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  • You're probably going to become more vulnerable and sensitive to some things as well. Be careful with your self.
    I just wanted to thank you for the links you posted in the SOUL thread! I'll look at them when I have time. Should be interesting. :^D
    No worries! Been busy here too most of the day. Was talking with an ENFP friend on the net over Skype and comparing similarities and differences between us. Also asked her for advice on what she can see as my enneagram, since I was wondering if I might be a 9 too. There's definitely a lot of 9 in there, but 1 still seems to be more dominant. My kitten kept trying to attack my mic on the headset and accidentally slashed my chin when I tried to move the mic from him XD
    Hmm...That is very interesting...I did not know about the collective consciousness part. It makes me think of a spin-off quest I could do where characters actually embody certain elements from outer space and maybe the aliens are connected to them, and are actively out to search for the character. Makes me think a little bit of Sailor Moon too, and this one manga Gantz.

    Or in the main game, possibly make sun adepts who try to fuse with similar star energies ... Or a star diety that can connect players with other suns.

    Thank you so much for sharing all of this, I found it mind blowing =D
    Sounds like Ni is very useful in surgery. Ni is such a lovely thing to me, I always see it as the ultimate tactician function. I really respect what you do...I can't even play Surgeon Simulator Lol! I have tried to work on developing my Ni function. Although I've mostly improved in developing a good Fi. I use Fe and am certain I am ENTP, but over time I've been able to improve my Fi. Meditation and living alone in a house helped improve the Fi. I am renting a house now and it is a lot easier to develop healthy Fi. I know the Fe is there though, when I'm actually out with friends it starts kicking in over the Fi.

    The RPG is about people willingly becoming alien ambassadors and trying to find ways to communicate with aliens from afar. I used a reiki theme for one of the characters since I thought it would be cool if universal life energy could expand to outer space. This way the alien would at least be able to detect good intentions from the energy. From there the ambassadors want to find ways to branch out in to other realms of outer space to discover even more aliens and forms of life, while working together with the aliens they have already managed to contact. So far the RPG is mostly about the inventions and technology the aliens are bringing to the characters, and what they choose to do with the materials they get. One of the ideas was to build a race course in outer space to try and attract life that might be in to racing space vehicles. Then there's a space station nearby with the Bismuth racing track.

    I will try out the empathy meditation! It sounds like it would be useful because it will remind me I am not alone and that it helps to know other people go through similar things. I have several meditation practices I use, although when my body hurts usually sitting meditation with music helps the most.

    *Hug* I am going to bed soon. Have a good night and take care.
    Bismuth is beautiful. I had made a Bismuth styled race course in an RPG group I have going. The whole course is basically sharp turns all around the beautiful colors and pillars. My friend and I have an inside joke that I accidentally summoned an alien with the Lapis since it supposedly is supposed to contact entities. We ended up making the alien in to a character for RPG group too, I started writing a story about him as well.

    I'm sure it can be fairly easy to detect what you can and can't do with your energy field around you. It makes it easier to detect energies coming from people and tasks at hand and if it reciprocates with your current energy field or not. It's like energy will either mesh well or just reject input before something even happens. This happened to me a lot during some of my meditation sessions. I can tell when a person wants to talk to me by the energies they radiate in response to mine, their emotions, etc... Can fiddle with a a broken object and know if I could fix it on my own like a car part...
    That is interesting... So it could be like imagery when you acknowledge what you don't like in your mind, and then push the negative image out in to someplace where it won't come back, only to be left with a positive image you place in your mind? In this case you get a beautiful crystal out of it? I would be interested in trying something like this sometime. I have some lapis lazuli that I keep under my pillow but that's about all I have around. I had some bismuth too but I'm clumsy and dropped all of it. Plus I'm worried if I leave crystals around my kitten will fling them all around since he's in play with everything/knock over everything mode.

    I'm thinking it'll be in my knees like my mother and grandma. Usually in winter my knees ache. Plus I got bit by a tick and lost ability to use my legs for a bit due to the tick bite when I was a kid, so it wouldn't surprise me if it formed right in the knees where I lost coordination.

    Water crystals are always an awesome thing. One of my favorite places to be is by big bodies of water. I really love the ocean too.
    I am sorry to hear about the arthritis! My grandma suffered from it bad (it runs in the family), to the point it debilitated her to a wheel chair. She tried so hard to be positive but deep down I could always detect suffering, mostly emotional. When she had a stroke she didn't want care because she said getting care wouldn't be worth it. So I can understand how much of a struggle it can be on a day to day basis, I wouldn't be surprised if I am coming down with it a bit myself. My mother also has it bad. I too have depression from time to time. It sounds like you're in a lot of pain and could use a break from so much stress in your day to day life. Nope I haven't heard of power of intention experiments, thanks for pointing it out to me *checks link*. Hope you have a good day and that you are in the best state of health you can have!
    And yeah to address that seriously, I think AI will eventually be so advanced that the question of whether it is REALLY sentient will become irrelevant because there will be no practical difference.
    Do you have PTSD depression and fears often? I am recovering from PTSD so I have been exploring stuff to re-wire my brainwaves. I tried yoga for the body aspect of it but it does not always work, often going in to the hot tub is the only solution for the body. For mind mostly hiding out in nature has seemed to do the trick. I have a friend who also has PTSD and got certified as a reiki practitioner because she believes that you can save yourself and others with it. I'm not sure how I feel about reiki. I had it done on me and it left my body feeling empty and numbed rather than alive.
    Thanks, I'm just going to stop saying things on the internet. I just don't have the sort of anger needed to pursue those kinds of conversation anymore.
    I haven't given up hope yet that things will get better before they get worse. Maybe. You can see optimism in some politicians, at least, even if it's only half-hearted.
    but yeah seriously motherfuckers don't know that they're part of a complex system of interdependence and that fucking the people who live with them is a bad idea for their long-term health. don't shit where you sleep.
    Also fuck yeah Eisenhower-era tax rates. Show that shit to one of your republican contemporaries though and their fucking eyes just glaze over.
    Actually, that's a terrible analogy for the mindset of those types of people. Those seniors in companies who view themselves as "job creators" see all the wealth accrued as a belonging that they created through their own toil and anguish, and therefore it is ultimate and exclusive to them. Person X gave me money in exchange for a service or a good, ergo that money is unarguably mine unless the service or good is returned to me at the value originally provided. So they'll jump through hoops playing the stock market and then work extra hard to avoid giving those sweet, sweet dividends to anyone else. They accrue more and more wealth that they then use to accrue more and more wealth. Most of that shit, I'm sure, goes to exerting political pressure (after all, a billion dollars isn't money, but a force of will), though we only see the occasional glimpse of that. A pretty damn big portion nonetheless is just sitting in various non-liquid forms, only ever getting pulled out to be sniffed or licked longingly and then put away or slept on top of; the megarich are literally Smaug.
    It's more than just cheating, it's abusing a system of people who allowed them to become as wealthy as they did in the first place. It's like asking for a five dollar loan from a guy, then when he's nice enough to indulge you, you kick him in the balls as hard as you can and take his wallet, too.
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