Ethical to mock the anti vax?

The clot shots almost killed my dad. 2 surgeries and more than a year of rehab later he can even drive again. They did kill a friend and 2 friends of friends.

I don't mock any of the victims, nor do I mock the people who so far haven't had adverse reactions. Mocking people for personal decisions is a rather low vibration way to conduct one's self.
The clot shots almost killed my dad. 2 surgeries and more than a year of rehab later he can even drive again. They did kill a friend and 2 friends of friends.

I don't mock any of the victims, nor do I mock the people who so far haven't had adverse reactions. Mocking people for personal decisions is a rather low vibration way to conduct one's self.

I'd wager that those who not only mock but force people to take it are straight up evil.
I'd wager that those who not only mock but force people to take it are straight up evil.

Authoritarian collectivism and it's related phenomenon group think, while a near perfect form of evil is a reflection of instinct in most people, and in most instances I would think most participants are unaware of this and have sincere delusions of virtue.

Global bioweapons, censorship and propaganda do not change the fundamentals and predictable outcomes of the basic factors at play.
I'd wager that those who not only mock but force people to take it are straight up evil.

We’ve got a good amount of mocking here in the USA, but thankfully, no one is being forced to get vaxxed.

Authoritarian collectivism and it's related phenomenon group think, while a near perfect form of evil is a reflection of instinct in most people, and in most instances I would think most participants are unaware of this and have sincere delusions of virtue.

Global bioweapons, censorship and propaganda do not change the fundamentals and predictable outcomes of the basic factors at play.

They would have to be incredibly dense to not realize what they are doing like neutron star levels of density as the affects on society as an whole have been wild for the past two going on three years between covid and the endless political issues. Can only think of it as dark personality traits coupled with malicious intent to undermine the current culture/society as an means to an end to force the populations to submit to totalitarianism. So far it all has gone sideways leaving very few options short of another world war and the collapse of the global economy but how long before that ends up being the case people can only guess but whatever happens the world will never be the same again.
I look at the biological, economic, psychological and now conventional world War being waged as a maturation process for our species. It's very much like a small child wanting to touch a hot burner, or one who refuses to stay out of the street being killed. Those who survive will learn. Those who can think will disobey, resist, and create better and very marketable alternatives.
I look at the biological, economic, psychological and now conventional world War being waged as a maturation process for our species. It's very much like a small child wanting to touch a hot burner, or one who refuses to stay out of the street being killed. Those who survive will learn. Those who can think will disobey, resist, and create better and very marketable alternatives.

Not maturation but rather something hostile to humanity as an whole be it to take it over and change it to its own ends but ultimately such changes are not human compatible while even nature ends up having the last laugh. On a deeper level what humanity is facing is a spiritual disease that exerts itself on a material level through toxic ideology and societal control to corrupt humanity into becoming something else entirely for which ultimately will fail be it through humanity waking up to push back or the whole thing burns down.
Being someone who believes in reincarnation, I believe we come here many times to learn lessons. I'm newer to understanding my INFJ type, but clearly nature had it planned that certain people would be more difficult to fool than others.

I make no assumption that our species won't go extinct out of narcissistic/co dependent stupidity, or any other reasons, but this sweeping attempt to enslave and cull the planet on unprecedented levels is nonetheless a significant opportunity to upgrade the planet's consciousness.
Ethical? Hell yeah. They should be shunned from civilised society let alone mocked.

Effective in changing their minds, or anyone's for that matter? No.

An interesting conversation based on this would be, if they do leave our society, and create their own isolated community, would it be ethical to intervene, or should they be left alone, provided there's children involved.
Yes an interesting conversation indeed. I had not considered this yet. Do think it would be best to kick the door in at 3AM (while statistically speaking most humans are asleep) or wait and catch them eating breakfast? You know you can count on kids being hungry in the morning but catching them sound asleep in their isolated community would have advantages. After all it was their own choice to remain as they are. Here's a thought, why not just include the use of trained dogs to be on the cautious side and help minimize exposure. I think that would make things go more smoothly and reduce risk to the hero's saving the children. Having said that can these people even be trusted to have isolated communities unsupervised? Should that even be allowed? This doesn't even address blood. What if they try to donate blood and it gets used on someone that is already fully vaxxed and boosted? What about the risk to those that have followed protocol? Maybe we can train some spec ops units whos sole mission is to vaxx everyone. Once they are vaxxed and tagged we know they are now safe can just release them back into the wild.
Yes an interesting conversation indeed. I had not considered this yet. Do think it would be best to kick the door in at 3AM (while statistically speaking most humans are asleep) or wait and catch them eating breakfast? You know you can count on kids being hungry in the morning but catching them sound asleep in their isolated community would have advantages. After all it was their own choice to remain as they are. Here's a thought, why not just include the use of trained dogs to be on the cautious side and help minimize exposure. I think that would make things go more smoothly and reduce risk to the hero's saving the children. Having said that can these people even be trusted to have isolated communities unsupervised? Should that even be allowed? This doesn't even address blood. What if they try to donate blood and it gets used on someone that is already fully vaxxed and boosted? What about the risk to those that have followed protocol? Maybe we can train some spec ops units whos sole mission is to vaxx everyone. Once they are vaxxed and tagged we know they are now safe can just release them back into the wild.

Some people are just evil those who's ideology revolves around controlling others while seeing the lives of others as having less value than their own if even not being human altogether as the case was for the Jews who had to suffer through the hell of Hitler's Europe. Bad people love to control others and live to control others as they are bullies but unlike the dumb brutes that terrorize the school yard they are true cowards requiring government and corporations to do their dirty work.
Some people are just evil those who's ideology revolves around controlling others while seeing the lives of others as having less value than their own if even not being human altogether as the case was for the Jews who had to suffer through the hell of Hitler's Europe. Bad people love to control others and live to control others as they are bullies but unlike the dumb brutes that terrorize the school yard they are true cowards requiring government and corporations to do their dirty work.


These are tools in tribalism, so people who feel worthless can try to convince the tribe that they are at least LOYAL, and perhaps in some way USEFUL to the tribe.

The difference between a tribe and a society is that a society encourages EVERYONE to be virtuous, using ethical means. Bad behaviour isn't rewarded, even if the bad behaviour is intended for the good of society.

These are tools in tribalism, so people who feel worthless can try to convince the tribe that they are at least LOYAL, and perhaps in some way USEFUL to the tribe.

The difference between a tribe and a society is that a society encourages EVERYONE to be virtuous, using ethical means. Bad behaviour isn't rewarded, even if the bad behaviour is intended for the good of society.

I agree. Well said Yeah

These are tools in tribalism, so people who feel worthless can try to convince the tribe that they are at least LOYAL, and perhaps in some way USEFUL to the tribe.

The difference between a tribe and a society is that a society encourages EVERYONE to be virtuous, using ethical means. Bad behaviour isn't rewarded, even if the bad behaviour is intended for the good of society.
Bad behaviour isn’t rewarded? You mean like bankers and hedge fund managers? Parasites in other words. Society is mostly upside down, the poor work harder on average to keep the rich rich.
I hope I haven’t misinterpreted what you meant.