[INFJ] This will make you rage

It's getting to the point in civilization where this movement is going to start becoming the lynch mob they've sought to destroy. Let this be a warning for everyone. The monsters have swallowed them whole. I hope to God I'm wrong.

We're going to go down the drain partly because of this coupled with so many other problems coming together nearly all at once and with this being the 21st nothing stops at borders anymore so the whole world will eventually suffer as a result with no where to run no where to hide. I dread a second holocaust because society set in itself that some people according to their ideologies, beliefs, and simple hatreds have to be done away with except this time it won't come from the extremist right but this time from the left with the death toll being so much higher.
All I have to say is this whole thing is starting to look like mob hysteria cult activity.
Media. Corporate media is still an income generating machine. Even on my timelines, all I see is violence. The violence is drowning the cause. This view has to be corrected and I think the effort to correct that view needs to come from the movement. America is forgetting that the rest of the world is also watching and there's also great power to yield from that. In any case, these are internal affairs to a country but whatever comes out of it is critical to the rest of the world too.

I'm not American. I'm watching from the news. What is shown is that George Floyd was murdered and now people are everywhere on the streets. The chances are that people in power will continue to still use this same narrative to prosper a racist mentality. The voice of the crowds is drowned by the hype. And during a pandemic, I'm afraid of the deaths to result from that crowd. Maybe it's a tactic towards herd immunity, but what about the casualties?
Right. It's PR. They want people to see that their company is on the 'rIgHt SIdE of HiStoRy.' but those same companies are the ones playing the game of economic oppression and wage slavery with low wages, long hours and in the case of banks, insane fees and predatory lending. It's puke.
The West can't afford for American moral authority to collapse completely
It won't. Right now, it's a pile of shit, but there's still no other place I'd rather be. The people will come together. We always do. And we're usually at our best when things are dire. We need a leader. A real president. That won't change the bullshit binary politics but it will help.

We have a guy that wanted to make America great, again. So he and his team pulled the rug out from under years of progress. We'll be a'ight.
topple down this flawed system to replace it with a new one
We're not gonna rip up our system and implement a new one. We're gonna re-write some existing laws, add new laws, and close some loopholes. Ofc, those actions will ripple and wave through the system since it's all interconnected, but that's ok, it'll be like a giant American flag gloriously floating on a breeze above all creation!
What ended up happening was that the Police kettled them in a sidestreet and the rest of the march carried on until it finished. As we were walking back to the coaches, the police released the anarchists and they did their raving loon act as press cameras followed them.

Guess what made it to the BBC news that evening? Not a sign of the peaceful protest, with families and working people, just footage of these black clad rabble rousers looking menacing.
Sounds pretty.... regular? Lol So what happened after the news aired? Did the protestors just give up, go home and never speak of it again?
We're going to go down the drain partly because of this coupled with so many other problems coming together nearly all at once and with this being the 21st nothing stops at borders anymore so the whole world will eventually suffer as a result with no where to run no where to hide. I dread a second holocaust because society set in itself that some people according to their ideologies, beliefs, and simple hatreds have to be done away with except this time it won't come from the extremist right but this time from the left with the death toll being so much higher.
You are the most alarmist cat I've ever seen outside of Alex Jones.
This popped up in recommended and he does make solid points.

As a bonus
I'll never understand the 'white guilt'. There are some fuckers that outta be ashamed of themselves, but others have nothing to be guilty about. I have no guilt. I'm proud of my whiteness! (<That's a joke) Not having guilt or being against 'white guilt' or whatever is still no reason to not acknowledge the issue and listen. I'll never understand how that many people decided to kneel and do what they did. Guess everyone needs to hang it up. The war is over...
The protests continue nationwide and the vast majority out there are peaceful. Rioting and looting are down. The majority of Americans support the protestors and the movement. We have had generals speak out against Trump and his threat to "dominate," to warn that he is a danger to the American way; our constitution. And @Roses In The Vineyard is posting about genocidal leftist extremists, white guilt and Joe Biden. Something is very off here.
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I take heart in looking at places like Camden, PA. They changed to community based policing and during these protests, the police stood with the protestors. No violence. It’s monumental because it shows the policies that were put in place really helped an already burdened police department weather perhaps one of the biggest stressors it can go through.

Better this happens in more places, and I think it will.
the police stood with the protestors. No violence
I went fo a protest in my town and it was peaceful too. The chief of police came out and spoke for a while, called all the cops involved in the George Floyd incident murderers and that the cops that stood by without stopping the douche with his knee of Floyd's neck had failed their duties as human beings. Then all the police marched around downtown with the protestors, hugging and tears. It was a good thing. I hope things really change this time.
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