Fallacious Argument Clinic

Wangaurdium Phallioso
Your argument is invalid
Remember that this meme used to be very popular?

I once enacted it in real life. The person I was with started arguing nonsense with me right outside my front door. I picked up the nearest cat, handed it to him and said "I have a cat. Your argument is invalid."
He was livid! Lol.
Then I went inside.
Remember that this meme used to be very popular?

I once enacted it in real life. The person I was with started arguing nonsense with me right outside my front door. I picked up the nearest cat, handed it to him and said "I have a cat. Your argument is invalid."
He was livid! Lol.
Then I went inside.

Y"all mofos need frog.

Remember that this meme used to be very popular?

I once enacted it in real life. The person I was with started arguing nonsense with me right outside my front door. I picked up the nearest cat, handed it to him and said "I have a cat. Your argument is invalid."
He was livid! Lol.
Then I went inside.

That shit won't fly anymore since they devised an even stronger counter-argument: no u