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  • I know haha :) and thank you~ Congrats on getting back to work, by the way... do you like getting to be busy again?

    It's surprisingly nice to be back :)
    I can relate, to an extent. I have little patience for folks who are unwilling to help themselves and even less for those who refuse to even be guided into the general direction of self-change and instead sink further into bad habits. But, on the other hand, I should be empathetic to those who have never had the chance genuinely presented to them and work to make them see that it not only is do-able, but also well worth the effort. But here I am tangenting all over your profile. My apologies.

    People are a mixed bag of goodies. Some are sour, some are sweet.
    did you ever decide between the two jobs?

    i forgot you all where in the same place :) i have no idea.
    I give my time to a mental rehabilitation center, helping with the orientation and recovery of patients who have been released from direct care. I'll be able to do more crucial, hands-on help once I get my bachelor's and Master's degrees, but that's a ways away.
    Sorry, I shut my wall and pm's down since I went into mini hibernation mode. I shall open my wall up again.
    Thanks - I know sometimes I may sound a bit too cynical, but I'm not a cynic. I'm trying to be objective (hopefully not hurting anyone's feelings). You (and probably most people on this forum) are a humanitarian, putting people and feelings first. I also love people, but in my own way: I perceive them (and myself) as delicate, complex mechanisms.
    Thanks, man! Yep it was not bad, although a bit too much going around in the European heatwave. Still glad to be back home though, even though now digging through all kinds of backlogs. What about yourself, everything is good?
    Sorry, you can write on it Yeah, she makes it all seem so effortless. Valentina Lisitsa. I first stumbled across her playing Rachmaninoff. Wonderful musician.
    we're pulling a backup. s'all good.

    correction. DJ is. I have no idea what im doing :D
    Funny! I was thinking the whole time I was reading it that I wonder how it would come accross in a movie!

    I actually didn't like it that much. I loved hw it started out, but I felt like it all went a bit down hill once the kid got into the other world. It felt like everything was glossed over a bit -- the format didn't work for me. It read like a kids book, but it was quite adult themed. I felt like it would have been better as one or the other -- the mash of style did nothing for me. I didn't even like any of the characters. The seven dwarves were straight out of Narnia (The Voyage of the Dawn Treader).

    It was confusing, I liked the start, hated most of the middle and then found the end to be quite good also. I even teared up a little! For the most part it was predictable though. Very strange book indeed!

    Also -- you don't know me, I always do this. I find someone with the opposite opinion of me and I start ranting on. I don't mean it in a "You're wrong, this is my opinon and I'm right!" I just get excited that someone doesn't agree with me and I like to discuss/debate! :)
    Excuse my eavesdropping, but I just wanted to tell you, that I needed to see that conversation with God today, so thank you :)
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