[INFJ] This will make you rage

Yeah. At least from my end. I'm stepping out of this discussion. It is not my place too. I should have known that from the beginning.
I deleted my post because that's the sort of thing better said in person in a goofy tone of voice. Doesn't translate well over text. There's still a lot to talk about in regards to police brutality, racial inequality and Americans coming together to make change for the better. I know the focus of this thread was originally to discredit all of that though.

The reality is that the protests continue, peacefully, and now in solidarity, worldwide. I think that's worth appreciating, too.
It's ok. My understanding of the situation is not as nuanced as it should be to have any more decided suggestions. I'm watching from the outside looking in. I understand the plight, some of the history, but to me this is stuff I see on paper. I piece it together with what I understand of the world and that's it. I don't know the pain of the American people in the same way I know the pain of my own people. That being said, it's natural for me to not have much to put in.

One thing I do know is that I am of a skin and a race that has been colonized for over three hundred years, fifty of which as an American colony. I grew up inheriting a culture with a subliminal reverence for white skin. The rich oligarchs in my country remain to be descendants of a foreign race. The poor and oppressed in my homeland are her natives. This whole case in America obliterates the concept of it being the land of the free although I have always somewhat known that it isn't free. America is supposed to be the tipping edge of the fulcrum. It's supposed to be where the colonizers and the colonized are one, so this thing that's happening now is a fearsome validation of things we have always known, the ills of the world. To me it's a sad truth that's painful to repeatedly talk about. More so because it's not within my control and I can't do anything about it nor am I really in the position to do so, but you are.

In any case, while what's happening now in the U.S. is familiar to me, it remains that much of the discussion is really outside the scope of my expertise or the depth of my understanding or breadth of my existence. The pain of Americans is real and I think the polite thing to do is to let the discussion be among Americans. As much as I love Keanu Reeves and F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and even HIMYM, this is a nationalist outcry.

I do support you friends in that I am hoping that things will turn out for the better. I sincerely do.
There is nothing else left to discuss here except to wait and see where it goes.

I'm still gonna rage tho

I do support you friends in that I am hoping that things will turn out for the better. I sincerely do.

It's fine. The power structure will remain in tact and people will just move on. This is kinda what we do here.
But incrementally, things do change for the better. It's just very, very slow.
We are powerless wage slaves in the US. Nothing more really.
But hopefully we can all treat each other a little better for a while now.

I do have fears about elections this year. As long as we can get through that, we'll be fine.
Even if he's re-elected, which is entirely possible.