maple wood sounds beautiful too, got any pics of it?

    The drinking with my coworkers is probably less about shenanigans than it is coping with running a public even (which is what my company does). After a long, stressful day running an event, we all break down, huddle and cope like we just survived a horrific event - sounds a bit hyperbolic, I know. :p
    Arthritis can be hard. One of my best friends has it bad, even since he was a teen. Sound like you're moving right along. ^^

    About the same lately, myself. Working a lot and sitting on me bum. Got some traveling for my company coming up, which is nice, even though I'll be working through the entire time I'm away (with possibly one night of drinking shenanigans with the coworkers). I'm in a good area in my life currently, been getting more focused on my hobbies of drawing and learning my bass.
    nope but i shall shortly.

    (once i finish this frakking assignment that's not working :/ )
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