If life gives you...

work at accomplishing it (lol unless you mean "dream" as in sleep, then enjoy it)

If life gives you someone worth missing
tell them you appreciate them

if life gives you drab weather
Put on rain gear and let your inner light shine on a mountain in the wilderness.

If life gives you hopeful longing for someone...
..."Put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up."

If life gives you an awkward conversation...
try to make it end better later.

If life gives you unanswered questions,
take out time for your Dad.

If life gives you five hundred bucks
I Would buy Windows 8 64 bit, so i can play The Wicher 3 which i bought but cant play cause of 32 bit.
Then buy my Mother roses, chocolate and a dinner for two cause she desevers it.

If life gives you one day to live
If life gives you one day to live with no pain, jump for joy.

If life gives you only one game to play, you would rather
...make sure you love and support them right back.

If life gives you a pretty sundress...
Wear it with some nice sunglasses.

If life gives you a little bird...
Have hope and tap your inner strength to see it through.

If life gives you an unreachable itch...
embrace it.

If life gives you a miracle,
rebuke it.

If life gives you calm seas