Funny! I was thinking the whole time I was reading it that I wonder how it would come accross in a movie!
I actually didn't like it that much. I loved hw it started out, but I felt like it all went a bit down hill once the kid got into the other world. It felt like everything was glossed over a bit -- the format didn't work for me. It read like a kids book, but it was quite adult themed. I felt like it would have been better as one or the other -- the mash of style did nothing for me. I didn't even like any of the characters. The seven dwarves were straight out of Narnia (The Voyage of the Dawn Treader).
It was confusing, I liked the start, hated most of the middle and then found the end to be quite good also. I even teared up a little! For the most part it was predictable though. Very strange book indeed!
Also -- you don't know me, I always do this. I find someone with the opposite opinion of me and I start ranting on. I don't mean it in a "You're wrong, this is my opinon and I'm right!" I just get excited that someone doesn't agree with me and I like to discuss/debate!