Trump will win again

goodness, I have been overwhelmed with reading the Climate Bill (aka the Inflation Reduction Act), watching the joyous reactions to the Student Loan Forgiveness action by Old Joe to take the time to read the Memo Barr's DOJ wrote to justify Barr's unilateral dismissal of the Mueller Report.

but I did have time to read this

Only at least O’Callaghan knew that the evidence wasn’t conclusive. On Page 178, the Mueller Report they claimed was conclusive revealed that they had referred Stone for further investigation into whether he had conspired with Russian to hack.

The Office determined that it could not pursue a Section 1030 conspiracy charge against Stone for some of the same legal reasons. The most fundamental hurdles, though, are factual ones.1279

1279 Some of the factual uncertainties are the subject of ongoing investigations that have been referred by this Office to the D.C. U.S. Attorney’s Office.

DOJ covered that footnote up for another 20 months, releasing it only the day before the 2020 election.

From that point forward, Barr had to make sure that DOJ wouldn’t pursue that investigation into Stone, because it would expose the lie at the core of his cover-up.
and noticed that document regarding the Pardon of Roger Stone (which was promised to him by the former guy ) was among the pages and pages of highly classified documents the were stolen from the American People and improperly stored in a golf resort storage room.

Since there has been time for the dust to settle. It will be fun to see how the Columbia School of Journalism gets labeled a Trump PR machine as well as a news organization in Estonia.

A. Only 1 post WITH commentary.

B. NO ONE is being singled out or accused of ANYTHING.

C. There is no use of profanity.

D. No one is being trolled.

E. (I don't know E so that is the one I violated I am confident).

Vladimir Putin attacked the 2016 election in part to help Trump win, and Trump and his aides aided and abetted this assault on American democracy by denying such an attack was happening. Trump provided cover for a foreign adversary subverting a US election. Throughout the thousands and thousands of words Gerth generates, he downplays or ignores these fundamentals and how the media in 2016 covered them (which was shoddily). Instead, he zeroes in on the reporting related to collusion and Steele. In doing so, he offers an examination predicated on a skewed view of reality.
Thank you! I knew someone would come thru!! All that has been proven to be false but, whatever floats your boat.....

Thank you!
It is a misinterpretation of the special counsel’s report to believe that Trump was cleared of collusion. More accurately Trump was found to have engaged in obstruction of the investigation of his and his lieutenants potential conspiracy with elements of the Russian government in its attempt to derail the Clinton campaign. There was ample evidence of casual “collusion”presented in the report as well as accurately reported in many press accounts and various legal depositions.
I will concede that I am not going to change any hard left minds. Believe what you will! This is an article explaining how and why none of what you are relying on is true. The FBI knew and stipulated it was not true or that any of it happened. I am sincerely hoping at least a few folks will look at other options.

Thank you. link to a piece by Mollie Ziegler Hemingway at The Federalist? :P

It is a misinterpretation of the special counsel’s report to believe that Trump was cleared of collusion. More accurately Trump was found to have engaged in obstruction of the investigation of his and his lieutenants potential conspiracy with elements of the Russian government in its attempt to derail the Clinton campaign. There was ample evidence of casual “collusion”presented in the report as well as accurately reported in many press accounts and various legal depositions.

I am just curious. What exactly did Trump collude with Putin that skewed election results? How many votes are we talking about here? How many states were involved? Is there any written, audio, and/or verbal material that I can pore through that details the specifics of what happened? I have seen allegations THAT collusion occurred, but I have never seen a shred of WHAT actually occurred.

Assuming you believe the 2020 election was not stolen, juxtaposing 2020 with 2016 is interesting for me. I can provide a massive amount of material relevant to some of the election numbers that were allegedly stolen, how many states were involved, statistical anomalies, video of mules (referring to the 2000 mules documentary), and much more. And yet, my guess is your stance is that 2020 was free of criminality.

That is a highly interesting juxtaposition.
a WaPo story describing both Trump’s refusal to take steps to protect American democracy from Russian interference…

“Nearly a year into his presidency, Trump continues to reject the evidence that Russia waged an assault on a pillar of American democracy and supported his run for the White House.

The result is without obvious parallel in U.S. history, a situation in which the personal insecurities of the president — and his refusal to accept what even many in his administration regard as objective reality — have impaired the government’s response to a national security threat. The repercussions radiate across the government.

Rather than search for ways to deter Kremlin attacks or safeguard U.S. elections, Trump has waged his own campaign to discredit the case that Russia poses any threat and he has resisted or attempted to roll back efforts to hold Moscow to account.”

… As well as Russia’s assessment of the “staggering return” achieved by their interference operation.

“U.S. officials said that a stream of intelligence from sources inside the Russian government indicates that Putin and his lieutenants regard the 2016 “active measures” campaign — as the Russians describe such covert propaganda operations — as a resounding, if incomplete, success.

Moscow has not achieved some its most narrow and immediate goals. The annexation of Crimea from Ukraine has not been recognized. Sanctions imposed for Russian intervention in Ukraine remain in place. Additional penalties have been mandated by Congress. And a wave of diplomatic retaliation has cost Russia access to additional diplomatic facilities, including its San Francisco consulate.

But overall, U.S. officials said, the Kremlin believes it got a staggering return on an operation that by some estimates cost less than $500,000 to execute and was organized around two main objectives — destabilizing U.S. democracy and preventing Hillary Clinton, who is despised by Putin, from reaching the White House.

The bottom line for Putin, said one U.S. official briefed on the stream of post-election intelligence, is that the operation was “more than worth the effort.” “
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You have not adequately answered my question and theMueller Report and the Washington Post article do not answer my question either.

Previously, I perused the long Mueller Report for content related to alleged election theft. I found nothing of that nature. What I did find was the allegation that the Trump administration was incompetent with respect to dealings with Russia. Not malicious. Not criminal. Incompetent.

Let me repeat the question.

I am just curious. What exactly did Trump collude with Putin that skewed election results? How many votes are we talking about here? How many states were involved? Is there any written, audio, and/or verbal material that I can pore through that details the specifics of what happened? I have seen allegations THAT collusion occurred, but I have never seen a shred of WHAT actually occurred.

There is a documentary titled The Plot Against the President that I highly recommend. It is available on amazon prime.

Here is an audio excerpt from the documentary beginning at the 50 minute mark. The first person speaking is Kash Patel. Earlier in the documentary, Patel shares that when Nunes offered him a job, Patel told him on one condition. If we find ANY dirt on the Trump presidency we have to report it. Nunes agreed.

From the documentary:

And I think we ended up doing 65 interviews. We hit everybody. Former attorney generals, Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, Andy McCabe, James Comey. You know the central thesis was the Trump Campaign colluded with the Russian government to hijack the election. OK, let’s find out. So we came up with the three “C” questions we were going to ask every single witness.

Do you have any evidence or information that the Trump campaign colluded, conspired, or coordinated with any member of the Russian government, with any member of the Trump campaign or Trump presidency? All 85 witnesses, under oath, said no to every question.

We had to ask that because they were saying it in the media that that happened so these principals were the ones who had to know that and if they answered yes we’d have to report that to the public. And they couldn’t answer the simple question of “Where’s the dirt?”

The documentary next goes to Schiff lying through his teeth. Then it switches to a guy named Jack Langer who said:

We had not one person claim they had or had seen evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians. Not a single one of them could cite any evidence whatsoever that they saw. That’s what was going on behind closed doors. Then on TV you go there and see Schiff talking about more treason has been revealed by Trump.
[end of excerpt]

Can you cite from ANY source, including the Mueller Report and the Washington Post article you shared that reveals:

any evidence or information that the Trump campaign colluded, conspired, or coordinated with any member of the Russian government, with any member of the Trump campaign or Trump presidency?

If you can, I would very much like to see it as well as the name of the person who claims such information. (So would Nunes and Kash Patel, by the way.)

OK, a bit of summary.

1. How is it that you claim that Trump colluded with Russia all the while 100% out of 85 witnesses, including Comey and McCabe, testified they had no evidence?

2. The criminality of the Democratic Party, the FBI, and others against Trump and Trump-related folks that is shown in the documentary is absolutely breathtaking. Such as the fraudulent FISA report, the Obama administration spying on virtually everyone in the Trump administration even before he took office, and the bankrolling of Fusion GPS by the DNC to produce the Steele Dossier.

3. I referred to what I termed an interesting juxtaposition - the alleged Russian collusion juxtaposed with the alleged stolen 2020 election. I can provide OVER A THOUSAND witnesses who allege 2020 was loaded with vote theft along with their support of claim. For example, I saw every state hearing of witnesses who testified under oath. I saw the 2000 mules documentary. And much more.

(Let me never saw 2000 Mules, right?) Or any of the state hearings, I am sure.)

And yet...

I assume you are certain there was no theft with the 2020 election and Trump indeed colluded, conspired, or coordinated with any member of the Russian government for the purpose of stealing the 2016 election.

Am I correct in my summation?
Wait. You want to compare the tally of votes that you claim were fraudulent or not counted in the 2020 election with the number of votes influenced by the Russian intelligence 2016 “active measures” operation which the Trump organization was demonstratively aware of, encouraged, communicated with and sought to benefit from?

How about we just agree that candidates for federal office should not seek help from foreign states?
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Konstantin Kilimnik
The thorough investigation of Manafort found him guilty of buying expensive suits. This was covered in the documentary I mentioned.

Of course, you will never see the documentary.

Nice try.

I forgot that Manafort was found guilty of a financial crime as well.
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I'm gonna go ahead and shoot myself in the foot and say, if he's able to run, he's gonna win again. Pretty much last time I get to say it. He loses this one, poor buddy is gonna be a bit too old to run again if he's still alive
I'm gonna go ahead and shoot myself in the foot and say, if he's able to run, he's gonna win again. Pretty much last time I get to say it. He loses this one, poor buddy is gonna be a bit too old to run again if he's still alive
Even as a moderate, I'm inclined to agree with this. I'm just not sure how I feel about it. I was never one to invest too much personal stock in who sits at that particular desk in the same way that some do. When I look at this year's hyperpartisan choices it just makes me sad that this was deemed the best way to whittle down our menu options. Not sure I'd trust either one of them with the football, were it left entirely to me.
I don't think "the establishment" will permit Trump to win.
The number of frivolous lawfare cases against him makes it seem like his opposition isn't even interested in appearing to be interested in the democratic process.

My opinion may be skewed, but at the very least, no one is doing much to reinforce the notion of a "voters get to decide" campaign.

America used to be something other countries aspired to be. Now it's something people would dread to end up like.