Straight INFJ Males

hmm, interesting thread. Skimmed most of it.

Type: Infj

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: 1 on the Kinsey scale

Normative Gender Role: depends on who you ask, and in what context, but definitely not an alpha...except in crisis mode

Military interest: Veteran, nuff said.

Firearm interest: I loath their impact on society as only someone with a family history marred by violence can. Still, actually shooting them is rather fun, but I would never own one except to hunt, and I don't hunt.

Martial Art Interest: Moderately so. Studied Muy Thai for a year, Capoeira (Brazilian Dance Fighting) for two years, but am rather accident prone, so that ended all that. Currently exploring Qigong and Tai Chi.

Sports: I can take or leave sports. Like the communal aspect, but the only sports I've competed with any regularity were individual types: swimming and running.

Rage Index: fairly mild, I'm actually the stable one in my family.

Cuddle Index: Have been told I am very cuddly, but don't like to invade people's personal space unless invited. Still am more of a Hugging type.
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INFJ males are without a doubt the rarest group of MBTI type. Two thirds of INFJs are females. Many INFJ males are gay (possibly a majority), which further reduces the numbers of straight INFJ males.

Due to the differences in perspective based on gender, I'd really like to have as many straight INFJ males (that don't mind revealing their orientation as such) check in on this thread, with the intention of possibly creating a user group with the intention of discussing the condition of being a straight INFJ male, and to see how much we have in common with one another, as well as discuss the differences we may have with INFJ females.

While this might seem like gender bias or even sexism, I've noticed that straight INFJ males do tend to have some significant personality differences from INFJ females and even gay INFJ males, who (and I mean no offense when I say) often share many female perspectives.

Pure assumption/presumption on my part, but this comes from my experiences. I'm a straight INFJ male; relationships have been few if not always far between (though sometimes), and don't seem to last very long. Sometimes I feel like I'm the type who needs to be approached by an interested party, since I seem ill suited do being the approacher. (actually, this happened once... a girl I just kinda sorta barely knew came out of the woodwork a few weeks after I broke up with another... said flat out "i think I have a chance with you..." it didn't last long, but she's still one of my all-time favourite people and common contacts.)

I also tend to believe that since guys [SEEM] to be expected to be the less emotional party in a relationship, my depth of emotion is more of a burden or drawback than anything else. Bear in mind, this is all speculative and form a limited perspective; but there it is.
Yeah, I agree, Indigo. Girls are just more likely to get away with that whole Fe stereotype than a guy, so I think it slightly skews the percentages. It could apply to any INFJ, though, not just straight guys.
Point of note...

...this thread was created to see if there were any significant differences between straight INFJ males and other INFJs.

It's been pretty conclusive that there are not many.

The same would apply to all INFJ's really..from what I've seen we seem pretty defiant of gender roles.
The same would apply to all INFJ's really..from what I've seen we seem pretty defiant of gender roles.

Actually, I would contest that. INFJ's don't want to be forced into a set gender role, but they certainly desire them; which ever seems fitting. If INFJ's were defiant, then they would completely buck the main stereotypes of them outright, and we dont mostly. I would see it as we meerly do our own thing, but also care to retain at least some gender role. Otherwise, INFJ males wouldn't feel defensive about being seen as girly.
Actually, I would contest that. INFJ's don't want to be forced into a set gender role, but they certainly desire them; which ever seems fitting. If INFJ's were defiant, then they would completely buck the main stereotypes of them outright, and we dont mostly. I would see it as we meerly do our own thing, but also care to retain at least some gender role. Otherwise, INFJ males wouldn't feel defensive about being seen as girly.

Is this a product of Fe?

Personally I am happy the way I am, and I do not pay much attention to gender roles at all. I don't mind being called anything, as long as I am being myself.
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Is this a product of Fe?

Personally I am happy the way I am, and I do not pay much attention to gender roles at all. I don't mind being called anything, as long as I am being myself.

Likewise. I have more of a problem with someone misunderstanding who I am or trying to fit me into a "box" than someone referring to my traits in a pejorative manner
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Is this a product of Fe?

Personally I am happy the way I am, and I do not pay much attention to gender roles at all. I don't mind being called anything, as long as I am being myself.

Hmm. All I know is that I am sensitive to intended degradation and jeers. I am also resistant to gender roles and outside expectations, though this can be most easily explained perhaps by my having a somewhat antagonistic role with my own inferior function (Fe). In fact, there are times where I want to be seen a certain way in spite of the fact that it's supposed to have a negative stigma to it.

I was going to suggest that people with Fi rather than Fe would be unconcerned with others' opinions, but this doesn't seem to be the case with typical ESFPs so I'm not really sure what to make of this.

ETA: Oh, and I think being misunderstood is probably the most frustrating event, for a number of reasons.
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INFJ males are without a doubt the rarest group of MBTI type. Two thirds of INFJs are females. Many INFJ males are gay (possibly a majority), which further reduces the numbers of straight INFJ males.

Due to the differences in perspective based on gender, I'd really like to have as many straight INFJ males (that don't mind revealing their orientation as such) check in on this thread, with the intention of possibly creating a user group with the intention of discussing the condition of being a straight INFJ male, and to see how much we have in common with one another, as well as discuss the differences we may have with INFJ females.

While this might seem like gender bias or even sexism, I've noticed that straight INFJ males do tend to have some significant personality differences from INFJ females and even gay INFJ males, who (and I mean no offense when I say) often share many female perspectives.

Two out of three INTJs are male, yet INTJ females are not accused of being lesbians. Why assume INFJ males must be gay?
Opening post was a guess, and the issue has been resolved. No one assumed INFJ males must be gay.
Two out of three INTJs are male, yet INTJ females are not accused of being lesbians. Why assume INFJ males must be gay?

Actually, INTJ females are accused of being asexual. Just sayin'.

Anyways, Re-read thread. No one was speaking in absolutes. This thread was seeking out a specific group; not making the assumptions that "all INFJs are teh fags"

(The quote was a joke.)
I thought INTJ females were the rarest group, followed by INFJ males? It is probably a small difference though.

A lot of INTJ females do seem asexual, but definitely not all of them.
fe fi fo fum
ENTP females are pretty rare in real life IMO.

I've never met another one outside of the internet - but I think we are disproportionally represented here online. A lot of ENTP girls seem to love the forums and MBTI.

We also get a lot of flak for being "weird" compared to other girls, or "guy-like" in our thinking.
I don't know how much of this is true though. =/
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ENTP females are pretty rare in real life IMO.

I've never met another one outside of the internet - but I think we are disproportionally represented here online. A lot of ENTP girls seem to love the forums and MBTI.

I've met a few ENTP women before at a 6 week academic camp/activity I was doing. They are a ...unique breed. :p. I've actually seen more ENTP females than males
I thought INTJ females were the rarest group, followed by INFJ males? It is probably a small difference though.

A lot of INTJ females do seem asexual, but definitely not all of them.

Both INTJ females and INFJ males form 0.5% of the population... apparently.

INFJ females form 1% and INTJ males form 1.5% so comparatively INTJ females would seem more rare.

ENTP females are pretty rare in real life IMO.


Though I would like to add that I don't really believe in these statistics. Not wholly anyway.
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I don't think these statistics correct for mistypings.
I missed this one. Gonna jump in late WTH.

Martial arts: nope, long distance running for me. Always wanted to do archery and firearms, never did.

Femine side: Sure, got one, and I like it. Often told it was too dominant when I was younger. Theys wur dum. My INTJ wife got the opposite flak, We think its funny.

Cuddly: yep.

Norton, thanks for the compliment. In our world people don't often appreciate us. We're like the Left Hand of some ancient Deity. But we rok, I agree.

Rarity: The only INFJ dudes I know are on here.

Rage: A big issue for me. Until I turned 3o