Fallacious Argument Clinic

Language is dynamic and arbitrary... Which means relevance of all previous posts have gone extinct.
My degree in geology makes me an expert in evolution.

I don't have a degree in geology :c
*waiting for @ruji to make a joke about hard rocks being hard*
The cat is sole basis for evaluations of "normal" and "healthy".
It's because no one has put "How can you have any pudding if you dont eat your meat...loaf" into the cunnilingus thread! It must be fixed if we are to survive.
Our best people are on it ma'am.


You're just spouting exactly what the central bank wants you to think. LIZARD PEOPLE. MONSANTO. MK-ULTRA. Watch these 20 unrelated youtube videos. If you don't understand, watch them two more times. Then watch them once more, but the 3rd time, I want you to really watch them.
I see you don't enthusiastically verbally support my views. I notice that potatoes also do not verbally support my view.

Therefore, you are a potato.

Why should anyone accept a potato's words over mine?