[INFJ] This will make you rage

Here's this. I'm sure some folks will object to this but maybe it will make others think about some things. Idk. Maybe you've already seen it!

I think it's a bootleg. Shhhh...
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And currently it's not just a 'few bad apples'. It's also outside opportunists. Uncover cops? Antifa? Douchebag slackers that wanna fuck shit up?
Ofc. I mean, creeps are going to use any chance they can to use this for gain. Just like people robbing people during the outbreak because everyone was wearing masks.. There will always be opportunistic parasites.
Ofc. I mean, creeps are going to use any chance they can to use this for gain. Just like people robbing people during the outbreak because everyone was in masks.. There will always be opportunistic parasites.
Right. But also, the 'few bad apples' reaction is understandable. Even for someone that will never understand what their life is like.

*This has been an opinion by MTB*
I've been watching a lot of American news and commentary, in addition to historic speeches and interviews by public figures from the civil rights era, &c., and I can't help but feel that this is a great Republic that deserves to be defended and improved with equally great effort. That what has been built - despite all the corruption - is something of value.

I'm reminded of something I saw live at the time purely by chance, but which gripped me with a sense of hope and admiration for the US - the funeral of Senator John McCain.

Obama and Bush gave the eulogies, and the whole thing struck me as a symbol of what American political culture could be sometimes. Political opponents but countrymen nonetheless, both in service to the nation as a whole.

The institutions you've built aren't completely corrupt - not yet - and reform is still possible with enough energy and faith.

I think, and I hope, that unity will prevail and the voices of the people will be heard; that the Trump administration will be seen as an aberration and that the country that has been fought for so much by now will continue to be.

Good luck Americans, we love you.
Don't get sucked into American patriotism; we are a country built upon exploitation, deception and complacency.

Basically America's motto:

I don't either. The 'conjecture' I posted stated, which can be clearly seen in your vid, that a couple/few dozen people were doing that. A few dozen people is not the entirety of the movement. And it was from nearly 6 years ago...
I don't think we are getting anywhere with this conversation anymore, I think i'm done.
Don't get sucked into American patriotism; we are a country built upon exploitation, deception and complacency.
I'm well aware, but civic pride is not 'patriotism' - the former only takes account of the functionality of its institutions, and is engaged in a constant process of improvement and protection.

But if you feel like there is nothing of value to salvage, then by all means do as the French do and hit the reset button, then try to build something better from its ashes.

Revolutionary fervour is all well and good, and in some cases it's appropriate, but not here I don't think.
according to his source: the real reason is bcuz they were stiff necked people :tearsofjoy: according to his source he hasn't learnt shit
........... .
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I'm going to watch Forest Gump.

That's all I have to say about that.
I'm going to watch Forest Gump.

That's all I have to say about that.
Nothing to say about police brutally shoving an elderly man to the ground they could have easily just side stepped? I don't know what the man was doing. Some say trying to hand them a helmet he found. But he clearly wasn't a threat. At least the national guard helped the man at the end.
Nothing to say, respectfully, about blaming the world for a bad apple's actions. This has turned into racial hatred against whites, the government, and our laws. Some folk don't know when to go home. There is a big difference kin protesting and acting like idiots, destroying things. I've heard enough to make me sick. I have friends that have no racial barriers between us. Can't blame everyone. What did I do? Protect my country for this?
Am I so logical? Do you know me so well? Sorry if we disagree on some things, but I have rights too. Please let's not argue on my day off.