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  • Oooh, I see. Well, she's right that you can't rely on other people to make you happy. You can be happy with them, but that's not the same. I'd try to use her making you happy to help make you happy even when you're not with her...if that makes sense.
    Hmm. What reasons would those be? I think if you're happy and healthy, and not harming anyone, then you're all good. But...yeah, I dunno.
    Do I? :D

    I have decided to go through my Ipod and list all the artists I have. Pretty much most of their work should be awesome.^_^

    Ayumi Hamasaki (J-Pop)
    Super Junior
    Girl's Generation
    Brown Eyed Girls
    Miss A
    My, my, the internet here are EXPENSIVE.
    I'll be back at 12, Hopefully I can find some way to connect before then. Sorry for the late replies. D:

    (and I'm going to buy 1q84, I think; the Kinokuniya here are having a discount.....although I bought toomuchartsuppliesgah)
    ..I just realized that I wrote 'Hard Boiled Wonderland' as 'Hard Boiled Egg'.

    You can laugh. I sure do. /laugh
    Oh, cool. I actually didn't know that. "The space between us all" is part of a lyric from "Within You Without You" by The Beatles.
    That's wonderful. What sort of music and what sort of instrument do you play?

    And a very very good luck for you! I hope she will accept your invitation. Is homecoming on Monday?
    It's understandable that you will worry over this important matter, but chill out *hugs* it will help you being more confident. :D
    What sort of girl is she?

    Of course, life is interesting that way. How have I been.... pretty well. Talked about business. Should have talked about it in the morning...but here I am. :P
    I'd have to ask my wife where she got that picture... I stole it off her FB page :)
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