Ethical to mock the anti vax?

I'm not going to weigh in on Galileo or Capernicus. What I do know is that most people who tend to disagree with scientific experts on matters of science are not usually experts on science.
Which scientific experts? Or must we roll with the majority?
Anyway, an anti-covid-jab stance may include information such as the following. This is a portion of the panel that Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson held.

Dr. Ben Marble:
I am Dr. Ben Marble. I am the founder of We’ve delivered over 150,000 free doctor visits to America, delivering the early treatment McCulough Protocol. We’ve only lost four patients. We have a 99.9… [interrupted]

Senator Ron Johnson:
Repeat that. So you’ve treated through telemedicine 150,000 covid patients.

Yes sir.

With your team.

Yes, with the team. We have a team of volunteer free doctors that donate their time to help treat these patients that come to us. They go to and they answer our questionnaire, we deliver the early treatment protocols to them as early as we can and we have a 99.99% survival rate. So I believe, the volunteer free doctor team, we have settled the science on this. Early treatment works. Period.

I listened to the entire 5 hour discussion. Related to that:

On Monday, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) held a panel discussion with a group of world renowned doctors and medical experts to provide a different perspective on the global pandemic response, the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be addressed long term.

Sen. Ron Johnson said: “I'm hoping everybody that viewed this today recognizes the qualifications of the individuals that spoke here today. Now, again, there's disagreement between people in this room. The viewpoints expressed are those of those individuals expressing it. But these are real world experiences from people that are on the front lines, that are treating patients. It’s different from probably anything you've heard, unless you've been following these people in the media, trying to break through, trying to convey to the American public and provide the information that I think we all need, that we all deserve. Now, you know, my antenna is always up because I'm getting accused of spreading this misinformation all the time. So I can imagine how the news media is going to treat so much of this. They're going to pick little phrases out, and they're going to pick it apart and they're going to try and marginalize this entire event.

“All I can ask, is the viewers to share this. Tell your friends, I know this is long. This is a five hour long panel, and we didn't even scratch the surface of what we need to discuss. This shouldn't have been necessary. As our information grew, as we became better and better educated, less ignorant about the Coronavirus, COVID, the COVID vaccines, this should have been made public every step along the way. But it wasn't. So again, I'm just asking the viewing public to have an open mind. Respect these individuals who have paid a significant price professionally, reputationally. These are highly qualified individuals. They speak from experience. We've got to fix this problem. We can't let this continue. We can't let it happen in the future. So again, thank all of you for coming. Thank you for being doctors, for being nurses, for being academicians, for being medical researchers, and thank all of you for viewing this. Share this with your friends. God bless you all.”
Sen. Johnson also extended an invitation to the following agencies to hear firsthand from the medical professionals. All declined to participate.

Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, MD, MPH, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Dr. Janet Woodcock, MD, Acting Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, MD, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Chief Medical Advisor to the President
Dr. Lawrence A. Tabak, DDS, Ph.D., Acting Director of the National Institutes of Health
Jeffrey D. Zients, White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator
Dr. Albert Bourla, DVM, Ph.D., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Pfizer
Dr. U?ur ?ahin, MD, Chief Executive Officer of BioNTech
Stéphane Bancel, MBA, Chief Executive Officer of Moderna Therapeutics
Dr. Ashish K. Jha, MD, MPH, Dean of Brown University School of Public Health
Dr. John R. Raymond Sr., MD, President and CEO of Medical College of Wisconsin
Dr. Jonathan Reiner, MD, Professor of Medicine and Director of Cardiac Catheterization Labs
Dr. Scott Gottlieb, MD, Former Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Dr. Francis S. Collins, MD, Ph.D., Former Director of the National Institutes of Health
Dr. Rick Bright, Ph.D., Former Director of Biomedical Advancement Research and Development Authority

Watch the video here. Watch the full roundtable here.
Immunologists, immunological research. Let's find out what their data suggests.
Thanks, @Pin.

Among the suggested data that is compelling to me is VAERS data, Medicare data, and military data. Speaking of the military information:

During testimony last week, attorney Thomas Renz gave testimony {Direct Rumble Link} on behalf of whistleblowers inside the military medical system who have access to vaccination data that is withheld from the general public.

The data on adverse medical conditions that surface after vaccination within the military is contained on a system called the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED). The documents that were released to Thomas Renz are now being reviewed {Direct Rumble Link}. The resulting information is very disturbing.

The research took five-year averages of medical conditions and then compared the track record to the results after the mandatory military vaccination program was initiated. The results are alarming:

Heart Attacks +269%
Pericarditis +175%
Myocarditis +285%
Pulmonary Embolisms +467%
Cerebral Infarction +393%
Bell’s Palsy +319%
Guillain-Barre +250%
Immunodeficiencies +275%
Menstrual Irregularity +476%
Multiple Sclerosis +487%
Miscarriage +306%
HIV +590%
Chest Pain +1,529%
Labored Breathing +905%
Neurological Problems + 1000%

Keep in mind these are generally young adults who have no comorbidities and are quite fit. Their risk of succumbing to covid is quite low.
Unethical to mock the dead antivaxers, yes. They have received punishment enough and have no time to reconsider.

I am sincerely glad I do not read reddit or twitter.
Whilst I appreciate that you were replying to another member, could I ask if you could refrain from posts similar to your two prior. There are more appropriate threads for this sort of content should you wish to share it, otherwise please keep to the OP's discussion.

As far as "taxing" an anti vaxxer, it would be based on how much money society pays for "anti vax" patients who used up hospital resources.

Trust me, being "anti vax" comes with thousands and thousands of dollars of care when an "anti vaxxer" gets sick
Thanks, @Pin.

Among the suggested data that is compelling to me is VAERS data, Medicare data, and military data. Speaking of the military information:

During testimony last week, attorney Thomas Renz gave testimony {Direct Rumble Link} on behalf of whistleblowers inside the military medical system who have access to vaccination data that is withheld from the general public.

The data on adverse medical conditions that surface after vaccination within the military is contained on a system called the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED). The documents that were released to Thomas Renz are now being reviewed {Direct Rumble Link}. The resulting information is very disturbing.

The research took five-year averages of medical conditions and then compared the track record to the results after the mandatory military vaccination program was initiated. The results are alarming:

Heart Attacks +269%
Pericarditis +175%
Myocarditis +285%
Pulmonary Embolisms +467%
Cerebral Infarction +393%
Bell’s Palsy +319%
Guillain-Barre +250%
Immunodeficiencies +275%
Menstrual Irregularity +476%
Multiple Sclerosis +487%
Miscarriage +306%
HIV +590%
Chest Pain +1,529%
Labored Breathing +905%
Neurological Problems + 1000%

Keep in mind these are generally young adults who have no comorbidities and are quite fit. Their risk of succumbing to covid is quite low.
No, but what does the overwhelming majority of research about the COVID vaccine say?

Not a few scientists, but the actual work of the overwhelming majority of immunologists who study this particular issue.

The paranoia that most people have about the COVID vaccine being inherently faulty or broadly "bad for the public" is a lie.
As far as "taxing" an anti vaxxer, it would be based on how much money society pays for "anti vax" patients who used up hospital resources.

Trust me, being "anti vax" comes with thousands and thousands of dollars of care when an "anti vaxxer" gets sick
I should be taxed because I do not want to take a non-approved Emergency Use Authorization concoction that is still in test phase?

Should these vaxxed persons be taxed for their burdens on society?

Why would anyone take something that is termed a bioweapon (see below)? Sure seems to act like a bioweapon. (I don't know why this, the last image, is not full size. If you click on it, you can see the vax is termed a bioweapon in an email to Anthony Fauci.)

(Note: Only 5% of the vaccine lots caused 100% of the deaths. Read: there are many placebos out there.)



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As far as "taxing" an anti vaxxer, it would be based on how much money society pays for "anti vax" patients who used up hospital resources.

Trust me, being "anti vax" comes with thousands and thousands of dollars of care when an "anti vaxxer" gets sick

Would you also support taxing people based on their Body Mass Index? BMI above 29 = Taxed more?

78% of COVID-19 patients hospitalized in the US overweight or obese, CDC finds:

Having obesity may triple the risk of hospitalization due to a COVID-19 infection:

Just to keep on point, Nixie, would it be ethical to make fun of people if they are overweight if they die of covid?

If the answer is 'no' to this question, it should be no to the original question as well, in my opinion.
I don't necessarily see the subreddit as unethical. I see it as frustrated people hoping to bring attention to unnecessary deaths caused by misinformation. So they highlight the hubris of the deceased. Maybe a misguided way to warn people about the consequences of vaccine misinformation but I don't think that makes it unethical. They block out names and identities. If they didn't block out the identities that would make a big difference.

That's very different than someone dying with obesity comorbidities.
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