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  • For some reason I find frozen ones taste better. Just heat them up, melt butter on them, and add salt and pepper. Never ate them as a kid, but love em now!
    I love cooking! I made brauts tonight with mashed potatoes and salad. Brussel sprouts too! My wife is not much into cooking so I do it whenever I can.
    It was almost three am when you asked me that.
    Now it's just after ten am (:
    Well it was the damnist weird thing I've gone through in a while. Oh my... all those weird noises the machine made. I stayed quite still ( you're not supposed to move) by keeping my eyes closed and concentrating on my "safe place" that I have formed from my hypnosis tape. The only thing tho - is that the machine makes these sounds that remind me of "Danger Will Robinson". LOL... When I heard them - my body tensed like it was getting ready for a fight - or - flight.
    Otherwise the MRI was fine. They did inject dye into me tho. The vein in my right arm collapsed. That seemed to be of concern - but I don't know what they were inferring. The left arm worked fine.
    The sounds the machine made were - felt - by me - in my head. It was touch and go for a while - but I calmed myself.
    I'll know maybe more next week. They said the results would take 3 or 4 days. Over the Labor Day weekend - It'll take a week or more.
    Thank you so much for asking about me. It made me smile.
    Good luck on getting the kiddos in the door of school next week. I know it'll be a challenge - it would for ANYbody. Don't doubt your ability Norwich. You are a Queen!!!!!
    No. I don't.
    Parts of me would prefer a boy just because I feel the world is a little bit safer for males.
    But as a female I obviously enjoy female companionship. I want a lasting relationship with
    any children that I may raise. That is what is important to me. I want to decide based upon
    the child's personality and their ideas. Not how they are defined. So really, sex isn't a big
    concern for me.
    The oldest was.

    Do they know they're adopted?
    I've contemplated the idea of some day adopting.
    Well, I'm the only one that deals with them all the time.
    Everyone else shoves them off on me because they "don't
    have the time".

    They love attention though, that's for sure, haha.

    Were your girls planned?
    Yes she does.
    My parents recently got remarried.
    We are all at my mother's house; more space.
    It's not something I spend a lot of time thinking about.
    I try not to.
    Yes, I'm worried.

    Are you happy with your family?
    Yes, I'm enjoying it.

    He wants us to enjoy our time with him, not spend it taking care of him.
    But we still, or at least I, do anyway.
    My brother is here too.
    However he's still in high school.

    He's just sick.
    I actually am taking the semester off and am spending time at home with my father upon his request.
    My sister has moved back in with her children to do the same.
    "I get to be a pivotal part of their formative years."

    Really, they're very sweet at times and I love seeing
    their eyes light up whenever I've really pleased them.
    They follow me around like shadows. I like to listen to
    Ian, the eldest, make up stories. He's very imaginative
    and the baby loves to dance. I like that I'm actually
    getting to see their personalities emerge.
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