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  • Oh yeah...I do that a lot I guess....probably due to deep insecurity when I don't get positive feedback. I worry my ideas are completely different from or unacceptable to those around me, and I auto-shutdown. Kinda like trying to tell a really hilarious joke while you're laughing so hard...and then you realize no one else is...I so hate feeling like that. So I tend to avoid situations that may turn out like this. Unfortunately, this obviously makes me feel more isolated, and so the cycle continues. I hate being so sensitive...but if it's who I am, I want to try to figure out a way to utilize it by understanding others and helping them in some manner. If I am this way, should I attempt to change or manage it so as to flow with the rest of the people I know...or do I develop and embrace it to try to make a difference in a positive manner?

    Sorry for rambling or over-sharing...just feeling frustrated and vulnerable right now. Really just wanted to respond and say thanks again.
    hey...thanx for the rep...glad you enjoyed it...it took just about forever to organize the data and it's really hard to get a feel for things you can't see well or touch...and at first I was sorta bummed cuz I didn't think anyone noticed...thanx for noticing and commenting...makes me feel better
    Wow that was an awesome version!!

    I've never seen them live but I have to someday!

    Yes I love them. Its hard to pick a song but if I had to my favorite would be Crush : ) ahhhh.
    I try to express my inner dialgoue, but most of the time my inner dialogue belongs to characters, whom I like to see as seperate people...

    Thus I have no difficulty writing out my own stories.

    However, when it comes to expressing through words, the more 'personal' of my thoughts, I find it near impossible.After one struggles for the words, being brave enough to say them is extremely tough.

    You try to describe things from an external viewpoint?

    Thats bold.:P
    Oh. Don't worry, that user title is just a quote I enjoyed. I'm in fact quite a serious person.

    I think you have a better understanding and way with words than most people I've ever encountered on this forum.
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