OO!! Super interesting point!

A being that wishes to hide itself from those that can perceive it by bringing forth their fears? ...
[MENTION=10252]say what[/MENTION] + other forum members.. :)

Briefly to finish this thought. Maybe it’s good book material. A being consciously or unconsciously who uses a defense mechanism manifesting peoples fears to drive them away or distract them…

Consider that scientists can only account for 5% of the matter it takes to make the universe work. That means we are the minority, that whatever the other 95% of the stuff we cant see is the majority. Perhaps we are the “ghosts” to the real inhabitants of the universe and they have reason to want to hide from us.
[MENTION=10252]say what[/MENTION] + other forum members.. :)

Briefly to finish this thought. Maybe it’s good book material. A being consciously or unconsciously who uses a defense mechanism manifesting peoples fears to drive them away or distract them…

Consider that scientists can only account for 5% of the matter it takes to make the universe work. That means we are the minority, that whatever the other 95% of the stuff we cant see is the majority. Perhaps we are the “ghosts” to the real inhabitants of the universe and they have reason to want to hide from us.

I like that idea! I think it could be truth to it! Somewhere on here I mentioned, kind of like what you're saying but slightly different, ghosts might also be use seeing another 'universe' or 'dimension'. Given that we don't know all that is out there, perhaps this is correct- that there are things/beings out there that believe that we're ghosts! Maybe I'm scaring someone right now!!!

*screams BOO*
I've been following black eye kids (BEK) for a few years now (since 2008)...I get creeped out every time I hear a story about them!

Encounter With Black Eyed Kids Terrifies Airman on Texas Military Base


I think it’s a pretty good bet that no creature terrified people more in 2013 than the Black Eyed Kids, and with good reason. Encounters with the spooky children have grown from a creepy tale whispered about on internet message boards to major plot points in Hollywood films, begging the question – are the BEK’s the new Bigfoot? While that remains to be seen, the stories of personal run-ins with the Black Eyed Kids keep racking up in our inbox.. and our nightmares.

Take the following account sent in to us from an airman at a Texas military base. It’s one thing to scare a woman alone in her home, but to terrify a trained military man on base? That only goes to show how frightening these kids really are. Buckle up, this story is a good one.


I’m a 6’7″, 260 lb airman who was prior Special Forces. About a month ago, while stationed at a base in Texas that I will not disclose, I was up drinking a beer when I heard a knock on my dorm door. I got up outta bed thinking it was my pissmate, and since we have “Jack and Jill” styled bathrooms connecting our rooms, I opened our bathroom door and there was nothing. Being confused as hell, I heard this sharp rapping on my door again so I look out my peep hole.

Now the hole, being quite settled halfway down the door, I had to bend down to look through it. Standing there in front of me was a boy who looked about 17 or 18 at the most. I asked “what’s up”, and he looked up with a smile that I can only describe as partially cruel and hungry looking. With a gaunt face, the boy asked me if he could use my phone. I said, “sorry Bud, I’m about to go to sleep so try the SP building across the parking lot”. I closed the door, thinking nothing of it.

He knocked again, and I walked over to my window, this time to intimidate the boy into leaving me be. I pulled my blinds up and looked straight at him. He looked up at me. I’d say he was only 5’9″ and about 140 lbs.. real gaunt and frail looking guy. Believe me when I say I don’t scare easily, but something about him made me feel uneasy as all hell.

He looked up at me and asked if he could come in again and then I saw his eyes.. they were empty looking coals and a smile crept to his mouth – that same hungry predatory smile – and I felt goosebumps on my legs and back. Something wasn’t right. I said, “I’m going to tell you one more time before I kick your ass to get lost.” I turned around to get my phone and looked back and he was gone.

The only thing that I cant help but shake is the feeling that I’d seen him somewhere before.

In Pennsylvania, two years before that night, I was working in a gas station. Late one night I was working a 11-7 shift in late October, still in highschool, when I saw him walk across a four lane highway to our pumps and stare at me and my brother who were outside smoking a cigarette. My brother yelled over to him asking if he needed anything, and it was that same reply.. he needed to use our phone. My brother told him it was behind the counter and he can’t use it, but the kid kept on coming closer. We went inside and he stood in front of the shop glass, and he just knocked for about five or so minutes until my brother got a bat and went outside.

He said the same thing I did… that the kid had a white face and black eyes. I’m uneasy about this. I shouldn’t be terrified like this.


Sweet dreams!


EDIT: I wish I hadn't have picked this story, as, reading through the comments- it's clear that this one might be a dud! BUT, this comment in on the article kind of creeped me out!

Im glad someone here has the good sense to not let one story ruin the credibility of them all. I personally sit in the camp believing these entities to be a bit more earthbound. The key piece that makes this distinction for me is the tie ins with many aspects of old world folklore. An alien hybrid probably doesn’t need my permission to enter my home. I would also assume they would go for someone a bit more high profile than say a suburban soccer mom or an elderly couple in the middle of no where. It just doesn’t make sense from a tactical standpoint to do things that way. In my personal studies of many of these cases the normal pattern of actions can be seen easily, yet there is also a pattern of adaptation at hand. I read a report that involved a BEK that appeared to be a 20 year old female. This would make for the oldest subject I personally have read of. The mode of attack is changing. Now they will attempt to persuade multiple members of a household from different entrances. They use older subjects. The 20 year old female mentioned above spoke to the husband in the back yard while two BEK children approached the wife out front. This suggests they have begun to learn what psychological and primal needs our species follows. In this example they prayed on the male instinct to attract a female and the wife’s natural disposition to help a child. If the tales are to be believed what we are looking at here seems to me to be a physical paranormal entity taking on the role as our natural predator. Thanks for your patience with the long post.
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I'm thinking about it! Just in the process of finding one for beginners in my area! Most of them seem to be for people who want to practice self-guided meditation! I'd like to do group/guided meditation- but maybe that would defeat a "silent retreat" purpose!

The four day one I went to was led by a teacher from California, Howard Cohn. We meditated for 45 minutes...took a 10 minute break....then did a 45 minute walking meditation...repeat till lunch. Then begin again until dinner. After dinner Howard answered questions and gave teachings until time for bed. We never talked from 9pm Thursday night till noon on Sunday at our final lunch together. Was an amazing experience for me to keep my mouth shut and eyes down whenever people walked by. I learned quite a bit about myself including how developed my intuition was about others even though I wasn't "looking" or talking to anyone.

On the other hand - guided group meditations can very expansive as well. I've not attended a retreat like that. I have, however, meditated in groups for years and years and that too was very expansive for me.

So go where your heart leads you....your heart knows what you need.
[MENTION=10252]say what[/MENTION] Well I dont want to discount anything but consider. The relevance of black eyes...why. Why would any animal have them to include humans. Second you can buy contacts that give you any color eyes you want. If I was much younger, had the money etc..this sounds like something I would do. Walk around at 1 in the morning and mess with random people.
I wonder if it's not a defense mechanism- perhaps just how they look and function! Perhaps they're not trying to scare you- maybe they're just communicating with us.

Some people believe spirits and entities live off our energy. I do wonder if our energy changes when we're scared/angry/depressed, and that they want that energy instead of happy loving energy! They may need this energy to be able to exist in the living world...which then makes me question if they are actually physical- could you tackle/hold it? Or would you simply go through it?

This film is more than likely to be the reality of our discovery in the near future.
Scientist are, right now as I type, working on uploading a human mind into a computer.
I believe, just as some in that movie believed that this would be very detrimental to the human race...it would end it as a matter of fact.
We aren’t talking just adding a chip in our head to store more memories or jack into the virtual world...we are talking the discarding of all our biological material (namely our bodies) and forever “living” in a machine body. Which brings up the question of a “soul”, if you believe we have one...will it still be there? What happens in the moment our brain is mapped and transferred to the robot...is our consciousness indeed moving to the new one or is it in fact just a copy?
Or, once something has that amount of intelligence and reasoning, does it in turn contain a “soul”?
And what of the human race to come? It would eliminate all reason to procreate as we would never die...we would not be susceptible to disease (unless you count computer viruses, which could be a very real possibility), we wouldn’t even need gender identity anymore as we could switch from a male to a female robot at will...or even become a “superhero” depending on the abilities of our avatar.

I'm just throwing out ideas here...

There is a 'transhumanism' movement which is about mergin people with machines. Adherents to this movement see it as evolution

For example if humanity is to forge out into space then one of the major barriers to that is our fragile human body. Imagine if we could map our brains onto a computer and that computer was mounted into a virtually indestructable robot frame

To me that sounds like a nightmare but some see that as the future

People like Kaku say that the internet is a global telephone service. He basically wants a world government and has said anyone who resists that is a 'terrorist!'

But the internet is like the synapses of a giant brain wrapping itself around the world. More and more devices are controlled by wireless and more and more drones are being produced, many with military applications. There are 'smart' meters being put in to peoples homes controlled by wifi and more and more household appliance are being controlled by computers as well as cars. Also biometrics are going to play a bigger and bigger part in our lives.

Also artificial intelligence is being created. So what happens when AI is then plugged into the internet or even if it finds its own way onto the internet? It will then be able to control pretty much everything in our world

Concernign the entities you mention. Lets say that they exist in another dimension and that we are able to access that dimension through dreams or altered states of consciousness for example the astral plane. What if entities from that dimension want to manifest into our physical realm so that they can actually physically control things here.

What would be the best way for them to do that? Well they could energetically synch with the energy field of people (known in religious terms as 'posession') and they could thatway use the bodies of some people as vehicles to do their bidding (like a golum)

Some people might even have a better predisposition for synching and such people might be interbred to create bloodlines that are very good at synching with the inter dimensional beings

But lets say the interdimensional beings wanted to control things on another level again. The best way to do that would through technology that doesn;t have the limitations of the human body. They would use their human avatars to build a giant network around the world and make the world entirely dependant on that network. they would build drone armies and they would create a surveillance state and they would digitise currency and make people as dependant on technology as possible

Also they would wage war against the human population by attacking their bodies covertly through various means for example RF frequency radio waves, radiation spills, geoengineering (terraforming to create an environment hostile to humans), food additives, toxified vaccines, flouridated water and of course they would drive as many wedges between people as they could keeping them constantly fussing and fighting (to quote Bob)
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You see honestly this makes no sense to me. Assuming this is an apparition what is it doing? Is it trying to scare you? If so why? Does it know its face is being contorted, is it a defense mechanism, if so why does an apparition feel it needs a defense mechanism much less know how to use it?
My response would be to try and capture it instantly. I would attempt to tackle it, upon success I would demand answers from it. Assuming I did not have success in capturing it I would still demand answers by yelling at the surrounding area demanding answers trying to provoke it into giving them.

Well animals make intimidating faces all the time as an offensive or defensive mechanism. Humans do too even.

Even cats use their entire body - they turn sideways and arch their back and fluff up to appear huge when they're defending what they think is their place.

Also in Shinto folklore for example, kami, or spirits, are considered to be of two primary minds: each kami has an ara-mitama aspect and a nigi-mitama aspect. These are the two souls of kami. Nigi-mitama is the gentle and benevolent soul and ara-mitama is the vengeful and malevolent soul. Many kami often first appear with their ara-mitama aspect, they can be fierce and angry spirits but if one placates them and respects them, they become nigi-mitama, they become protectors and benefactors.
[MENTION=10252]say what[/MENTION] Well I dont want to discount anything but consider. The relevance of black eyes...why. Why would any animal have them to include humans. Second you can buy contacts that give you any color eyes you want. If I was much younger, had the money etc..this sounds like something I would do. Walk around at 1 in the morning and mess with random people.

They might not be human or animal! Considering we know very little about what's out there...could they not be something using the human body?
[MENTION=10252]say what[/MENTION] Well I dont want to discount anything but consider. The relevance of black eyes...why. Why would any animal have them to include humans. Second you can buy contacts that give you any color eyes you want. If I was much younger, had the money etc..this sounds like something I would do. Walk around at 1 in the morning and mess with random people.

Why does a peacock have a giant tail display full of 'eyes'?

Also black eyes aren't really that weird. Some horses are noted to have them for example - in some cases only on one side.

The sclera is not always white, it can be just about any color. Birds can be known for having many different colors for their eyes and some reptiles can have the strangest eyes you've ever seen.

Also one thing that is pissing me off is that this fad is making it hard to do legitimate research because it is everywhere.

Pollution of information. Makes me angry.
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They might not be human or animal! Considering we know very little about what's out there...could they not be something using the human body?
Anything is possible though at some point we have to consider there are things that are less likely than others.
This representation make so much sense to me.... I don't know how to explain it....but I know this to be truth.

The pinpoint of life directly in the middle of the torus vortex is the "Still Point"....the "Zero Point"....that many others are trying to describe. This is the point of manifestation and magic within each and every human being.

Regarding the Merkaba: Bashar says when we are able to rotate our upper tetrahedron clockwise while simultaneously rotating our lower tetrahedron counter-clockwise - we will access the center point. I was able to do this for a few moments the other night and I was completely astonished at seeing and feeling the energy fields swirling around me. Then of course my rational mind woke up and began to analyze and interpret it all and it vanished. It needs more training on how to keep quiet.... hahahahahaha...

That is awesome!!
What kind of meditation do you use to reach the point that you did?
This is awesome! Thank you!

I suffer from Monkey Brain! Always have! I've noticed though, it's settled so much since meditation- and even moreso, I've noticed that the period after meditation is significantly more powerful than before.

I'm looking into going away on a local retreat! I can't imagine how a weekend retreat of meditation would change me and my life!

It's weird- meditation feels like when you wipe the steam off the mirror after a hot shower, and you can see yourself again! You never notice how steamy it really is, until you try to find yourself in the mirror, and you can't - that's like life!
Can I suggest changing your name from say what to Monkey Brain? lololol jk
Well...if you ever do go to such a retreat, keep a blog for us and tell us how you are feeling from moment to moment...it would be really interesting.
I love this. To me, this makes me feel that he's genuinely trying to share (not sell) his experience to people. I would rather him have kept his original title - did his publishers make him change it? It's so unfortunate because his title is so 'sciencey' and I love it!!! It highlights that it's a case study, rather than 'proof'! I hope the publishing company doesn't take away the fantastic knowledge that could be gained from his experience!

I don’t know if you listened to his whole interview...I did the other night, and I have to agree that he didn’t seem to be trying to sell his book...but then again, that would be a good trait of a salesman...nonetheless, I for one believe him...I mean, he was basically an Atheist before the meningitis...so why would you all of the sudden, change not only your spiritual outlook so drastically, but he risked his credibility as a neurosurgeon. Having worked with many surgeons in the last 12 years I have been assisting surgery...I can tell you that probably 98% of them blow off any thought of anything metaphysical, paranormal, even spiritual in many cases.
Also...even if he didn’t isolate himself from his colleagues then he very well could have from his patients in our mostly Christian nation since his story could kind of go against what the Christian faith...at least, the conservative Christian religions teach.
So I see we are on the topic of what causes certain paranormal activity and the possibility that we ourselves are causing it...perhaps as a defense mechanism? This would certainly explain why poltergeists happen to the prepubescent when they are having wild mood-swing and such...anyhow...here is a very interesting article and the scientific paper to boot...enjoy!

'They're here': The mechanism of poltergeist activity

The sight of small blonde girls watching television is guaranteed to strike fear into the heart of anyone who has watched the movie Poltergeist.

We're right to be terrified, say physicists. Children generate poltergeist activity by channelling energy into the quantum mechanical vacuum.
Pierro Brovetto, whose last known address was the Instituto Fisica Superiore, in Cagliari, Italy and his colleague Vera Maxia wanted to explain the origin of poltergeist phenomena, characterised by objects flying around the room "of their own accord".
The researchers note that poltergeist encounters have been reported around the world and across different cultures, but tend to have one thing in common.
"Poltergeist disturbances often occur in the neighbourhood of a pubescent child or a young woman," the authors note in their paper.
So Brovetto and Maxia have come up with a mechanism to explain just how these women and children create such havoc. Like so many problems that arise in adolescence, puberty gets the blame.
"Puberty is a modification of the child body which involves various organs, chiefly the brain," they state.

Teenage telekinesis

Brovetto and Maxia hypothesise that the changes in the brain that occur at puberty involve fluctuations in electron activity that, in rare cases, can create disturbances up to a few metres around the outside of the brain.
These disturbances would be similar in character to the quantum mechanical fluctuations that physicists believe occur in the vacuum, in which "virtual" particle and antiparticle pairs pop up for a fleeting moment, before they annihilate each other and disappear again.
Brovetto and Maxia believe that the extra fluctuations triggered by the pubescent brain would substantially enhance the presence of the virtual particles surrounding the person. This could slowly increase the pressure of air around them, moving objects and even sending them hurtling across the room.

Some conjectures about the mechanism of poltergeist phenomenon

P. Brovetto and V. Maxia (2)

Summary - Poltergeist accounts concern at least four kinds of strange spontaneous manifestations, such as burning of materials, failures of electric equipments, rapping noises and movements of objects. A simple analysis of phenomenology of these disturbances shows that they might have a common origin, that is, a reduction in strength of molecular bonds due to an enhancement in polarization of vacuum which decreases the actual electron charge. Arguments based on Prigogine’ nonequilibrium thermodynamics are proposed, which show how transformations in brain of some pubescent children or young women might be the cause of these effects.

PACS: 12.20 quantum electrodynamics, 05.70 entropy, 87.15.-v molecularbiophysics, 05.70.L nonequilibrium thermodynamics.
Keywords: molecular bonds, vacuum polarization, self-organization in nonequi-librium systems, transformations in pubescent brains.

1 - Introduction
Accounts about poltergeist are common to different ages and different countries around the world. They concern certain strange spontaneous phenomena, such as rappings, burning of fabrics, failure of electric equipments, movementof objects, for which there is no acceptable explanation. Often these disturbances occur in the neighbourhood of one person, generally a pubescent child or a young woman. Believers in spiritism interpret these phenomena as evidenceof the presence of supernatural spirits. Misbelievers are inclined to deny their existence. Sometimes this position is justified by the little reliability of persons which witnessed the event. They indeed frequently embroider their accounts with fanciful details.

Nevertheless, in the last few decades some poltergeist occurences have been reported in which qualified persons attended the fenomena. Let us quote the case of Canneto of Caronia, a village near Messina, in which fabrics, electric lines and equipments of various kinds burned unexpectedly in presence of police and fireman officers [1]. A similar episode is that of Falciano of Massico, a village near Caserta, in which curtains, blankets and shirts caught fire without a reason. These events took place only when a 11-year old girl, Isabella, was in the neighbourhood [2]. In year 1947, one of us (P.B.) attended to a different kind of poltergeist event, that is, rapping disturbances taking place in a cinemain Turin (See Appendix A). As for the movement of objects, it is worth quote the case of wine bottles pushed down from the rack, which was attended by the renowned anthropologist Cesare Lombroso in the distant year 1900 [3]. But, there is a case which was validated, besides by public officers, by physicists from the Max Planck Institute. It took place in years 1967-68 in a lawyer’s office in Rosenheim (Bavaria).

Various heavy damages were caused to office machinery and to electric and telephone lines. The focus of these events seemed to be Annemarie, a nineteen-year old employee. The disturbances ceased when she left the office, although witnesses claimed further events took place in her new office. One of physicists of Max Planck Institute, Dr. F. Karger, said ”What we saw in the Rosenheim case could be 100% shown not to be explainable by known physics” [4].

2 - The phenomenology of poltergeist disturbances.

The first step in order to find a plausible meaning to the previous jumble ofdisparate events is that of analyzing them separately on the ground of knownphysics. Since light fire is a quite current job, let consider first the case ofburning materials.
a) Burning materials. - Burn of paper, cotton or woollen fabrics is one of themost frequent poltergeist events. Actually, combustion is an oxidation reactioninvolving atmospheric oxygen, ruled by the velocity law of all chemical reactions,that is, the Arrhenius’ law [5]. Dependence on temperature is characterized by the heat of activation W0, that is, the energy required to remove bonds in the reacting molecules so allowing the formation of oxygen bonds in the combustion products. By letting A be the Arrhenius’ pre-exponential factor, the combustion velocity
v (T ) is given by v(T) = Aexpﱕ−W0 ﱖ; (T 300 K) T = 2T0 300◦C ﱗignition,RT 0 T = 3T0 600◦C where R = 1.98 cal mole−1 K−1.

According to this equation, when
T is enhanced from the room value T0 300 K, ignitions begin to take place with increasing velocities. For T = 2T0 (≃ 300◦C), various materials already catch fire, but for T = 3T0 (≃ 600◦C) practically all materials ignite.
On this ground, to account for room temperature ignition we are forced to assume that in poltergeist events an enigmatic agent succeeds in decrese activation energy
W0 in such a way that the Arrhenius’ law can be rewritten in the form
v(W)=Aexpﱕ−Wﱖ; (T0≃300K) W=W0/2ﱗignition.RT0 W = W0/3

This amounts to admit that the poltergeist burnings are originated by a decreasein the molecular bond strengths.

b) Failures of electric equipments. - Indeed, the previous interpretation easily explains also the failure of electric equipments, sometimes observed in poltergeist events. Actually, insulators utilized in these equipments are made up of rubber or plastic in which chains of carbon atoms are linked by covalent bonds. Weakening in bonding energy reduces the dielectric strength of insulators thus originating their electric breakdown.

c) Rappings. - The most intriguing occurrence is perhaps that of the drumming noises. It could happen that the decrease in bonding energy is great enough that some oxygen molecules in the air are split in two atoms. These molecules own three degrees of freedom due to their movement in space, two degrees due to rotation around two axes mutually orthogonal and orthogonal to the line joining the atoms and one degree due to anharmonic oscillation of atoms along this line.
In total six degrees of freedom. Two oxygen atoms also own six degrees due to their independent movements in space. Owing to the kinetic energy equipartition theorem which allots energy
kT/2 to each degree of freedom, the energy owned by these degrees is always 6kT/2 (k = 1.38×10−23 JK−1) [6].
So, no effect on kinetic energy is expected due to the molecule splitting, while, on the contrary, pressure of oxygen is doubled. A fast increase in pressure could originate a burst and a succession of bursts the drumming noise. Obviously, the same effect is allowed for nitrogen molecules.

d) Moving objects. - As for the strange movements of objects, they can be explained by slow increases in pressure that put strengths on the objects without originating bursts.
It follows that all disturbances could be ascribed to a weakening in molecular bond energies. It is to be pointed out, however, that in disturbances at items a) and b) the energies involved are the heat of combustion of the burned materials and the energy supplied by the power lines, respectively. The poltergeist agent acts only as a trigger. On the contrary, for disturbances at items c) and d) no external source is active so that energy actually derives from the poltergeist itself. In this case, its effect is significant, since bond-dissociation energies areas high as 118 kcal mole−1 and 225 kcal mole−1 for O2 and N2, respectively.

3 - The effect of quantum fluctuations of vacuum on energy of molecular bonds.
The next step, to get a rational interpretation of poltergeist phenomenon, is that of provide a physical basis to the ”enigmatic agent” before quoted. For this purpose, it is to be considered that strength of molecular bonds depends on the actual value of electron charge e = 1.6 · 10−19 C. It, however, is not an absolute constant, as light velocity c and Planck’ constant h. Charge eis a ”renormalized” constant. Indeed, owing to quantum fluctuations due to the energy-time indeterminacy principle δw δt h, virtual electron-positron pairs continuously pop out of the vacuum lasting for a time δt h/2mec2 =4 · 10−21s, me standing for the electron mass. Consequently, vacuum behaves like a polarizable dielectric which has the effect of reducing all charges by a constant amount [7]. So charge e is smaller than charge e0 of the bare electron, that is, electron without the effect of vacuum polarization. On this basis, and taking into account that poltergeist occurences, as burns, electric failures and noises, are always localized in space, we ascribe poltergeist to the appearance of bubbles or plumes in which vacuum polarization is substantially enhanced, so reducing e and consequently the chemical bond strengths. Of course, explain how these perturbations are originated is a rather exacting thing. It is the subject of the next section.

It is worth to point out that the possibility of influence quantum fluctuations of vacuum by introducing external constraints was considered by the Dutch physicist H. Casimir since 1948 [8,9]. It showed that two parallel conducting plates placed at a small distance attract each other as a consequence of modification of vacuum state in the space between the plates. Successful conclusive experiments on this matter have been recently performed [10,11]. Although Casimir’ effect has anything to do with the present problem, it is interesting because it proves that vacuum is indeed modifiable.

4 - A possible cause of the enhancement in vacuum polarization.
As said before, poltergeist disturbances often occur in the neighbourhood of a pubescent child or a young woman. These fellows constitute a considerable part of people, so that it is likely that some of them are always present in the nearness of places where poltergeist disturbances happen. Puberty is a modification of the child body which involves various organs, chiefly the brain. To understand how this modification might in rare cases act on vacuum polarization, it is worthy to recall some topics in thermodynamics which, in our opinion, have relation with the matter at issue.

In 1871 J. C. Maxwell investigated the possibility of escape the second law of thermodynamics, that is, of obtain work from thermal energy without utilizing a temperature drop. Maxwell considered a vessel filled of an ideal gas, divided into two equal sections A and B by means of a screen in which a small window was opened. A being, the devil, able to follow the movement of individual molecules operates the window in such a way to allow molecules to pass only from section A to section B. After a determinate time, all molecules are gathered in section B so that, if gas returns in section A flowing through a turbine, work might be obtained.
In reality, the removal of gas from section
A to section B entails adecrease in entropy. At the beginning, when the window is opened, N molecules of gas are distributed at random between sections A and B. By letting PA and PB be the thermodynamic probabilities for placing one molecule in section A or B, respectively, initial probability for placing N molecules in the whole vessel is (PAPB) N. Likewise, final probability is PBN. Taking into account Boltzmann’ law on entropy, we have -
SB −SRan = klogPBN −klog(PAPB)N = −NklogPA,
SB and SRan standing for final and initial entropy, respectively. But this entropy decrease is not allowed by the second law of thermodynamics. It has been shown, in fact, that, in order to gain the information for control the window, the devil must increase the entropy of gas precisely of the same amount of the decrease obtained (often called negentropy) [12]. Consequently, no free decrease of entropy is possible and the Maxwell’ devil is exorcized.

Let us turn now to a different subject, that is, the chirality (mirror-symmetry) of proteins. Proteins consist of chains of thousands of amino acids in which one carbon atom C∗, referred to as asymmetric carbon, is joined by four tetrahedral bonds to a carboxil COOH, an amino group NH2, a hydrogen atom and a radical R. Protein chains are formed by removal of water molecules from carboxils and amino groups. Owing to asymmetry of carbon C∗, two mirror forms, right (R) and left (L), of amino acids are possible as shown in the following figure -
(Right) COOH C∗ R R C∗ COOH (Left).
(To read this figure, consider C∗ placed on leaf plane, NH2 and H behind, COOH and R before the plane). This state of affairs mimics that of the distribution of molecules in sections A and B of the previous Maxwell’ problem. Indeed, like a molecule can be placed in section A or B, bonds of carbon C∗can be set in form R or L.
Place all molecules in section B or, likewise, set all bonds in form L corresponds to minimum entropy. By letting Nb be the number of different biological amino acids (Nb = 20), entropy of a protein including at random N amino acids of forms R and L is
SRan = k log (2Nb)N,
since there are 2Nb choices for each amino acid in the chain.
entropy of a protein including only L (or R) amino acids isSL SR = k log (Nb)N .
It follows that an entropy decrease
SL −SRan =−kNlog2
is obtained when transforming a random protein in a L (or R ) chain. But, as before the second law rules out this way of minimizing entropy. Surprisingly, all biological proteins are constituted only of L amino acids. It happens like a devil cleverer than Maxwell’ devil operating on protein chirality succeds in violating the second law!

To solve this conundrum, it is right resort to Prigogine’ nonequilibrium thermodynamics of open systems, that is, systems not insulated from their environment [13,14,15].
It has been shown that in these systems processes not too far from equilibrium keep production of entropy at the minimum rate. These processes are stationary, that is, systems remain unchanged in time. On the contrary, in case of high irreversibility, systems become unstable and fluctuations are originated which decrease the system entropy until the so-called dissipative structures appear. This phenomenon is referred to as order by means of fluctuations or self-organization in nonequilibrium systems. Of course, this entails that an amount of entropy,
SEnv, greater than the decrease produced is thrown in the system environment by means of fluctuations, in such a way that total entropy, of system plus its environment, increases as required by the second law.
That is, if
- ﱕdSﱖ < 0,dt Sys
then dS >> 0, dS + dS > 0.dt Env dt Sys dt Env

Correspondingly, the first law requires that energy is turned out in the system environment in cases in which self-oganization decreases the energy of the system.

The theory is rather complex and we do not dwell on this matter. Among the various examples of dissipative structures providing evidence about the fitness of this theory, we limit ourselves to quote the oscillating reaction of Belousov and Zhabotinskij [16,17].
It consists in the oxidation of the malonic acid
COOH.CH2.COOH in watery solution by means of potassium bromatein presence of Ce+4 which acts as an oxidation gauge. In a flat vessel (Petridish), the dissipative structure appears as a nice pattern of spiral waves in which concentration of reagents is different from that of the unperturbed solution. InAppendix B, a practical recipe is given for producing the reaction dealt with.

The chiral asymmetry of proteins is a clear signature that the organism of human beings is a dissipative structure memorized in DNA, consequence of a slow self-organization process implemented in the course of geological ages(3).
However, at birth and in the following years the brain apparatus which rules sexuality is not ready. On this basis, the most conservative hypothesisis that a special self-organization process takes place in brain during years of puberty. This process, very fast as compared with that creating the human being organism, should activate the network of sexual neurons. Electrons inneuron molecules should be engaged in entropy-decreasing fluctuations leading to a dissipative structure. But brain is imbued with the vacuum distribution of electron-positron pairs which fills the space. Consequently, these fluctuations should throw excess entropy
SEnv into surrounndig space so enhancing there the density of pairs, that’ to say, the vacuum polarization. The enhanced polarization bubbles hypothized in Section 3 should be originated in this way. In rare cases, perhaps much less than one in a million, there are phases in which fluctuations are produced with a rate great enough that the enhanced polarization originates poltergeist phenomena.
This process obviously concerns a limited environment of brain, of size perhaps not exceeding some meters across.

5 - Final remarks
Altogether, the previous arguments can be summarized as follows. A decrease in entropy (creation of order) in brain of pubescent people throws a greater amount of entropy (disorder) into the brain environment, which, in exceptional cases, originates poltergeist disturbances. In practice, poltergeist is interpreted as a by-product of the entropy increase (dS/dt)Env expected in consequence of the second law. This interpretation is based on two sound achievements of the past century physics, that is, quantum electrodynamics of vacuum and nonequilibrium thermodynamics.

Evidence about the basic role of chirality in control living organism structure is provided by the unfortunate episode of thalidomide drug. It was patented in 1957 as a sedative and hypnotic. Thalidomide is a glutamic acid derivative showing an asymmetric carbon in the glutarimide ring. This chemical is a random mixture of R and L forms. When it was administered to expectant mothers the embryonic development was severely damaged by mismatching between drug and protein chiralities.

To develop further the proposed interpretation, topics about thermodynamics of perturbations in vacuum and of transformations in brain should be considered. We leave this out but consider the important topic of poltergeist energy. In disturbances at issues a) and b) of Section 2, energies involved, as already pointed out, seem negligible.
On the contrary, disturbances at issues
c) and d) require perhaps even some hundred joules. Exceptional transformations in the human brain might supply this amount of energy, but certainly cost in energy is a point which limits the frequency of poltergeist phenomena.
We point out, finally, that the opinion that poltergeist is connected to anomalies in the vacuum state is not new. Actually, physicists D. Radin, head of electrical engineering department at Duke University, assumes that poltergeist movements are repulsive versions of the Casimir effect that can put pressures on objects (see item d) in Section 2) [18]. Indeed, while the attractive Casimir effect is due to a decrease of vacuum polarization, its repulsive version should be ascribed to an enhanced polarization. Consequently, this interpretation agreeswith that proposed in Section 3.

Appendix A
A poltergeist event in Turin (Spring 1947).

The event I dwell on took place in a cinema in the Turin centre (i.e. cinema”Romano” near to ”Castello” place). I watched the first afternoon film presented in this cinema in company with a girl friend. I and my friend took place rather far from the screen, over half the room length. About ten minutes after the beginning of the projection, the room was still almost empty. Nearly one dozen people were gathered near the screen, plus few lonely people scattered at various distances from the screen.

Unexpectedly, a loud drumming noise at a distance less than ten seats beside my seat came to disturb the projection. It looked like anyone hammered rapidly the wooden back of its front seat. But nobody was near the place of the noise origin. After perhaps four seconds, the noise began move swiftly toward the screen, then it came back and so on several times. This troubling noise gave rise to energetic protests of spectators, especially those seated near the screen. These persons, evidently boys, came out with howls and bad words to induce the disturber to stop. All this uproar ceased abruptly after less than five minutes. Then the film projection continued undisturbed while other spectators progressively reached the room. The whole event repeated itself other two times after intervals of less than one hour. But, in the meantime all seats in the room were filled.
Consequently, the wooden backs of seats, damped by the occupant spectators, lacked the resonant capabilities of vacant seats. This not least because persons wore coats owing to the fresh season. Evidently the drumming noise was originated somewhere else.

Probably most spectators perceived the strange event as a successful joke organized by some carefree persons. I and my friend, incapable of explaining the drumming noise trick, were bewildered but satisfied with the unexpected free show.

1An article on poltergeist phenomenon will appear on NeuroQuantology Journal 2008 Vol6, No 2 (http://www.neuroquantology.com).
2On leave from: Istituto di Fisica Superiore - Universita` di Cagliari - Italy.Email: pbrovetto@gmail.com

Appendix B
The Belousov - Zhabotinskij reaction.
In order to allow a quick start of the reaction, malonic acid is substituted bybromomalonic acid COOH.CBrH.COOH (BMA) according to the followingrecipe:

BMA (M.W.182.96)
KBrO3 (M.W.167.01)
H2SO4 2 M
Ferroin 0.025 M
Dilute with water to 25 ml. Ferroin oxidation gauge replaces Ce+4 ions.Preparation of BMA: dissolve10.4 gr of malonic acid in 75 ml of ether cooled

with ice, add slowly 16 gr of Br2. Evaporate the ether and keep 12 hours indessicator with KOH under vacuum.
[1] La STAMPA (Turin) - February 11, 12, 2004.
[2] Ibidem - October 1, 1988.
[3] Ibidem - November 19, 1900.
[4] R. E. Guiley, ”Encyclopedia of the Strange, Mystical & Unexplained”

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don Press, 1970) § 32.
[8] H.G.B. Casimir, Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wet.
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[9] G. Plunien, B. Muller and W. Greiner ”The Casimir effect” Phys. Report

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[11] G. Bressi, G. Carugno. R. Onofrio and G. Ruoso, Phys. Rev. Lett.
41804 (2002).
[12]L. Brillouin ”La Science et la Theorie de l’Information” Ch. XIII (Mas-

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[13] I. Prigogine ”Introduction to Thermodinamics of Irreversible Processes”

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[14] G. Nicolis and I. Prigogine ”Self-Organization in Nonequilibrium Sys-

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[15] I. Prigogine and D. Kondepudi ”Thermodynamique. Des moteurs ther-

miques aux structures dissipatives” Ch. 19 (Editions Odile Jacob, Paris 1999).[16] B.P. Belousov, ”Sborn referat. radiat. Meditisin za 1958” (Megdiz,
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[17] A.M. Zhabotinskij, Biofyzika
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So what happens when the ghost IS a young female?

Does it make her an invincible terror, like Alma Wade? Or Sadako Yamamura/Samara Morgan?




Note in this game shooting doesn't harm or really kill ghosts but it temporarily disrupts their physical manifestation until they basically get bored or something like that. Just in case people wonder about the guns - they're mostly for use against human enemies.
That is awesome!!
What kind of meditation do you use to reach the point that you did?

What kind of meditation? Hmmm..... the kind where you go into the center of your mind and then totally inhabit your body kind.
I don't know what to call what I do these days. I started out with Vipassana Meditation/Mindfulness back in 2009 and I can see the benefits of it today.

Many of the youtube videos of the channeled extra-terrestrials contain energy communications in them and I resonate with a few of them. I have let my intuition guide me as to whether I will listen or not. For example I seem to find videos of Arcturian messages that make sense to me and make me feel good. I discovered Bashar years ago - put him down for a while - and have now picked him back up. My frequency changes during the listening process and my energy field expands...?...yes....that's what it does....it expands. There are others I listen to and have had expansive energy field kinds of experiences. it's hard to explain in words...:(

Have you ever run across the graphic of the human sitting in meditation and they show the mind immersed in to the field? I can't find it now.... but it's a good representation of what it feels like whenever I focus my awareness in the center.

This picture grabbed my attention. I often find myself experiencing this where the energy is flowing through me from above and below and my body fills with my awareness. Sometimes it gets so sensitive I feel as if my skin is too small and I'm bumping up against it. The color I see is different from this....it's gold/silver - ish...

[MENTION=5045]Skarekrow[/MENTION] and everybody else.

Hey. Do you guys think magic or being psychic would work against computers?

I'm REALLY beginning to wonder. Like with playing riichi mahjong. I get these feelings where I somehow know what to do. If I don't follow them, I lose in horrible ways. It happens time and time again "Don't throw this tile. Don't throw it! DON'T THROW IT!" *throws tile - ron gets called* "WELL SHIT I told you!"

After my Rinshan Kaihou that I posted in the gaming thread earlier... I really started to think about it. The way I built that hand was totally illogical and poor. But I was not going by logic, I was following my inner voice. It told me what tiles to throw away and to anybody else they'd look stupid, but they were the right tiles. And when I made the kan before the rinshan kaihou, I had a really strong feeling that I should make the kan! It didn't tell me that I'd pull the 7 from the dead wall for sure, but it really felt important to make the kan and get that dead wall draw. So I did and won the hand and won the match.

What the hell is going on?
[MENTION=5045]Skarekrow[/MENTION] and everybody else.

Hey. Do you guys think magic or being psychic would work against computers?

I'm REALLY beginning to wonder. Like with playing riichi mahjong. I get these feelings where I somehow know what to do. If I don't follow them, I lose in horrible ways. It happens time and time again "Don't throw this tile. Don't throw it! DON'T THROW IT!" *throws tile - ron gets called* "WELL SHIT I told you!"

After my Rinshan Kaihou that I posted in the gaming thread earlier... I really started to think about it. The way I built that hand was totally illogical and poor. But I was not going by logic, I was following my inner voice. It told me what tiles to throw away and to anybody else they'd look stupid, but they were the right tiles. And when I made the kan before the rinshan kaihou, I had a really strong feeling that I should make the kan! It didn't tell me that I'd pull the 7 from the dead wall for sure, but it really felt important to make the kan and get that dead wall draw. So I did and won the hand and won the match.

What the hell is going on?

Yes. While I do not play a lot anymore, I used to play COD 1 - whatever and BF 2-whatever after getting home from work. There were times that I would "zone out", look up and at the end of the match be #1. Thinking back, I did not really remember the matches at all. When I would focus on one thing like going after someone because they did something I didnt like, like kill me, I wouldnt be #1 anymore. Zoning out, not paying attention to the game always netted me the #1 spot.

Of course these are the times that 8 hours would go by in the blink of an eye. So.... I had to stop this for fear of the time warping effect.