[INFJ] This will make you rage

Revolutionary fervour is all well and good, and in some cases it's appropriate, but not here I don't think
Why not?

Also, i have some bit of a confusion here because i'm not sure what the riot is concretely aiming for. I understand the spirit of the cause, which is yes that lives matter, howevet I want to see it translated to tangible and sustainable effects. I understood what Hong Kong wanted. It's easier to negotiate with clear terms. Are there lists of laws that this movement wants repelled? I read earlier about budget cuts for police force and I was wondering if that wasn't just a pacifier. What good does a budget cut do in the long term? Where is the problem rooted? These are just some of my questions.

I'm scared of these protests because while it is warranted, it is running so high on emotions.
Gag worthy for being fox but this little clip does make a point.

Police accountability, end economic oppression, end systemic racial injustice, prison reform (I mean, prison for profit?
There. List these down. Let the whole world know that these are what's wanted.

The mass incarceration. Wtf. American government presents itself in our governments with a holier than though crown of democracy and yet this is at its own backyard. It's only looking to put more slaves into that system. Let the world know what we're watching and show us the America of the people.
There. List these down. Let the whole world know that these are what's wanted.

The mass incarceration. Wtf. American government presents itself in our governments with a holier than though crown of democracy and yet this is at its own backyard. It's only looking to put more slaves into that system. Let the world know what we're watching and show us the America of the people.
This is what concerns me.

The West can't afford for American moral authority to collapse completely, and you'd think it would've learned by now. The Soviets were striking out at US credibility all the way back in the 1920s for the way it treated African-Americans.

China is poised to usurp everything that the US relinquishes, and its soft power might be the next to fall.
This is what concerns me.

The West can't afford for American moral authority to collapse completely, and you'd think it would've learned by now. The Soviets were striking out at US credibility all the way back in the 1920s for the way it treated African-Americans.

China is poised to usurp everything that the US relinquishes, and its soft power might be the next to fall.
I think this is inevitable at this point. With the way the American governance handled its own shit, they had it coming. Damn. This is China's retribution. Good luck with Hong Kong's fight now too. There could be all sorts of rhetoric pulled out from this. An empowered China, a weakend West. Movements relying on the balancing power of the West are shaking. However, should the American people pull through this and topple down this flawed system to replace it with a new one, it will also cascade to the rest of the world. The question is how soon and will this movement even succeed?
China is the co-dependent to the US narcissist. Except now China is the narcissist to the US narcissist. Because the world is SO GREAT with everyone sick and dying...not.

Stupid narcissists. Ugh.

I’m from Taiwan originally, so I have a lot to say about this.

I've watched some coverage of London, and the anarchists are instigating shit as they always do.

I remember going to a protest in Manchester against the Tory conference there, and seeing anarchists jump off the coaches all dressed in black and masked up. One guy was carrying a stick for some reason. The rest of the protest comprised thousands of normal people, and then 20-30 of these guys. Their presence split opinion, with some people arguing that they made us look bad, and others saying that they were part of the sane movement and excusing them for their youthful zeal/energy.

What ended up happening was that the Police kettled them in a sidestreet and the rest of the march carried on until it finished. As we were walking back to the coaches, the police released the anarchists and they did their raving loon act as press cameras followed them.

Guess what made it to the BBC news that evening? Not a sign of the peaceful protest, with families and working people, just footage of these black clad rabble rousers looking menacing.

It's honestly fucking embarrassing, and it only seems to serve reactionary forces to have every protest associated with them.
It's getting to the point in civilization where this movement is going to start becoming the lynch mob they've sought to destroy. Let this be a warning for everyone. The monsters have swallowed them whole. I hope to God I'm wrong.