
Are you a snowflake given this definition?

  • Yes, I am a snowflake

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • No, I am not a snowflake

    Votes: 7 38.9%
  • I just love people, and prefer not to arbitrarily negatively label my fellow human beings

    Votes: 6 33.3%

  • Total voters
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I recommend you research treatment for the mentally ill going as far back as 1525. Sadly we haven’t progressed much with modern medicine and there are many people who are candidates for rehabilitation who are overlooked and just thrown into shitty facilities.

As for serial killers, there is no cure so they remain in prison, unless they receive the death penalty.

I don't even think serial killers are bad people, I mean they're sick. Perhaps unsympathetically so, but I mean... still sick.
Oh they’re bad. I’ve been studying serial killers for ages and while some are fascinating, they’re fucked up beyond fixing. One thing a lot of them share in common are abusive mothers. Do we blame their childhoods? Plenty of people have shitty childhoods and don’t brutally murder innocent people.
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What, that's it? @Lady Jolanda asked you to explain your point of view, you came up with this dumb hypothetical that went nowhere, no one knows what you believe except for your belief that I believe something I don't so.... No, nobody is going to know what you mean.

Keep in mind that I don't necessarily believe anything in particular... but I like a good debate, especially when on a side heavily weighted against me... so this is what I established:

1. It's okay to change people if they are bad. reason stated he would change the serial killer, against his will...

2. Then it was established how bad a person would have to be to change and would have to establish whose definition of "Good" we would use...

Reason said:

"No, I never said that, you said that. I wouldn't crack into someone's head if they killed their spouse for the insurance money or robbed a bank- even though I accept that it is wrong to do these things. Serial killers are a different scenario."

proves my second point, how bad before you change someone...

3. Then it's just a matter of figuring out whose definition of good you're going to use.
Keep in mind that I don't necessarily believe anything in particular... but I like a good debate, especially when on a side heavily weighted against me... so this is what I established:

1. It's okay to change people if they are bad. reason stated he would change the serial killer, against his will...

2. Then it was established how bad a person would have to be to change and would have to establish whose definition of "Good" we would use...

Reason said:

"No, I never said that, you said that. I wouldn't crack into someone's head if they killed their spouse for the insurance money or robbed a bank- even though I accept that it is wrong to do these things. Serial killers are a different scenario."

proves my second point, how bad before you change someone...

3. Then it's just a matter of figuring out whose definition of good you're going to use.
You know if this magic machine that cuts into peoples brains ever exists I suggest you use it excise whatever part of your skullmeat that makes you read things I never wrote. I NEVER ONCE said it was about someone being bad, you said that. It's like you had this whole conversation planned out in your head and when I went off script, you just kept responding as if I had said what you thought I would.

And you don't believe anything? then the correct response when Lady J asked what your point of view was was "nothing" not the creation of some convoluted hypothetical which is a delivery mechanism for you to ignore/misrepresent my responses.
Oh they’re bad. I’ve been studying serial killers for ages and while some are fascinating, they’re fucked up beyond fixing. One thing a lot of them share in common are abusive mothers. Do we blame their childhoods? Plenty of people have shitty childhoods and don’t brutally murder innocent people.
Yeah, but they're crazy. It's not only about having a 'rough childhood' their brains don't work right. They can't be held responsible for what they do if they're totally bananas.
You know if this magic machine that cuts into peoples brains ever exists I suggest you use it excise whatever part of your skullmeat that makes you read things I never wrote. I NEVER ONCE said it was about someone being bad, you said that. It's like you had this whole conversation planned out in your head and when I went off script, you just kept responding as if I had said what you thought I would.

And you don't believe anything? then the correct response when Lady J asked what your point of view was was "nothing" not the creation of some convoluted hypothetical which is a delivery mechanism for you to ignore/misrepresent my responses.

Your right, my bad, @Reason With Logic Filling did not actually say serial killers are bad and have no rights... Sometimes I don't understand you reason... serial killers ARE bad and should be locked up...
I just want to say that @Reason With Logic Filling is a great sport and I cheated a little bit, as the issues are a slippery slope... I said Serial killers was an extreme example and only had to do with changing who people are. If reason had not fallen into my trap, how long before someone did? Not long I expect... Reason you don't have to defend yourself, you did great :)
I just want to say that @Reason With Logic Filling is a great sport and I cheated a little bit, as the issues are a slippery slope... I said Serial killers was an extreme example and only had to do with changing who people are. If reason had not fallen into my trap, how long before someone did? Not long I expect... Reason you don't have to defend yourself, you did great :)

It's not about "badness" it's about reform, people who do wrong can be reformed UNLESS they're too insane to be reformed, hence incarceration for life in a mental institution or in this particular case your dumb hypothetical brain changey thingy
Root of the evil, mind or heart.... actually that makes me wonder.... are all MASS murderers predisposed to kill due to a mental misalignment or do some of them really just do it cause they like it.... and they’re perfectly sane.... I feel like that’s a stupid question but also not... because I’m puzzled by it so to me it’s a good one :sweatsmile:
Root of the evil, mind or heart.... actually that makes me wonder.... are all MASS murderers predisposed to kill due to a mental misalignment or do some of them really just do it cause they like it.... and they’re perfectly sane.... I feel like that’s a stupid question but also not... because I’m puzzled by it so to me it’s a good one :sweatsmile:

It's actually the core point I was trying to make...
how do you know, one way or the other?
Is it a sickness? or an inherent personality trait? or brainwashing?
Root of the evil, mind or heart.... actually that makes me wonder.... are all MASS murderers predisposed to kill due to a mental misalignment or do some of them really just do it cause they like it.... and they’re perfectly sane.... I feel like that’s a stupid question but also not... because I’m puzzled by it so to me it’s a good one :sweatsmile:
There's a difference between mass murderers, serial killers, and people who just kill multiple people (like a gangster or assassin maybe)

Stalin was a mass murderer, and you could make the case that he had some mental disease but more than likely he just removed himself from it all and didn't think too deeply or sympathetically about what he was doing to people.

Assassins and gangsters probably draw some strange analogy between their line of work and the way the army kills people and try to rationalize it in their own heads.

And serial killers are completely insane, there's no way to rationalize killing other human beings brutally for pleasure. By it's very definition it has to be insanity.
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You are in charge of a committee that will make policy on a technology that can remove an aspect from a person. I will list a series of persons and their issues and feeling and you will tell everyone what the policy will be for this new tech. I'll try not to leave any loopholes, but put you little monkeys in a locked room with 3 ways out and guaranteed you'll find a 4th...
Well yes, you pretty much gave the definition of Extroverted Intuition here.

It's actually the core point I was trying to make...
how do you know, one way or the other?
Is it a sickness? or an inherent personality trait? or brainwashing?
Interesting questions. I don't have time to get into all this in depth, or the playful back and forth you had with Reason, cause I have somewhere to be, but I'll get back to that later.

For now I'll throw some random half-baked thoughts your way regarding the above questions in regards to your hypothetical situation:
Does it matter? Isn't the end result the same?
What is the point of our legal system? Protection of society against criminal offenders, punitive treatment of said offender, discouraging future criminal behavior and, if possible, rehabilitation of offenders, yes?

You posed a hypothetical situation in which a device is invented that pretty much picks all of the boxes off in one big sweep. Yet we're not supposed to use it because... it goes against what the offender wants? Yes, I'm sure prison does too. Or the death penalty for that matter.
Not sure if I agree with that James. Do you need to have the answers to the questions you ask? Doesn't that defeat half the purpose of asking questions? ;)

Ok. If someone, asks an interesting question, where they are seeking a constructive resolution or outcome, or genuinely wants other people's ideas and views ? I'm all ears.

When they're doing something else... Not so much.

Edit. Shouldn't you be at the zoo by now ? ;)
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