Trump will win again

Not just the US but the whole God damn planet, if ever there was a need for a generation to die off it would be the boomers hands down before we end up having to live through another world war.
You assume that subsequent generations will not vote to secure their property and benefits in retirement.

The only way to rectify the population pyramid is for a few generations to have a LOT of children.
images (21).png
The only way to rectify the population pyramid is for a few generations to have a LOT of children.
Quite right, but do not expect that to happen in North America, UK/Europe, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and a few others unmentioned.

Why? Because two things, more than any other, are responsible for birth rates below replacement:
  1. education of girls and women
  2. availability of effective birth control
I don’t say that with any implied value is simply a statement of fact.

You assume that subsequent generations will not vote to secure their property and benefits in retirement.

The only way to rectify the population pyramid is for a few generations to have a LOT of children.
View attachment 94809
For a swath of Gen X and younger there won't be retirement as most will be working until disability or death takes them. As for fixing the inverted population pyramid don't count on it given that population growth is expected to crash mainly due to cost of existence and societal changes favoring antinatalism.
Should Biden withdraw due to his age and what seemingly is loss of faculties?

I don’t know. I’m not his doctor.

But his attack on Anita Hill in 1991 is a reason. His Three-Strikes Crime Bill of 1994 is certainly a reason. His Omnibus Counterterrorism Act of 1995 became the Patriot Act. In 1996 he voted against gay marriage. And for fuck’s sake, in 1999 he voted to repeal Glass Steagall! In 2001 he was green light go for the Patriot Act. In 2002 he voted to go to war against Iraq. WMDs? In 2005 he voted to end bankruptcy protection for student loan debt, so debt would be for life.

There’s plenty of reasons one can pick if one wants to.

I do think Allen Lichtman, though, is worth hearing out on the election. He's, so far, got a track record of over 40 years of accurate election predictions with only 1 wrong prediction(which was the 2000 Bush vs Gore general election)...

For a swath of Gen X and younger there won't be retirement as most will be working until disability or death takes them. As for fixing the inverted population pyramid don't count on it given that population growth is expected to crash mainly due to cost of existence and societal changes favoring antinatalism.

An alarming number of my peers are dying young, in their 40s and 50s due to unaffordable medical care. I'm not sure a huge percentage of Gen X will need to worry about not being able to retire because they'll be dead long before 65 or 70.
An alarming number of my peers are dying young, in their 40s and 50s due to unaffordable medical care. I'm not sure a huge percentage of Gen X will need to worry about not being able to retire because they'll be dead long before 65 or 70.
With WW3 on the horizon a Lot of us won't be making it but the boomer generation has theirs and will still be going on vacations, buying up homes like baseball cards, classic cars, and lifted trucks like nothing has changed.
401 Ks were to replace company pensions but all they did was offer smoke and mirrors to mask the dismantling of an already lacking retirement system. Meanwhile the anti-New Dealers have used the last 50 yearsto attack all social safety net programs and are now poised to dismantle Social Security and Medicare.
from an outside perspective

Biden is an old man who's lost touch with reality
Trump is an old man who never was in touch with reality

Biden pros/cons
While Biden doesn't know what day it is, I'm pretty sure others are running the country for him, less exposure to the public in press conferences, but probably safer for the world.

Trump pros/cons
more exposure to the public, fucking hilarious press conferences, really his covid press conferences were comedy gold, however he tends to make risky decisions, so overall world safety will decrease