Do we really need to open up another vein of discussion that men cat-call because women are purdy and men like that and want to have sex with them?
The thing is, women get cat-called regardless of what it is they look like or what they're wearing. I have seen little old ladies cat-called in the subway. I have been followed from one bus stop to the next by a man making rude hip thrusting gestures while I was looking like a god damn hobo. I also notice that a lot of bigger women get that kind of attention, albeit a lot ruder than the slimmer ones. Sometimes it is not a show of appreciation or sexual attraction. Sometimes it is a show of dominance.
I don't think the problem is at all cat-calling. When it is done respectfully, it is not more complicated or different than someone saying "Hey! I like your outfit!" alongside a smile. When its not done respectfully, it usually occurs in a context where it is OBVIOUS that someone would be uncomfortable. It is not any threat to the men's movement or a pushing of the feminist agenda to acknowledge that a woman would feel threatened when she's walking by herself in a less populated area and that maybe now is not a good time to announce your appreciation as it might frighten her. This is just common sense.
As for women being sexualized in the media, is it a contributing factor? I think it is, most definitely, and that is certainly a subject we can branch off into in another thread if you'd like and we can link it back here because it requires more discussion.
But as far as cat-calling itself is concerned, there's nothing wrong with people sharing their experiences and feelings about it. Maybe instead of defending a man's right to cat-call, we can consider, hey, okay a lot of my female friends on this forum aren't really comfortable with it in this context or because of a, b, and c. Maybe I'll think about before I wolf-whistle at a women next time while the rest of society figures out where all this hyper-sexualization and gender issues that are exploding all over the place right now.