Milktoast Bandit
Dominate with compassion...
- Enneagram
- 9 thing this has exposed, we have no national health strategy. . there is no "public health thing this has exposed, we have no national health strategy. . there is no "public health
we basically know nothing. we are on our own to figure it out . I feel like I am slowly and quietly drowningI don't even have the wherewithal to be pissed at this idiot right now. We're not even in the trenches yet and I am girding myself for battle against the virus of the century.
The weirdest thing is not knowing how it will effect you if you get it. You may be ok and think it's a bad cold or flu and pass it on to others who it will kill. Or it could totally wreck you. That kind of messes with me. And not knowing how long we will need to social distance.
We have to accept that we are somewhat on our own right now.we basically know nothing. we are on our own to figure it out . I feel like I am slowly and quietly drowning
Sigh. Sad to say that's the norm but we wouldn't expect anything less than a bunch of cowardly lies coming from him... all to protect himself and his own image. I maintain that Trump truly believes we're living in a story and only he exists. Screw everyone else as long as he survives and is heralded as the hero of the tale.another weekend, another lying weasel display from the white house. Frankly, I would prefer that they all go play golf. Let the states manage this, since that is the reality on the ground. One thing this has exposed, we have no national health strategy. . there is no "public health", we just make it up as we go along. We are getting more practical information and guidance from clergy then we do from "public officials" . . this exposes our nation as a third world country in terms of the health of us all.
This is the perfect time for states to start sharing resources and assistance. Not become each for our own, but see us as all in this together. In essence, this could enhance the network between states and form a net to enhance the federal government if we had leadership to band us together and if the paranoid powers that are in office did not see it as overthrowing what is there (and broken.)I am so glad live in Oregon and not Arizona. . .
I completely agree. Arizona tends to be isolative due to politics. . and not the most forward thinking when it comes to healthThis is the perfect time for states to start sharing resources and assistance. Not become each for our own, but see us as all in this together. In essence, this could enhance the network between states and form a net to enhance the federal government if we had leadership to band us together and if the paranoid powers that are in office did not see it as overthrowing what is there (and broken.)
I'm just rambling. Ignore me![]()
Yesss, finally!
''Finland closes schools, declares state of emergency over coronavirus''
- Early education will continue to keep people working
- Schools will otherwise stop contact teaching, except for young children (1st to 3rd grades) of critical personnel.
- Limiting public gatherings to 10 people and it is recommended to avoid unnecessary public meetings
- These will be closed: State and municipal museums, theaters, National Opera, cultural houses, libraries, library cars, National Archives customer and research hall services, recreational facilities and venues, swimming pools and other sports facilities, youth facilities, club rooms, NGO meeting rooms, day care for the elderly, rehabilitation work etc.
- Visits to housing units for the elderly and other at-risk groups are prohibited
- Public sector workers will work remotely if possible
- People over 70 are to be quarantined
- Increasing social and health care capacity in the public and private sectors
- Increasing testing capacity
- Social and healthcare and security sector trained workers may be ordered to work
- Movement of people may be restricted
- Borders will be closed as soon as possible
- Two weeks of quarantine for those who are returning from abroad
Ultimately, Trump would like to end all federal aid to all people. No Food stamps, healthcare, Housing, and probably more.
Well, I hope this is a wake up call to people that we should invest in the social safety net, not tear it apart more.
If Trump and the Republicans want to nix all federal aid, then people should nix all federal tax dollars paid to them.
This entire pandemic makes it quite clear just how big of clowns Trump, Pence, and all his cronies actually are.
Elect a pathological liar gameshow host who doesn't listen to science and this is what we get.
What a giant dick.
Jealous! I hate working from homeI still had to work today![]()