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  • that's okay. i can see why my comment may have made you think that, but. no. sensor is the last thing i could ever be. look at my old threads and stuff and it will be obvious.
    do you know what ISTJs are like? they are about the polar opposite of me, in my opinion. i'd also like to point out that basing it off of one isolated comment is not a good way of doing this, if that's what you did.
    i'm not really. it goes deeper than just pointing fingers and laughing.
    people misunderstand to such a ridiculous point. if someone feels well-evolved, let them be evolved. it's not a big deal.

    Lol, and people are saying I'm an infp.

    (i think i understand though. not trying to cause no shit)
    it's not a respect issue.
    he said something that in no way should be deemed offensive, yet it was. it happens a lot on this forum.
    Listening to that song now.

    I assume it has something to do with my post
    and that's why you send it to me.
    uhhh idk. did i? I tend to just click "submit" then i hit enter like 4 times until the screen goes away.
    Yeah... just retune the guitar to a chord like E or AM... ya know, you'r most used bar chords, then you can just slide across holding the fret without chord. when you then strum open without chords, it'll naturally be in chord. Then you just bar across and use your slide. I personally have yet to ever produce a decent bar chord or B chord of any sort, but this makes me seem like a pro... Lol (Not that I ever really use it. I retuned that guitar into normal ebgdae mode). As you bar across with your fingers, use the slide to accent notes on 1st or 6th string. Play around with it a bit. You'll probably like it.
    Sounds like it was tuned for open chord, so that all you'd have to do is fret across, like some folks do for slide. My older spare guitar (doesn't tune well) has been tuned like that before. Nevr tried it on a 4 sting, though.
    Not my 6-String. *crying out in fear* Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'd love to have a 12 string though. hehehe wonder how my stuff would sound on it. Mmmmm..... 12 string.

    Can't have you gettin all nice on me though. You have a reputation to protect.
    Ha ha. I used to write about animals, especially aquatic animals like sea turtles. Later on, I started writing my own fairy tales. Fantasy stories are awesome.
    I noticed in your blog you write about places often. I have not done much traveling, myself. Most of my later writing came from personal experiences and was frequently character-driven.
    I also derive inspiration from visual art. Paintings, mostly, and sometimes photos.
    But for the most part I just like creating unusual word combinations and pondering what this new thing might mean, then relating it to a deeper, sometimes universal theme. I've noticed a have written quite a bit on perspective and perception. Again, just me looking at something from a different angle that I hadn't contemplated before.
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