Snowflakes | Page 15 | INFJ Forum


Are you a snowflake given this definition?

  • Yes, I am a snowflake

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • No, I am not a snowflake

    Votes: 7 38.9%
  • I just love people, and prefer not to arbitrarily negatively label my fellow human beings

    Votes: 6 33.3%

  • Total voters
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If you spend more time occupying the streets in “protest” than you occupy a shower, or a job, you’re a snowflake
Protesting in the streets takes grit and determination. Isn't that contrary to the "snowflake" metaphor of melting as soon as the heat is on?

If you’ve convinced yourself that despite any actual evidence, Russia somehow stole the election from Hillary, you are a snowflake.
There is plenty of actual evidence, if there weren't Trump would not be trying to dismember the FBI.

If your favorite arts and crafts projects consist of knitting pink hats in the shape of a reproductive organs or scribbling “Resist” on a cardboard sign, you are a snowflake.
What kind of bullshit is this?

If choosing between two gender options seems unfair to you, you are a snowflake.
Nothing like insisting clinging to blindness

If you demand a safe space from conservative speakers but think it’s perfectly acceptable to burn and smash up your own campus in protest, you are a snowflake - a violent snowflake - but a snowflake nonetheless.
Snowflakes by this definition are vandals.

If you think that you, by virtue of being born, deserve a participation trophy, you are a snowflake.
By this definition the Trump kids are snowflakes

If you think someone else should pay for your college education, you are a snowflake. There is no such thing as "free." It's not free if your neighbor pays for it.
Every kid in the upper class believes this as their parents shell out for their elite schools.
If you think borders, walls, and immigration laws are mean, you are a snowflake.

If recognizing the “Islam” in radical Islamic terrorism offends you, you are a snowflake.
Anyone who believes Islam is truly represented in terrorism is not Islamic.

If you think an AR-15 is a military assault rifle, you are a snowflake.
People buy AR-15s because they are assault rifles.

If you have never bought, shot, or touched a firearm but insist you are an expert on gun policy, you are a snowflake, and terribly misinformed.
And by corollary if you or anyone you have know has never had their right to vote suppressed you are an expert on voter fraud.

If the American flag and the National Anthem offend you, you are a snowflake and you should take your snowflake booty and relocate to another country since you clearly don’t appreciate this one.
but its cool if cops kill black men

If a simple Christmas greeting sends you into a PC orbit, you are a snowflake.
If you go your whole life living among people who refuse to acknowledge you are not of a christian family you are oppressed.

And last but not least, if you are more concerned with what our president tweets than the great things he’s doing for jobs, GDP, the stock market, border and national security, you are for dang sure a snowflake.
Burning down the house.
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How is EH the "underdog" and belittled when the intention of this thread (which he made) was to belittle others?

But don't you just love it when newbs pop in believing they know the dynamics of this forum better than anyone? Preach on![/QUOTE

Honestly, how can he be belittling someone? He didn't come up with the name did he? He attributed what is commonly associated with the term... and at least 4 people identified with being one. You don't have to be a vet to see the dynamic, if I wanted to be popular its not hard to see all I had to do was bash on him too...

...and now your questioning my status to undercut my legitamacy, that's typical. To be quite frank, if the dynamic is to pick on someone and tell them to "shutup" because they have a different view from yours?? If you didn't like the thread you didn't have to join it... or did you just feel he was an easy target and you felt like picking on someone today...? Preach... that's rich and not very original...
My survival tip for anybody frustrated with our dear EH: instead of going for a head-on argument, I would ask some specific questions about the incriminated topic, and let the inconsistency (if there must be such) come out into the open when he answers them. If he's right, he will answer them right. And if what you care about is only the truth, this should be enough. No need for him to admit to being wrong if he doesn't want to.

Sometimes the most simple, candid questions can be terribly efficident at revealing the inconsistency of another's position. Don't get worked up! ;)

So much awesome I want like it twice !

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@Emanuel Goldstein
@acd is one of several members that has attempted to have a genuine conversation with EH for years. Feel free to explore any of the past political threads. You will see many members attempt to engage, understand, and/or challenge him, and each memeber that presented facts or opinions different than his own was met with a barrage of insults to their intelligence and character. EH is not an underdog.

It is very possible to have a legitimate ideological discussion. Just not with him and this is a bullshit troll thread. Acd and others know this. You are free to defend him all you wish, just don't expect anyone to be swayed to your side. Good luck.
EH can hold his own just fine. I view him as a grumpy old man who refuses to see outside of his beliefs. I don’t like or dislike him, he only exists and on the odd occasion posts insightful, helpful advice.

I think life has thrown his some tough curve balls, some of which he had no control over, and some caused by his own actions/behavior, yet he still perseveres.
Protesting in the streets takes grit and determination. Isn't that contrary to the "snowflake" metaphor of melting as soon as the heat is on?

You've 100% nailed it Stu. The "Snowflake" mirage, is just an attempt to dismiss the legitimate anger of a younger generation, inheriting a mess.

They are going to take over, and they won't forget how they've been treated. They're not snowflakes, they're the future, and that reality will hit home soon enough.

Edit. Also Merry Christmas. I forgot to put that in.
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If you spend more time occupying the streets in “protest” than you occupy a shower, or a job, you’re a snowflake
Protesting in the streets takes grit and determination. Isn't that contrary to the "snowflake" metaphor of melting as soon as the heat is

No doubt I agree, but they also need a lot of time, hence no job and its not they meltdown when things get tough, they get triggered by differing opinions, or when Trump got elected on national TV.

[/QUOTE]If you’ve convinced yourself that despite any actual evidence, Russia somehow stole the election from Hillary, you are a snowflake.
There is plenty of actual evidence, if there weren't Trump would not be trying to dismember the FBI.[/QUOTE]

Trump is getting rid of biased FBI agents who, while during an investigation showed bias, to the person they were investigating. Some are retiring voluntarily because the evidence was shown to them and they had choice retire or be indicted...

[/QUOTE]If your favorite arts and crafts projects consist of knitting pink hats in the shape of a reproductive organs or scribbling “Resist” on a cardboard sign, you are a snowflake.
What kind of bullshit is this?[/QUOTE]

Honestly I don't know, but vagina flower feminists come to mind... have heard of "resist" but I didn't look into it too much.. I googled the pink hats thing and I believe he's referring to the "pussy hat project"

[/QUOTE]If choosing between two gender options seems unfair to you, you are a snowflake.
Nothing like insisting clinging to blindness[/QUOTE]

I'm willing to accept the sex vs. gender argument... it's just semantics to me, but I could see it being important to someone else.

[/QUOTE]If you demand a safe space from conservative speakers but think it’s perfectly acceptable to burn and smash up your own campus in protest, you are a snowflake - a violent snowflake - but a snowflake nonetheless.
Snowflakes by this definition are vandals.[/QUOTE]

True, but this why they call them snowflakes, they don't even want the other side to speak for fear they might convince someone of their view and have professors fired if they suggests an opposing opinion. This is actually probably the truer definition of the term...

[/QUOTE]If you think that you, by virtue of being born, deserve a participation trophy, you are a snowflake.
By this definition the Trump kids are snowflakes[/QUOTE]

I think you must have more then one of these characteristics, or all, to actually qualify.

[/QUOTE]If you think someone else should pay for your college education, you are a snowflake. There is no such thing as "free." It's not free if your neighbor pays for it.
Every kid in the upper class believes this as their parents shell out for their elite schools.[/QUOTE]

True, but I think what he ment was that snowflakes believe the government should pay for it...

[/QUOTE]If you think borders, walls, and immigration laws are mean, you are a snowflake.[/QUOTE]


[/QUOTE]If recognizing the “Islam” in radical Islamic terrorism offends you, you are a snowflake.
Anyone who believes Islam is truly represented in terrorism is not Islamic.[/QUOTE]

You don't think many people from Islam who have had their cities bombed to rubble would be pissed off enough, after their family was killed, that they would not want to sacrifice themselves for a little revenge? I guarantee, if roles were reversed we'd be talking about "Radical Christian terrorism". To the limits of the research I've done I believe this to be an accurate statement, I'm open to someone changing my mind.

[/QUOTE]If you think an AR-15 is a military assault rifle, you are a snowflake.
People buy AR-15s because they are assault rifles.[/QUOTE]

Actually, I thought so too, people buy them because they LOOK like assault rifles, in actuality they are semiautomatic, making them just rifles, but apparently people are "bump-stocking" (something like that) making them fully auto... kinda illegal.

[/QUOTE]If you have never bought, shot, or touched a firearm but insist you are an expert on gun policy, you are a snowflake, and terribly misinformed.
And by corollary if you or anyone you have know has never had their right to vote suppressed you are an expert on voter fraud. [/QUOTE]

So, I'm not sure what your saying here, so I'll just move on without comment...

[/QUOTE]If the American flag and the National Anthem offend you, you are a snowflake and you should take your snowflake booty and relocate to another country since you clearly don’t appreciate this one.
but its cool if cops kill black men[/QUOTE]

So your saying because the USA is becoming a police state and that the country should no longer be respected as a country because cops are killing people (not just black men) and is no longer following the will of its people? I can get behind that argument, if its phrased something like that.

update: cops kill more whit men then black

[/QUOTE]If a simple Christmas greeting sends you into a PC orbit, you are a snowflake.
If you go your whole life living among people who refuse to acknowledge you are not of a christian family you are oppressed.[/QUOTE]

He's talking about a greeting card... don't you guys have freedom of religion?

[/QUOTE]And last but not least, if you are more concerned with what our president tweets than the great things he’s doing for jobs, GDP, the stock market, border and national security, you are for dang sure a snowflake.
Burning down the house.[/QUOTE]

I don't know that he's doing good things, but he is keeping his campaign promises. The USA is in its death throes, nothing "good" can really be done. Inflation is going up, interest rates will match, then you will not be able to make payments on a 20 trillion debt, that's why interest rates are so low for the last 20 years. Trump is most likely presiding over either a edit: bankruptcy or a paradigm shift.
You've 100% nailed it Stu. The "Snowflake" mirage, is just an attempt to dismiss the legitimate anger of a younger generation, inheriting a mess.

They are going to take over, and they won't forget how they've been treated. They're not snowflakes, they're the future, and that reality will hit home soon enough.

Edit. Also Merry Christmas. I forgot to put that in.

God forbid... except for the whole Merry Christmas thing... same back to you ;)

I'd be happy if they were just less whiny...
My survival tip for anybody frustrated with our dear EH: instead of going for a head-on argument, I would ask some specific questions about the incriminated topic, and let the inconsistency (if there must be such) come out into the open when he answers them. If he's right, he will answer them right. And if what you care about is only the truth, this should be enough. No need for him to admit to being wrong if he doesn't want to.

Sometimes the most simple, candid questions can be terribly efficident at revealing the inconsistency of another's position. Don't get worked up! ;)
Great idea. The only problem is when confronted with a truth they don't like, facts don't matter. I have learned this long ago.
If you spend more time occupying the streets in “protest” than you occupy a shower, or a job, you’re a snowflake
Protesting in the streets takes grit and determination. Isn't that contrary to the "snowflake" metaphor of melting as soon as the heat is on?

If you’ve convinced yourself that despite any actual evidence, Russia somehow stole the election from Hillary, you are a snowflake.
There is plenty of actual evidence, if there weren't Trump would not be trying to dismember the FBI.

If your favorite arts and crafts projects consist of knitting pink hats in the shape of a reproductive organs or scribbling “Resist” on a cardboard sign, you are a snowflake.
What kind of bullshit is this?

If choosing between two gender options seems unfair to you, you are a snowflake.
Nothing like insisting clinging to blindness

If you demand a safe space from conservative speakers but think it’s perfectly acceptable to burn and smash up your own campus in protest, you are a snowflake - a violent snowflake - but a snowflake nonetheless.
Snowflakes by this definition are vandals.

If you think that you, by virtue of being born, deserve a participation trophy, you are a snowflake.
By this definition the Trump kids are snowflakes

If you think someone else should pay for your college education, you are a snowflake. There is no such thing as "free." It's not free if your neighbor pays for it.
Every kid in the upper class believes this as their parents shell out for their elite schools.
If you think borders, walls, and immigration laws are mean, you are a snowflake.

If recognizing the “Islam” in radical Islamic terrorism offends you, you are a snowflake.
Anyone who believes Islam is truly represented in terrorism is not Islamic.

If you think an AR-15 is a military assault rifle, you are a snowflake.
People buy AR-15s because they are assault rifles.

If you have never bought, shot, or touched a firearm but insist you are an expert on gun policy, you are a snowflake, and terribly misinformed.
And by corollary if you or anyone you have know has never had their right to vote suppressed you are an expert on voter fraud.

If the American flag and the National Anthem offend you, you are a snowflake and you should take your snowflake booty and relocate to another country since you clearly don’t appreciate this one.
but its cool if cops kill black men

If a simple Christmas greeting sends you into a PC orbit, you are a snowflake.
If you go your whole life living among people who refuse to acknowledge you are not of a christian family you are oppressed.

And last but not least, if you are more concerned with what our president tweets than the great things he’s doing for jobs, GDP, the stock market, border and national security, you are for dang sure a snowflake.
Burning down the house.
Stu thanks so much for your answes. I can see now there's no hope for you. I hope you have a great life but no wonder you are so lost and mad.
I realize I am not capible of helping you.
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@Emanuel Goldstein
Maybe you should have lurked more or at least read more of his posts and threads. Then you would have seen that many here, including myself, previously have in earnest attempted to actually discuss things with him.
@Emanuel Goldstein

@acd is one of several members that has attempted to have a genuine conversation with EH for years. Feel free to explore any of the past political threads. You will see many members attempt to engage, understand, and/or challenge him, and each memeber that presented facts or opinions different than his own was met with a barrage of insults to their intelligence and character. EH is not an underdog.

It is very possible to have a legitimate ideological discussion. Just not with him and this is a bullshit troll thread. Acd and others know this. You are free to defend him all you wish, just don't expect anyone to be swayed to your side. Good luck.

Yes, you all have a history and your bias is obvious, I'm not trying sway you to become best friends or anything... I came to discuss they thread and leave your past drama in a different thread. Make an I hate EH because thread or something, if it makes you feel better.

If you think he's just trolling, don't justify it by going to his thread and making it popular. I'm not saying he's not stubborn, but I came to thread because I wanted to debate what thread was about and maybe hear something that might change my mind about the close-minded, university destroying, professor firing snowflakes, i've heard about. I didn't come to talk to EH. His mind is made up.

I say just because you say its a bullshit thread does not make it so... Forget EH and prove it to me...
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How is EH the "underdog" and belittled when the intention of this thread (which he made) was to belittle others?

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@Emanuel Goldstein

@acd is one of several members that has attempted to have a genuine conversation with EH for years. Feel free to explore any of the past political threads. You will see many members attempt to engage, understand, and/or challenge him, and each memeber that presented facts or opinions different than his own was met with a barrage of insults to their intelligence and character. EH is not an underdog.

It is very possible to have a legitimate ideological discussion. Just not with him and this is a bullshit troll thread. Acd and others know this. You are free to defend him all you wish, just don't expect anyone to be swayed to your side. Good luck.
Hardly. No one has ever tried to have a conversation based on facts or logic. I dont think it's because they don't want to, they are just not capible of it.
However as always you are entitled to your opinion wrong or not.
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