Tin Man
"a respectable amount of screaming"
- Enneagram
- N
Well, you know how it goes: to make a cyborg, you need a body. You thought "hey, this private science lab needs body donations for a new research program in robotic/engineering experimentation; Imma do it!" But you didn't read the fine print in the contract, and now the scientists are performing horrific experiments on you until you die. Then they rebuild you as a cyborg. Even more unfortunate, you didn't bother reading what kind of cyborg they were building. But look on the bright side: you're the new cutting-edge advancement in toilet cleaning technology!
I wish I could talk to animals.
Well, as long as I'm not a Geisha Cyborg.
You get to talk with the animals, walk with the animals; grunt and squeak and squawk with the animals. Unfortunately everyone thinks you're crazy so they send you to an insane asylum.
I wish I was a Japanese anime character.