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    Jer 29:11

    Kinda reminds me of This Present Darkness if you've ever read that.

    ty for sharing.
    I remember when I was taking my marketing classes. During the phase regarding consumer brand loyalty, it was explained that companies often fought over shelf space with those shelves at eye level being the prime spots because most people would pick items from this spot, regardless of brand. That there were those who were brand conscious and would unfailingly buy the brand they preferred. Then there were those who were price conscious and had no brand preference to work upon, with their products typically considered no-brand/generic and always found toward the bottom of the shelves since these people wouldn't mind working a bit harder to get the product to save money. Additionally, we learned that most brand companies send their goods out to major operating/canning (what have you) centers which process food/goods for several major brands. Meaning that, although, a no-name, generic brand, it is likely the same processed food, with only slight changes, that has a branded label on it. I think the same with political affiliations. I find your posts (links) regarding "the truth" as biased as the other media sources.
    Ако ще идваш в България ще трябва да учиш Български език.
    Yes, I do! I thought they were the same lol.
    I'll put that one down for my next avatar. I quite like mine at the moment :)
    I'm sorry to hear of your fathers passing
    Going through that process with him must have been difficult.

    If you don't mind me asking how is it you know when a person has entered the acceptance phase?
    As if I give a flying masterful f'''k if you admit it ... just checking on ya ... you appear to like my music a lot ... or you are just a musical psychopath ... who knows ...
    Sorry ... don't be sorry. I just made myself look hurt.

    This communication you see ... is not very ... full.

    True communication is face to face ... where body language can occur.
    :( ... you made me ... unnaturally depressed and obsessed of your words. Possessed of my own mess to compress the mental chess.
    hey man thanks for getting back to me and yeah i agree its sad to think that some people leave this world without ever really coming to terms with their own mortality, i'm guessing being in the profession you are that this is something that you encounter frequently, i mean the ways in which different people cope with the end.

    and yeah i completely get what you're saying about being on good terms with loved ones, i mean it makes sense it would make us more compassionate and tolerant of each other and our differences. i heard this statistic once about monkeys who live around that big Tibetan mountain range, the himilayas i think? doesn't matter either way there is the same species of monkeys, one group lives further up the mountain where life and death happen more frequently, and they are actually more compassionate towards each other, performing grooming rituals and are more accepting and generous. and then the same species further down the mountain, where death is less frequent, fight eacother, are intolerant of outsiders and kill each other over mating rights and such. i remember watching that thinking.. man there really is something to this death awareness stuff haha

    and yeah i hear you it is tough for me too to look at my possessions and know that i don't really own any of it, its not something i can take with me or hold on to even. i feel like we all hold on to different things for similar reasons, for me i think i am often more surprised at the lack of importance of understanding, that is my way of coping with and dealing with the uncertainties of life, if i can understand something then i'll know what to do about it, but of course death basically tells me to blow that out my ass because holding on to that is absolutely pointless if it truly could go at any given moment in time.

    but as you said i cant help but feel its for the best, death brings us closer together, feel less separate and more like we are all in this together.
    Haha, yeah. I just moved back here and it's a pretty tiny room so everything just went on the bed for a while. :lol:
    i appreciate your honesty, death is something i think about often. i realize its not rational of me to fear death though i know i do, i have a vivid imagination and can even put myself in places where i can almost make it real sometimes to dscover how i feel about it.

    death at any moment is such an interesting thing to think about, some may say its morbid but quite the contrary i feel like it makes me live life more, do you find this wth yourself? i mean, if i am sitting here, lets say afraid of posting something on the articles, and i remember that i really and truly can go at any given moment at time, then whotf cares whether i post it? i might, i might not, what is there to be gained if i can die at any moment? what is there to be lost? what do i ever really have at all? its so strange, i feel like we live our lives (myself included) completely contradicting this basic fact of life that everyone knows. do you find it changes the way you live at all?
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