It saddens me that my youngest sister, the one that has been helping me since last year has betrayed my trust. She went behind my back and contacted Dad's lawyer

Instead of just asking me her questions. She, my mean sister and oldest neice are wanting a trial. Here is a very strong point of why Dad chose me to assist him in his end of life process.
For starters, it's called probate not trial and Dad paid for an ironclad will that's not other words, I now have to meet with the lawyer who then will bring us in front of a judge to tell these ladies that the will stands as is. What they don't know is that THEY have to pay for the court fees to do so otherwise things stand as they are.
It's tough for me to have to awaken to the truth I have no family... like a crash dummy in a brick wall awake.
I opened up the house to all of them so they might say their goodbyes, fed them, gave some an overnight bed so they didn't need a hotel, I even called My youngest sister before hospice minutes after Dad died so she could be here.
One sister is saying I killed Dad, lol, another that she zipped him in the body bag because I couldn't handle it....errhem, excuse me ladies, who the fuk has been ring leader of this shitshow for years?
Grief, anger, jealousy, blah-blah-fekkin- blah ..... Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
I understand it. Grief often shakes hands with guilt, anger, and pain. These ladies will work it out for themselves. I stand firm in my integrity, my sense of self, and doing the 'right' thing with continuing to pack up all the trinkets, trash, and treasures they all shared with Dad over the years. Box by box it will get put in the garage in a staging area, labeled and baited to keep the critters out and these albeit strange but related women can come get their stuff and exit my life permanently.
I do not need others beset on 'destroying' me because I approach life differently from them. Because I'm grateful for life regardless if I have or have not.
Did I mention the night Dad passed was peaceful and moving.....lovely really, to be there while he transitioned was an honor in of itself.
That is what has been helping me to keep going and see this all to it's end. Back in my Blogging For Exercise thread I mentioned early on, I'm going to get through the rest of my life with the least amount of chips, dents, and missing parts as possible. If that means without my sisters, then so it will be.
Rather than thinking you're buried believe that you've been seeded instead....patience brings the blossom.
