Fallacious Argument Clinic | INFJ Forum

Fallacious Argument Clinic


Nov 17, 2017
The Roaring 20s
Can we argue in this thread with only fallacious, improper, and downright embarrassingly bad logic?

Its probably possible, therefore it is possible.

Don't challenge me on this topic, I'm an expert so all of you are automatically wrong when you disagree with me.
Can we argue in this thread with only fallacious, improper, and downright embarrassingly bad logic?

Its probably possible, therefore it is possible.

Don't challenge me on this topic, I'm an expert so all of you are automatically wrong when you disagree with me.
You're just spouting exactly what the central bank wants you to think. LIZARD PEOPLE. MONSANTO. MK-ULTRA. Watch these 20 unrelated youtube videos. If you don't understand, watch them two more times. Then watch them once more, but the 3rd time, I want you to really watch them.
Sure. It's all because of people saying the earth is round.

Why don't the people fall off the bottom of the earth? Gravity doesn't exist so you can't say that. It's true, I saw it in a video.

Also, when are they going to stop spreading chemicals that make our animals gay? I mean we need them to breed so we can eat. If it gets to the bees... I fear the worst. I saw contrails just the other day... I fear its only a matter of time before the world ends.

Ahem. The flat world.
You're just spouting exactly what the central bank wants you to think. LIZARD PEOPLE. MONSANTO. MK-ULTRA. Watch these 20 unrelated youtube videos. If you don't understand, watch them two more times. Then watch them once more, but the 3rd time, I want you to really watch them.
Thousands of people watching my unrelated YouTube videos proves our side is the best, because thousands of people can't be wrong.

I don't know anyone who believes what you believe, so it's not real.

Besides, I have a degree in philosophy, therefore I'm right.
Therapy doesn't help anybody and anybody who suggests therapy isn't trying to help somebody who could benefit from a totally normal and healthy activity but rather is making a malicious moral judgment meant to categorize a person as an evil misfit.
Therapy doesn't help anybody and
statement 1...this is a value judgement whose proof is taken as a given

anybody who suggests therapy isn't trying to help somebody who could benefit from
statement 2a...this appears to be the beginning of an ad hominem assault on a loose category of individuals
a totally normal and healthy activity
statement 2b...we really need come to agreement on "normal" and "healthy" to understand this
but rather is making a malicious moral judgment
statement 3..."got em!"
meant to categorize a person as an evil misfit.
conclusion....Ma'am @slant is arguing that the lazy basterds in her life need to put down the bon bons, get the fuck off the couch and shut the fuck up, also her therapist is creepy. NO FALLACY
According to this quote from me, I am right.

There's no longer a need for a clinic. We've discovered the nexus of rightness and all problems have been solved.
Clinic closed.
Self help is inherently flawed and wrong. I detest anyone who tries to improve yourself. You should just remain a fucked up piece of shit and cause chaos destruction all around you because that's who you are .

People are incapable of changing and people who do are going against their nature and fail.

None of us should ever try to progress. We should stay stuck, and constantly whine about it like it's somehow romantic to be in pain and never resolve your own issues.
Everything that everybody writes is secretly about me and I have the right to constantly call them our in public and accuse them of talking shit about me.
Childhood trauma isn't a thing. If you were abused just suck it the fuck up crybaby.

NOTHING that happened in the past impacts your future. All events are disconnected and you forget them the moment they happen. You will never be influenced by the past in your present decisions, that sounds like hippie new age bullshit. The truth is there is no past there is only now and you are created every second.

Looking into your past to understand yourself? Hooey! That makes no sense and is super stupid. In fact probably crazy.