You see honestly this makes no sense to me. Assuming this is an apparition what is it doing? Is it trying to scare you? If so why? Does it know its face is being contorted, is it a defense mechanism, if so why does an apparition feel it needs a defense mechanism much less know how to use it?
My response would be to try and capture it instantly. I would attempt to tackle it, upon success I would demand answers from it. Assuming I did not have success in capturing it I would still demand answers by yelling at the surrounding area demanding answers trying to provoke it into giving them.

That comment in the article you posted about many scientists wanting to believe that we are all machines is interesting and reminded me of the recent film DIVERGENCE where society is split into 5 factiosn depending on their personality types. The scientific group is called 'Erudite' and they end up trying to take things over and treat everyone as robots!

I think there is somethign about logic heavy personality types that they veer towards machines rather than humans

This most definately has consequences for our society

This film is more than likely to be the reality of our discovery in the near future.
Scientist are, right now as I type, working on uploading a human mind into a computer.
I believe, just as some in that movie believed that this would be very detrimental to the human would end it as a matter of fact.
We aren’t talking just adding a chip in our head to store more memories or jack into the virtual world...we are talking the discarding of all our biological material (namely our bodies) and forever “living” in a machine body. Which brings up the question of a “soul”, if you believe we have one...will it still be there? What happens in the moment our brain is mapped and transferred to the our consciousness indeed moving to the new one or is it in fact just a copy?
Or, once something has that amount of intelligence and reasoning, does it in turn contain a “soul”?
And what of the human race to come? It would eliminate all reason to procreate as we would never die...we would not be susceptible to disease (unless you count computer viruses, which could be a very real possibility), we wouldn’t even need gender identity anymore as we could switch from a male to a female robot at will...or even become a “superhero” depending on the abilities of our avatar.
If you saw this in real life. What would be your reaction? depends on if this random woman was standing in my dark hallway or if I knew what it was already.
You see honestly this makes no sense to me. Assuming this is an apparition what is it doing? Is it trying to scare you? If so why? Does it know its face is being contorted, is it a defense mechanism, if so why does an apparition feel it needs a defense mechanism much less know how to use it?
My response would be to try and capture it instantly. I would attempt to tackle it, upon success I would demand answers from it. Assuming I did not have success in capturing it I would still demand answers by yelling at the surrounding area demanding answers trying to provoke it into giving them.

I would try to make out with her...look at those sexy lips!
This film is more than likely to be the reality of our discovery in the near future.
Scientist are, right now as I type, working on uploading a human mind into a computer.
I believe, just as some in that movie believed that this would be very detrimental to the human would end it as a matter of fact.
We aren’t talking just adding a chip in our head to store more memories or jack into the virtual world...we are talking the discarding of all our biological material (namely our bodies) and forever “living” in a machine body. Which brings up the question of a “soul”, if you believe we have one...will it still be there? What happens in the moment our brain is mapped and transferred to the our consciousness indeed moving to the new one or is it in fact just a copy?
Or, once something has that amount of intelligence and reasoning, does it in turn contain a “soul”?
And what of the human race to come? It would eliminate all reason to procreate as we would never die...we would not be susceptible to disease (unless you count computer viruses, which could be a very real possibility), we wouldn’t even need gender identity anymore as we could switch from a male to a female robot at will...or even become a “superhero” depending on the abilities of our avatar.

If you read future of the mind, it is suggested and believed that perhaps with in your life time, people will be able to share each others thoughts. By recording them and then playing them like a a dvd in a different mind. The movie "Brainstorm" come to life. Something I thought would never be possible.
If you read future of the mind, it is suggested and believed that perhaps with in your life time, people will be able to share each others thoughts. By recording them and then playing them like a a dvd in a different mind. The movie "Brainstorm" come to life. Something I thought would never be possible.
Crazy isn’t it?!
I know that they have already developed the ability to visualize a picture that a subject is looking at using a type of MRI machine.
If they could figure out how to clear up the picture and put that kind of tech in someone’s pocket then we would effectively be able to instantaneously “see” what that person is thinking. This could be good or bad...I’m leaning toward bad, since people will learn to abuse steal blackmail people. The government and cops will use it to control and intimidate us...the advertisers will use it to tailor ad directly at us. Ugh...let’s hope it never gets used for such purposes.
Crazy isn’t it?!
I know that they have already developed the ability to visualize a picture that a subject is looking at using a type of MRI machine.
If they could figure out how to clear up the picture and put that kind of tech in someone’s pocket then we would effectively be able to instantaneously “see” what that person is thinking. This could be good or bad...I’m leaning toward bad, since people will learn to abuse steal blackmail people. The government and cops will use it to control and intimidate us...the advertisers will use it to tailor ad directly at us. Ugh...let’s hope it never gets used for such purposes.

Yes, there is always good and bad to be had with all technology. Such is what it means to be human. Perhaps with the internet though that allows broad communication between the "normal" folk we can ultimate direct where we end up. We shall see.

In this remarkable video we see a demonstration of the process that reality and form come into manifestation. Through the connections made by various Toroidal Fields, we can map out the process from Spirit, into Matter, and back again.With proper research, this information can be used to build technology which could tap into the universal flow of energy, and create free energy for everyone… Perhaps even more exciting, it could even be a fundamental piece to unlocking the true human potential.

This representation make so much sense to me.... I don't know how to explain it....but I know this to be truth.

The pinpoint of life directly in the middle of the torus vortex is the "Still Point"....the "Zero Point"....that many others are trying to describe. This is the point of manifestation and magic within each and every human being.

Regarding the Merkaba: Bashar says when we are able to rotate our upper tetrahedron clockwise while simultaneously rotating our lower tetrahedron counter-clockwise - we will access the center point. I was able to do this for a few moments the other night and I was completely astonished at seeing and feeling the energy fields swirling around me. Then of course my rational mind woke up and began to analyze and interpret it all and it vanished. It needs more training on how to keep quiet.... hahahahahaha...
This representation make so much sense to me.... I don't know how to explain it....but I know this to be truth.

The pinpoint of life directly in the middle of the torus vortex is the "Still Point"....the "Zero Point"....that many others are trying to describe. This is the point of manifestation and magic within each and every human being.

Regarding the Merkaba: Bashar says when we are able to rotate our upper tetrahedron clockwise while simultaneously rotating our lower tetrahedron counter-clockwise - we will access the center point. I was able to do this for a few moments the other night and I was completely astonished at seeing and feeling the energy fields swirling around me. Then of course my rational mind woke up and began to analyze and interpret it all and it vanished. It needs more training on how to keep quiet.... hahahahahaha...

This is really interesting.
[MENTION=10252]say what[/MENTION]

A Neuroscientist Explains How Meditation Changes Your Brain

Do you struggle, like me, with monkey-mind? Is your brain also a little unsettled, restless, capricious, whimsical, fanciful, inconstant, confused, indecisive, or uncontrollable? That’s the definition of “monkey mind” I’ve been given!
If you need more motivation to take up this transformative practice, neuroscience research has shown that meditation and mindfulness training can cause neuroplastic changes to the gray matter of your brain.

A group of Harvard neuroscientists interested in mindfulness meditation have reported that brain structures change after only eight weeks of meditation practice.
Sara Lazar, Ph.D., the study’s senior author, said in a press release,
“Although the practice of meditation is associated with a sense of peacefulness and physical relaxation, practitioners have long claimed that meditation also provides cognitive and psychological benefits that persist throughout the day.”
To test their idea the neuroscientists enrolled 16 people in an eight-week mindfulness-based stress reduction course. The course promised to improve participants’ mindfulness and well-being, and reduce their levels of stress.

Everyone received audio recordings containing 45-minute guided mindfulness exercises (body scan, yoga, and sitting meditation) that they were instructed to practice daily at home. And to facilitate the integration of mindfulness into daily life, they were also taught to practice mindfulness informally in everyday activities such as eating, walking, washing the dishes, taking a shower, and so on. On average, the meditation group participants spent an average of 27 minutes a day practicing some form of mindfulness.

Magnetic resonance images (MRI scans) of everyone’s brains were taken before and after they completed the meditation training, and a control group of people who didn’t do any mindfulness training also had their brains scanned.After completing the mindfulness course, all participants reported significant improvement in measures of mindfulness, such as “acting with awareness” and“non-judging.”

What was startling was that the MRI scans showed that mindfulness groups increased gray matter concentration within the left hippocampus, the posterior cingulate cortex, the temporo-parietal junction, and the cerebellum. Brain regions involved in learning and memory, emotion regulation, sense of self, and perspective taking!
Britta Hölzel, the lead author on the paper says,

“It is fascinating to see the brain’s plasticity and that, by practicing meditation, we can play an active role in changing the brain and can increase our well-being and quality of life.”
Sarah Lazar also noted,
“This study demonstrates that changes in brain structure may underlie some of these reported improvements and that people are not just feeling better because they are spending time relaxing.”


This is awesome! Thank you!

I suffer from Monkey Brain! Always have! I've noticed though, it's settled so much since meditation- and even moreso, I've noticed that the period after meditation is significantly more powerful than before.

I'm looking into going away on a local retreat! I can't imagine how a weekend retreat of meditation would change me and my life!

It's weird- meditation feels like when you wipe the steam off the mirror after a hot shower, and you can see yourself again! You never notice how steamy it really is, until you try to find yourself in the mirror, and you can't - that's like life!
This is awesome! Thank you!

I suffer from Monkey Brain! Always have! I've noticed though, it's settled so much since meditation- and even moreso, I've noticed that the period after meditation is significantly more powerful than before.

I'm looking into going away on a local retreat! I can't imagine how a weekend retreat of meditation would change me and my life!

It's weird- meditation feels like when you wipe the steam off the mirror after a hot shower, and you can see yourself again! You never notice how steamy it really is, until you try to find yourself in the mirror, and you can't - that's like life!

Is it going to be a Silent Retreat? If so....get ready for some huge realizations about your intuition and multi-sensing abilities.

I'm excited to hear what you have to say after returning. :)
I have been meaning to post something about this guy’s NDE...some have called him a big fake, you can judge for’s a pretty good article and video I found about him...enjoy!

Readers Join Doctor’s Journey to the Afterworld’s Gates
By Jennifer Taylor for The New York Times

For years Dr. Eben Alexander III had dismissed near-death revelations of God and heaven as explainable by the hard wiring of the human brain. He was, after all, a neurosurgeon with sophisticated medical training.

Dr. Eben Alexander III

But then in 2008 Dr. Alexander contracted bacterial meningitis. The deadly infection soaked his brain and sent him into a deep coma.
During that week, as life slipped away, he now says, he was living intensely in his mind. He was reborn into a primitive mucky Jell-o-like substance and then guided by “a beautiful girl with high cheekbones and deep blue eyes” on the wings of a butterfly to an “immense void” that is both “pitch black” and “brimming with light” coming from an “orb” that interprets for an all-loving God.

Dr. Alexander, 58, was so changed by the experience that he felt compelled to write a book, “Proof of Heaven,” that recounts his experience. He knew full well that he was gambling his professional reputation by writing it, but his hope is that his expertise will be enough to persuade skeptics, particularly medical skeptics, as he used to be, to open their minds to an afterworld.

Dr. Alexander acknowledged that tales of near-death experiences that reveal a bright light leading to compassionate world beyond are as old as time and by now seem trite. He is aware that his version of heaven is even more psychedelic than most – the butterflies, he explained, were not his choice, and anyway that was his “gateway” and not heaven itself.

Still, he said, he has a trump card: Having trained at Duke University and taught and practiced as a surgeon at Harvard, he knows brain science as well as anyone. And science, he said, cannot explain his experience.
“During my coma my brain wasn’t working improperly,” he writes in his book. “It wasn’t working at all.”
Simon & Schuster, which released the book on Oct. 23, is betting that it can appeal to very different but potentially lucrative audiences: those interested in neuroscience and those interested in mystical experiences. Already Dr. Alexander has been a guest on “The Dr. Oz Show” and is scheduled to appear as the sole guest of an hourlong special with Oprah Winfrey on Sunday.

“This book covers topics that are of interest to a lot of people: consciousness, near death, and heaven,” said Priscilla Painton, the executive editor at Simon & Schuster, who acquired the book.
The company took the unusual step of releasing the book in hardcover, paperback and e-book format, so it could simultaneously sell to a wider range of readers – at Walmarts and grocery stores as well as independent bookstores and online. It rose instantly to No. 1 on The New York Times’s paperback best-seller list and is there again for next week.

Ms. Painton would not elaborate on what type of audience the book had attracted so far, but she did say she expected it to continue to be a big seller. The publisher has printed nearly one million copies, combined hardcover and paperback, to be snapped up at airports and as stocking stuffers at big retailers like Target. Another 78,000 digital copes have been sold.

In a recent interview at the Algonquin Hotel lobby in Manhattan, however, Dr. Alexander made it clear that he was less interested in appealing to religious “believers,” even though they had been a core audience for similar books.
He rejected the idea that readers of his book would be the same as those who bought “Heaven Is for Real,” a 2010 mega best-seller about a preacher’s son who sat on Jesus’ lap during a near-death experience.

“It is totally different,” he insisted. “Those who believed in heaven when they read the book were not happy. They didn’t like the title. They say, ‘This is not scientific proof.’ ”
In fact, he said, “Proof of Heaven” was not his idea for a title. He preferred “An N of One,” a reference to medical trials in which there is only a single patient.
Wearing a yellow bow tie, Dr. Alexander talked about his career and his years at Harvard, sounding every bit the part of a doctor one might trust to drill open skulls and manipulate their contents.

He left Harvard in 2001, he said, because he was tired of “medical politics.” In 2006 he moved to Lynchburg, Va., where he did research on less invasive forms of brain surgery through focused X-rays and digital scanners. Then the meningitis felled him.
After recovering, he originally planned to write a scientific paper that would explain his intensely vivid recollections. But after consulting the existing literature and talking extensively to other colleagues in the field he decided no scientific explanation existed.

“My entire neocortex – the outer surface of the brain, the part that makes us human – was entirely shut down, inoperative,” he said.
He hesitated nevertheless. It took him two years, he said, to even use the word God in discussing his experience. But then he felt an obligation to all those dealing with near-death experience, and particularly to his fellow doctors. He felt compelled to let them know.

So far he has spoken at the Lynchburg hospital, where he was treated, and said he has been invited to address a group of neurosurgeons at Stanford.
But these invitations, he acknowledged, do not mean that his theory is gaining ground among doctors. In private conversations, he said, very few of his colleagues offered counterarguments. Some agreed with his conclusion that science could not explain what he saw, but none of them were willing to be named in his book.
Other former colleagues reached for comment were not convinced. Dr. Martin Samuels, chairman of the neurology department at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a Harvard teaching affiliate, remembered Dr. Alexander as a competent neurosurgeon. But he said: “There is no way to know, in fact, that his neocortex was shut down. It sounds scientific, but it is an interpretation made after the fact.”

“My own experience,” Dr. Samuels added, “is that we all live in virtual reality, and the brain is the final arbiter. The fact that he is a neurosurgeon is no more relevant than if he was a plumber.”
Dr. Alexander shrugs off such analysis. He still hopes to tour “major medical centers and hospices and nursing homes,” he said, to relate his experience in distinctly medical environments.
His messages to those who deal with dying is one of relief. “Our spirit is not dependent on the brain or body,” he said. “It is eternal, and no one has one sentence worth of hard evidence that it isn’t.”


I love this. To me, this makes me feel that he's genuinely trying to share (not sell) his experience to people. I would rather him have kept his original title - did his publishers make him change it? It's so unfortunate because his title is so 'sciencey' and I love it!!! It highlights that it's a case study, rather than 'proof'! I hope the publishing company doesn't take away the fantastic knowledge that could be gained from his experience! depends on if this random woman was standing in my dark hallway or if I knew what it was already.

I would try to make out with her...look at those sexy lips!

I don't know! She looks like a man eater to me!
Is it going to be a Silent Retreat? If so....get ready for some huge realizations about your intuition and multi-sensing abilities.

I'm excited to hear what you have to say after returning. :)

I'm thinking about it! Just in the process of finding one for beginners in my area! Most of them seem to be for people who want to practice self-guided meditation! I'd like to do group/guided meditation- but maybe that would defeat a "silent retreat" purpose!
You see honestly this makes no sense to me. Assuming this is an apparition what is it doing? Is it trying to scare you? If so why? Does it know its face is being contorted, is it a defense mechanism, if so why does an apparition feel it needs a defense mechanism much less know how to use it?
My response would be to try and capture it instantly. I would attempt to tackle it, upon success I would demand answers from it. Assuming I did not have success in capturing it I would still demand answers by yelling at the surrounding area demanding answers trying to provoke it into giving them.

I wonder if it's not a defense mechanism- perhaps just how they look and function! Perhaps they're not trying to scare you- maybe they're just communicating with us.

Some people believe spirits and entities live off our energy. I do wonder if our energy changes when we're scared/angry/depressed, and that they want that energy instead of happy loving energy! They may need this energy to be able to exist in the living world...which then makes me question if they are actually physical- could you tackle/hold it? Or would you simply go through it?
I wonder if it's not a defense mechanism- perhaps just how they look and function! Perhaps they're not trying to scare you- maybe they're just communicating with us.

Some people believe spirits and entities live off our energy. I do wonder if our energy changes when we're scared/angry/depressed, and that they want that energy instead of happy loving energy! They may need this energy to be able to exist in the living world...which then makes me question if they are actually physical- could you tackle/hold it? Or would you simply go through it?

So perhaps people seeing what they reflect or think they should see instead of what may really be there? :):D

What really may be there is energy, energy that is used by the perceiver to create.

Tackle and hold, given if it really was an apparition I was experiencing, likely not. However if creation is possible because of energy, perhaps so. :)