How much water and liquids do you drink a day? | INFJ Forum

How much water and liquids do you drink a day?


Sep 5, 2009
I'm curious about the amount of water or liquids had per day, and what's the best or recommended rule to follow when deciding how much to drink everyday.

For example, I usually drink about 2-3 small bottles (10 fl oz each) of water per day. I usually drink one cup of coffee or tea in the morning and between lunch and dinner, I usually drink one or two small soda cans (7.5 fl oz each) or 1 bottle (20 fl oz each) of soda. And I sometimes drink 2 or 3 fruit juice boxes (7 fl oz each).

Edit: Sounds like a lot but this is not everyday. It varies.
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The last number of weeks I've been drinking 2-3 litres a day depending on what I've been doing. I've noticed a huge difference in my energy levels.

I slacked off the last 4 days or so and I feel like crap.
4L a day unless I'm very busy and want to avoid peeing

I find that the more I hydrate, the better my mental capacity is and the less tired I feel
^4 litres?!

I'd say around 2 litres of just water.
I also have smoothies for breakfast.
^4 litres?!

I'd say around 2 litres of just water.
I also have smoothies for breakfast.

yeah, you just reminded me that sometimes I've subbed smoothies for breakfast or sub them for sodas at lunch.
NOT ENOUGH! I'm trying to be more diligent about this. It helps when I drink from the Brita filtered water pitcher and add some lemon juice. I'm guessing I only drink about 1 liter a day, but that doesn't count my coffee in the morning or seltzer water (which could bump that number up to 2 liters.) I would like to drink around 3 liters per day.
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36 oz plus several tumblers of water when I'm at home.
I want to drink more fruit juices in place of sodas.
Carbonated water hits that spot.
My nutritionist always told me that I should drink half my weight in ounces in water.

So for example: 160 pounds in half is 80 ounces.

I only drink water, cold green tea, or almond milk. I rarely drink iced tea if I'm at a restaurant or I try not to drink coffee unless I need a lil boost.

I hate soda... hate hate hateeeeeeeeeeeee it. I hate anything that fizzles in my mouth.
I measured my actual consumption on Monday and it was actually closer to 6L; WTF I know, I didn't expect it. But then that day I was sitting at home and studying all day. That probably explains why I pee so much especially when I'm home alone. Sometimes I worry I have a problem with my bladder but really I'm just always thirsty and drink a lot. I estimate I would only drink like 4L on days when I'm too busy to drink stuff.
3-5 liters of Water per day. I like to stay hydrated all day.
i used to drink a lot more water when i had the filtration system. plus i was working out in the yard all the time so i always had a jug of water handy.
now most of my liquid is in the form of coffee and tea. i usually have three large coffees during the morning and in the evening i'll have a couple cups of tea. at bedtime i drink a glass of water to take my pills and have a glass by the bedside that the cat usually ends up drinking.
i guess i should drink more water huh?
2-3 liters is usually plenty. And it doesn't necessarily have to be all water. Coffee and sodas do count, it's only in large quantities that they would be considered diuretics, or if your body isn't used to them. Of course, that doesn't mean you should live off of coffee and soda, but the claim that they don't count towards your daily intake is a myth. You also get quite a bit of water from foods you're eating.

@Maven- I know fruit juices seem like a healthier option to sodas but the sugar content is still very high and should only be consumed in small quantities. If you're after the nutrients from the fruit, you're better off just eating it. Vegetable juices that you juice yourself would be a better alternative (less sugar and the processed veg juices like V8 are full of salt) and you can add some fruit juice in to improve the taste. You could also try water mixed with those low-cal flavoring packets if you need some flavor, or flavored waters, just be mindful of the sugar content.
I drink a minimum of a half gallon of water a day, sometimes more, but hardly less. The only other beverage I really drink is red wine :becky: Sometimes I might have a hot chocolate (yum). I also drink protein/fruit shakes but I don't count them as liquids, they're more like food. I can't drink carbonated drinks. I've never liked them, even when I was a kid. Coffee and tea make me nervous, but I will have an iced tea sometimes in restaurants.
around 3 liters. Google tells me that's about 3/4ths a gallon (.7925 gal.)
I'd say a good 2L of water per day. Love putting fresh cut up fruits into my water, especially lemon. Also a huge tea drinker...

No soda for me.

Red wine once in awhile. Same with black coffee. Also drink skim, almond milk, and Kambucha when I'm needing that "carbonation" fix.
Hey Maven,

The thing about Fruit Juice vs Sodas....Well.. If you're doing that for the sake of your teeth.. Unfortunately..... It appears that fruit juices are worse for teeth then soft drinks ( sodas).... Especially the example of Orange Juice vs Cola..

Put it too the test;

Get some metal staples.
Orange Juice, and Cola.
Make up a cup of each ( or less if you don't want to waste much.. Maybe half a cup..?)
Put an equal amount of staples in each cup... But it is probably best to just use one staple in each I guess.
Leave overnight in a SAFE LOCATION away from anybody who may accidently drink it!!!! Preferrably clearly marked not for drinking.. But especially OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN!!
Or Leave for a full 24hours..Or check after over night and then after 24 hours and see..
Observe the results...

For the sake of the thread; I used to drink more water then I have been lately. However I have been drinking much more tea then I used too. Mostly herbal teas so I am not maintaining a high caffeine intake.
I drink maybe about 1Litre of fresh water a day, and about anywhere between 5-10 cups of tea ( 1.25L - 2.5L ). note: Teas are mostly decaffinated or caffeine free. I may only have one drink/cup of fully caffinated beverage a day ( cola, tea or coffee)

The rest of my daily required hydration I get just like everybody else; from the food I eat. =)
I drink 12 to 16 glasses of the water and liquid daily.
I think this quantity of the water is enough to fulfill the body needs.
People here drink way too much water.

Drinking more does not influence the rate at which toxins are excreted. It only influences the dilution of toxins in urine.

As for "staying hydrated", the difference in hydration levels on any day, whether you drink half a liter, or six liters is negligible.

Any reported subjective differences I attribute to placebo effect.