When am I frustrated?
A little story
Me (cheerful): Hi, xy (xy is my estj friend)!
Xy (also cheerful): Hi, you!
Me: What are you doing?
Xy (more cheerful): I'm going in shopping. I have just met z,y,x,v...just some small talking...Coffee?
Me (still cheerful): Yes!
2 hours and 3 or 4 coffee later...
Me (with "gut feeling"

: Are you ok, actually you don't look so cheerful?
Xy: Look, this coffee is better than last time.
Me (more "gut feeling")): Is it everything ok?
Xy: I'm just tired. Did you hear...(speaks something irrelevant and very practical)...?
Me (still trying): I am not ok, it's alright to be sometimes not so much ok, tired, depressed, not so effective, not so right...are you ok?
Xy: What are you going to cook tomorrow, can I help you?
Me (frustrated): Yes, please.
I hope that you understand what I want to say...