Permanent Fixture
just say sorry
Make your own choices, not from desperation, pleasure, etc, but from the most solid parts of yourself.
Give thought to the way you think and how your thought patterns changes your environment. How much of reality are you actually seeing?
Loki, I've read through all 5 pages of this post. Just send the darn thing. It'll flop like a fly in January, but you'll figure something out from sending it. I don't know what you'll learn but that's how it's done here on Earth. You screw up, screw up again, and then you learn a thing or two.
Dear Sarah
I have a few things I would like to say. I’m not very good at this sort of thing, but I’ll do my best. First, it was preposterous and wrong of me to imply that Angie had done anything worthy of blame or reproach when last I wrote to you. The truth is that I was hurt that she wouldn’t even let me tell her I was sorry. And I was too proud to admit it, so I scorned her instead. I’m sorry for this and for anything else I have done, said, or written that may have been perceived as disrespectful or critical.
I did what I did first semester because I had serious self-esteem issues. Angie made me feel alright about myself, and as you can imagine, I got a bit emotionally dependent on her as a result. Then, just when I had grown accustomed to her supplying me with the hope and self-esteem I couldn’t give myself, I drove her away. And then I just gave up. That was obviously very scary in the short term, but in the long term it meant that I had no choice but to do what I needed in order to get better. I wish I could thank her for refusing to be my crutch.
I think it was probably best that Angie and I didn’t speak during second semester, at least for the first half or so. I couldn’t see it at the time, but I was still dealing with stuff and figuring out who I am. She met me at a very strange time in my life. However, a lot’s changed since then. I sincerely hope we can be friends again at some point in future.
I want to be friends with Angie again in large part because I find it distracting, uncomfortable, and awkward to see people who I’m not on good terms with, let alone not on speaking terms. At the very least, I would very much like there to be peace between us.
But to be honest, the main reason is that I think she’s an interesting person, I admire her character, and I know that I can talk with her about things that actually interest me. Even at our school, it’s remarkably hard to find people who are into ideas, social-change, philosophy and what have you, who aren’t also completely insufferable in some way. I suppose I know a reasonable amount of them at this point, but not nearly enough for my liking. You can never have too many good people in your life.
Your friend,
The letter is too self focused - in this situation the use of "I" should be reserved for two sentences only: "I want Angie to know how how very grateful I am for how she helped me when I was down." & "I am very sorry for having abused her support, by dragging her into my problems."
Neither Angie nor Sarah need to read your explanations or qualifications about what happened. As for how you have changed, that should be evident from how your intentions have changed (which any INFJ can easily read in between the lines). Asserting that you have changed will only bring the fact into scruitiny.
what he said ^
If I were to read that, all I would see is a person trying to alleviate his own feelings of guilt, it seems to be quite a selfish letter, this isn't about you, why would she care for your justification? the actions that occurred hurt her, scared her and possibly traumatized her and all you're doing is saying ok, well, I did this because of this and ya know....although I don't blame you, it's technically your fault when it all comes down to it, upon receiving that letter (which I kinda doubt it'll even get to her) she will become nothing more than a ghost echoing from the distant depths of your memory and only used as a tool of comparison. A quest for absolution just isn't gonna cut it.
Try again, this time, she comes first, you are nothing more than a wrapping up side note. Also, you should have her letter separate to the little message to your friend asking if she could pass it on to the girl you hurt.
.....but thats just my opinion.
Dear Emily
Alternative view of forgiveness. Forgiveness isn't for the other's sake nor does it transfer between others. It always comes from the self for one self.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, I already gave that to myself a long time ago. I'm looking to get a friend back.
Possible jist from next quote from Loki said:It's been a/two weeks and I haven't got a reply yet
Possible jist from next quote from Loki said:She/herfriend sent me a no-go reply
Possible jist from next quote from Loki said:She replied/got_in_touch_with_me and wants to meet be again to patch things upWhoooo!!
I'm not looking for forgiveness, I already gave that to myself a long time ago. I'm looking to get a friend back.
I never said any of those supposed quotes you just attributed to me. Please don't do that ever again.
I am not angry at anyone, and I am not doing this for a crush.
Not getting a reply immediately is a good sign. At worst it shows that they haven't gotten around to dealing with it yet, which is more than understandable since it's the end of the summer. At best it means that they're taking some time to think it over, which is ideal.
Well, if they don't, just move on to another typeHow can I gain an INFJ's forgiveness after fucking up in a major way?
I messed up with an INFJ before, though not like this..
What I learned was that I had to be honest with her, and truly sorry.
That I had to be grateful for her friendship, and let her know that it meant alot to me to have her around.
Its just about really being honest, even at the risk of putting yourself out there. And not cause she will crush you, but rather cause there is a chance your actions just wont make a difference anymore.
second most important thing, is to give them time. You can't push your way into their lives, specially if you hurt them or did something to make them not trust you.
And on the chance they talk to you again, never ever get even slightly close to being the kind of person who hurt them ever again. They may forgive as they are capable of being amazing human beings, but they don't forget.
And it seems a bit late to say, but you have to work on yourself as a person. If you really care about this her it would be smarter to do that so as to not put her through an emotionally and mentally abusive situation again.
I know maybe that sounds a bit harsh and I don't mean any disrespect, but I think its important you realize you harmed your friend greatly. You might say that you realize it and jump up to defend yourself, but I read your letter. I noticed you aren't expressing remorse so much as you are expressing that you want to be friends. You were the one who messed up so you don't have the right to really ask for anything from her ever if you aren't technically asking.
If you were truely deeply sorry, you wouldn't be thinking about what you want, but of what would make this situation not so bad for her. I guess I could be wrong, but I seriously doubt that I am.
Anyway I hope I am wrong, and that you at some point stopped thinking about trying to get what you want and thought about what she might want.. you know gave up a little of your happiness and peace of mind so that she can have some.
But if you are gonna go and try to apologize, I'd try a simple "I wish she knew how sorry I am, she was a great friend and I really messed up. she didnt deserve that, specially not from me." or something short and honest. Dont excuse what you did, own up to it.
And don't go in with the reason of trying to pull her back into a freindship.. INFJ's are very intuitive folk and she will likely catch on.. if she sees another reason aside from really trying to apologize, she will think the apology isn't honest, but then again who wouldn't?
Maybe you feel like the worst person in the world for what you did, maybe you have in your mind excused yourself since you were likely going through a very tough time. Doesn't matter what your intentions are, its about doing the right thing dude. Its not right to try in finagle a relationship from a person who you hurt, and disguise it as an apology. It is okay to apologize deeply and admit fault, with out excusing it... be real.
If a friendship comes of it, great. If not, you have to be a good human being and let it be. Those are just my two cents (or more) though..
p.s. I know "let it be" can be a tough bit of advice to follow but this is where you have to fight your own nature for the sake of others. If none of this makes sense to you feel free to ignore it, but if even a shred of it makes sense, maybe it would be a good idea to try out the whole package on for size. Again, don't mean to insult you or give you a tough time, just sharing what I think... Luck dude.