Trump will win again

Ignoring his claim of Executive Immunity the US House of Representatives Finds Bannon in Contempt for Defying Jan. 6 Inquiry Subpoena
The vote came after a bitterly partisan debate over the Capitol attack and as Republicans sought to deflect questions about Donald J. Trump’s role in the violence.
The resolution passed 229-202, with nine Republicans joining every House Democrat in favor of the measure. Reps. Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, the only GOP members of the Jan. 6 panel, were among the small group of Republicans that voted to hold Bannon in contempt. The other Republicans who voted in favor of the contempt measure: Rep. John Katko, R-N.Y. Rep. Anthony Gonzalez, R-Ohio Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Wash. Rep. Nancy Mace, R-S.C. Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich. Rep. Peter Meijer, R-Mich.
“The insurrection took place on Nov. 3, Election Day,” Mr. Trump wrote before the vote. “Jan. 6 was the protest!”
“You’re involved in political activity? They’re going to investigate you,”
Mr. Jordan said. “You know what this is really about: getting at President Trump.”
"Issuing an invalid subpoena weakens our power, not voting against it,"
McCarthy said, defending Republicans' plans to overwhelmingly vote against holding Bannon in contempt of Congress this evening. "[Bannon] has a right to go to court to see if he has executive privilege or not. I don't know if he has it or not, but neither does the committee."
Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., accused the committee of “an unconstitutional political investigation, a sham investigation conducted by a sham committee.” calling the probe an “illicit criminal investigation into American citizens” and "Steve Bannon was a private citizen before, after and during Jan. 6. So why is the select committee interested in Steve Bannon? It's simple. He's a Democrat party bogeyman,"
“There are serious security vulnerabilities that have not been addressed by this House",
Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill said. "And this is what the majority has decided to spend its time on: Holding a private citizen who wasn't even part of the administration at the time in contempt for refusing to comply with House Democrats subpoenas."
Fusion GPS was paid by gop and dems to do a deep dive on trump. they hired a brit ex intelligence officer who relied on his russian sources for the dope on trump and russia, the russians are expert at mixing lies with truth. to say that gps admitted they were hired by the dems to make shit up about trump is unfounded and unfair, I would suggest that you know that except, based on most of your posts on the forum i really believe that you don't know that.
here's and idea, read the mueller report.

Now you can read the Federal Indictment.
Ehmm...The Russia collusion story is properly told in the first part of the Mueller Report, which is not based on the Steele dossier. take a listen to this podcast if you are actually interested in what the hullabaloo about Trump, the Trump Campaign, Manafort, Kilimnik, etc.
Ehmm...The Russia collusion story is properly told in the first part of the Mueller Report, which is not based on the Steele dossier. take a listen to this podcast if you are actually interested in what the hullabaloo about Trump, the Trump Campaign, Manafort, Kilimnik, etc.
In the documentary The Plot Against the President, basically everybody was asked by the Nunez team if they had information regarding the Trump administration conspiring, colluding, or coordinating with Russia regarding the 2016 election. Kash Patel said that virtually everyone said no, No information whatsoever.

I am curious 57, do you have any concerns with the DNC and Hillary Clinton regarding their payment for the 100% fictitious Steele dossier for the purpose of creating a false narrative so as to foment a coup against the sitting president?
well...there you go, Robert Mueller or Kash Patel? Thanks OhTooBeeWan you have saved us
I thought you implied the Steele Dossier need not be truthful by stating that the Mueller report is not based on it. Perhaps I need to stand corrected? Do you continue to believe the Steele Dossier is legitimate?

While slight, your mockery is noted (OhTooBeeWan). A correlation between level of such behavior and political bent is strong and is telling. What proceeds is the filth that is in your own heart.
And by the way, @FiftySeven, did you declare that Mueller is of much higher repute than Patel? On what grounds? What are your qualifications for competently rendering such a conclusion?
And by the way, @FiftySeven, did you declare that Mueller is of much higher repute than Patel? On what grounds? What are your qualifications for competently rendering such a conclusion?
Oh, I think you should do your own research and draw your own conclusions. As my mom always says...."Do what you want, you will anyway"
Oh, I think you should do your own research and draw your own conclusions. As my mom always says...."Do what you want, you will anyway"
Yeah, I have done some. Mueller is a hack deep swamp creature who Comey gave the job to in part through illegal activity. Kash Patel is the real deal.
If memory serves Robert Mueller was appointed as Special Counsel to investigate the Russian intrusion into the 2016 election by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein after then President Trump had fired FBI Director Comey. Mueller was appointed by the Deputy AG because Attorney General Jeff Sessions had recused himself from the ongoing investigation that was being conducted by the FBI because he had been a member of the Trump Campaign which was also under investigation.
I thought you implied the Steele Dossier need not be truthful by stating that the Mueller report is not based on it. Perhaps I need to stand corrected? Do you continue to believe the Steele Dossier is legitimate?
You report a binary world, things are or they are not. The world I experience is fluid, currents run through it. The Steele dossier is a work of "raw intelligence". That is how John McCain saw it (in my opinion) and how the counter intelligence agents in the US gov saw it...allegations that emanated from disturbing sources layered inside the Kremlin's apparatus.
...Steele told ABC News that the mission expanded almost immediately into two main threads: "One was what the Russians were doing in terms of potential interference in the campaign; and two, what the links were between Trump and the Trump campaign and Russia," Steele said.
"We realized it was potentially quite a big project and potentially quite a controversial project," he added. "But when we went into it, we weren't expecting to find a great deal."
Steele soon became convinced he had wandered into something more involved, and more concerning.
The four pillars
In defending his work, Steele describes his intelligence reports as resting on "four pillars" of information that he believes have held up over time as accurate.
"One was, there was a large-scale Russian interference campaign in the American election in 2016," he said."The second was that this had been authorized and ordered at the highest levels, including Putin," he said."The third had been that the objective of this was to damage Hillary Clinton and to try and get this rather unorthodox candidate, Donald Trump, elected," Steele said. "And the fourth was, there was evidence of collusion between Trump and people around Trump and the Russians."

Part of the challenge -- and the intrigue -- of Steele's reporting is that much of it is virtually impossible for lay people to verify. When the Department of Justice's inspector general examined the dossier's claims, he concluded that what Steele described as "raw intelligence" amounted to little more than rumor and bar talk.

Very little corroborating evidence has emerged to support the dossier. But neither, Steele points out, has there been much concrete contradictory evidence either.

His critics have taken issue with that particular line of defense.

"The common refrain when people were speaking about the dossier is, 'Well, we don't know if that's not true,'" Meier said. "People who are intelligence operatives anchor their reports to rumors, to hearsay, to bar talk, to smoke. That's the world that Christopher Steele operated in. And I guess that's the world he continues to operate in. I prefer the world of facts. That's the world I'm comfortable in."
IN MY OPINION it is important to bear in mind that the Mueller report is not based on the Steele Dossier. you can denigrate Muller if you want but he did an honest and substantial investigation and also stayed within the bounds of his charge. I encourage everyone who is interested in the extent to which Trump colluded with Putin to read the first part of the Mueller Report and draw your own conclusions as to whether or not Trump behaved in an acceptable manner in order to become President of the United States.
You report a binary world, things are or they are not. The world I experience is fluid, currents run through it. The Steele dossier is a work of "raw intelligence". That is how John McCain saw it (in my opinion) and how the counter intelligence agents in the US gov saw it...allegations that emanated from disturbing sources layered inside the Kremlin's apparatus.
IN MY OPINION it is important to bear in mind that the Mueller report is not based on the Steele Dossier. you can denigrate Muller if you want but he did an honest and substantial investigation and also stayed within the bounds of his charge. I encourage everyone who is interested in the extent to which Trump colluded with Putin to read the first part of the Mueller Report and draw your own conclusions as to whether or not Trump behaved in an acceptable manner in order to become President of the United States.

The "facts" are a changing.