Derail This Thread

:hug: I'm sorry for hitting a nerve I was trying to be silly. Months old bloody tampons a never fun to deal with.

I know far too well where you are coming from (I used to have to work 10 hour days with about 2+ hours of commuting after which I would have to do all the house work and child care while ex was a "SAHD" who did nothing during the day but technically make sure the kids didn't die). That frustration is very real and very deserved. I hope you are able to quickly sell the house and are able to move on.

it's totally cool. I guess having had over 20 years of stuff like that, for it to be happening now, after the break up feels a little bit much. If it happens again I may redistribute the contents to her bed.... Not a horses head, but it might finally make the point lol.
it's totally cool. I guess having had over 20 years of stuff like that, for it to be happening now, after the break up feels a little bit much. If it happens again I may redistribute the contents to her bed.... Not a horses head, but it might finally make the point lol.
I did that too a roomie once. Stacked all her filth encrusted pots on her bed so I could clean the rest of the kitchen. Sadly she still didn't get the point and I was the bad guy.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

an oxymoron?

@Night Owl is usually really good at translating difficult 'male' words....

You sure know a talent when you see one. Let's get into this:

"the latest pregnancy or salad. sumthin' sumthin' volleyball."

This means, in male speak:

terces s’ti esuaceb gninaem eht uoy llet t’nac I