Trump will win again

The executive branch via the DOJ prosecuting Jan 6 defendants, the Judicial branch via the judges presiding over the Jan 6 defendants, and the Legislative branch via the House Jan 6 committee have all coalesced around the theory that the riot and break in at the US capitol on Jan 6 2020 was a violation of a specific Federal law. We will see if anyone above the actual marauders get charged.

18 U.S. Code § 1512 - Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant
(c) Whoever corruptly—
(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

Judge Amy Berman Jackson in her sentencing today of disabled Marine vet Mark Leffingwell. RNC's resolution makes a cameo during 1/6 rioter sentencing. Judge ABJ: "It is not 'legitimate political discourse,' and it is not justified to descend on the nation's Capitol at the direction of a disappointed candidate and disrupt the electoral process."
The only way to usefuly understand Western politics (US and Europe) is to see it as a new class war. After WW2, democratic pluralism was the common orthodoxy, largely driven by military necessity. It meant sharing power more with the people, and reducing unfair inequality. It was the best system for about 30 years. It was taken apart over 50 years by a managerial overclass through a 'revolution from above'. This allowed the technocratic overclass to gain not only wealth but political and cultural hegemony by replacing democratic pluralism with technocratic neoliberalism. It was largely sold as empowering individuals but in reality it only powered division.
This has left a political system which mainly works for the overclass professionals and a media biased towards them. Recent developments are the latest manifestation of this dysfunctionality. Populism, usually led by demagogues like Trump, pretend to be with "the people" but they are mainly for themselves and unable to provide an answer. Embattled (but still largely in control of finance and politics and media) elites dismiss these populist revolts as either the latent fascist tendencies in the masses or a result of Russian interference (usually also blaming the internet/technology). The only answer is to move back to democratic pluralism. We need more, or better, democracy, not less. I don't vote currently, as there is no party which works for 'ordinary' people. It is a protest in itself. I did vote for UK Labour Party until they ousted Jeremy Corbyn on fictitious anti-semitism claims (see medialens website if you don't believe me) because he was too in touch with ordinary people. There is no left wing in politics today in our hollowed-out democracies. We are at a crossroads and how we understand what is happening is key. Neither technocratic neoliberalism nor demagogic populism can solve our problems, but that is all anyone is talking about.
I am writing about this currently.
The only way to usefuly understand Western politics (US and Europe) is to see it as a new class war. After WW2, democratic pluralism was the common orthodoxy, largely driven by military necessity. It meant sharing power more with the people, and reducing unfair inequality. It was the best system for about 30 years. It was taken apart over 50 years by a managerial overclass through a 'revolution from above'. This allowed the technocratic overclass to gain not only wealth but political and cultural hegemony by replacing democratic pluralism with technocratic neoliberalism. It was largely sold as empowering individuals but in reality it only powered division.
This has left a political system which mainly works for the overclass professionals and a media biased towards them. Recent developments are the latest manifestation of this dysfunctionality. Populism, usually led by demagogues like Trump, pretend to be with "the people" but they are mainly for themselves and unable to provide an answer. Embattled (but still largely in control of finance and politics and media) elites dismiss these populist revolts as either the latent fascist tendencies in the masses or a result of Russian interference (usually also blaming the internet/technology). The only answer is to move back to democratic pluralism. We need more, or better, democracy, not less. I don't vote currently, as there is no party which works for 'ordinary' people. It is a protest in itself. I did vote for UK Labour Party until they ousted Jeremy Corbyn on fictitious anti-semitism claims (see medialens website if you don't believe me) because he was too in touch with ordinary people. There is no left wing in politics today in our hollowed-out democracies. We are at a crossroads and how we understand what is happening is key. Neither technocratic neoliberalism nor demagogic populism can solve our problems, but that is all anyone is talking about.
I am writing about this currently.

This is simply brilliant...ideas and articulation.

And I know this because my idealism had an orgasm. :P

Thanks. I’ve been thinking about this situation and reading books for many years. I have to give significant credit for a lot of what I wrote above to John Lind and his book The New Class War, one of the best books I have ever read. It’s importance in our current time is massive. I’m tying it into my own thinking along with the results of reading many other books on the topic. I can usually sense when something is wrong or where there are possible answers. It’s ‘just’ then a case of researching and thinking to get to the answers, while keeping an open mind and considering all possibilities. I read books I know I will probably disagree with to seek holes in my theories or those of others.
I don't remember in which thread I wrote it but I predicted Trump would not be the nominee in 2024. I'd like to double down on that prediction.

Not because I'm more certain than before but rather I want the adrenaline rush from gambling.
More than likely we will never know the specifics of the search warrant that a Federal Judge signed authorizing the FBI to search Trump's Florida resort and break into his safe. But there is the off chance that he could be charged with.....espionage. Is he still leading chants of "lock her up" at his burning man appearances regarding Hillary's handling of classified information (asking for a friend)?
Fusion GPS was paid by gop and dems to do a deep dive on trump. they hired a brit ex intelligence officer who relied on his russian sources for the dope on trump and russia, the russians are expert at mixing lies with truth. to say that gps admitted they were hired by the dems to make shit up about trump is unfounded and unfair, I would suggest that you know that except, based on most of your posts on the forum i really believe that you don't know that.
here's and idea, read the mueller report.

I was just wondering if you had read the DOJ's opinion of the Mueller report? This just recently came out.