Trump will win again

from an outside perspective

Biden is an old man who's lost touch with reality
Trump is an old man who never was in touch with reality

Biden pros/cons
While Biden doesn't know what day it is, I'm pretty sure others are running the country for him, less exposure to the public in press conferences, but probably safer for the world.

Trump pros/cons
more exposure to the public, fucking hilarious press conferences, really his covid press conferences were comedy gold, however he tends to make risky decisions, so overall world safety will decrease
I somehow disagree with Biden being probably safer for the world. As someone from around the South China Sea, the Biden adminstration inched us all more closely to ww3 than Trump did.

However, I do believe Trump is equally dangerous particularly for domestic US politics.

Whichever presidentiable wins, it seems chaos is on the horizon.









Have to wonder if all this is going to be the last straw before Biden either steps down or they whoever runs the show to speak push him out. Really don't see the guy wanting to be around to hold the bag any longer with things only getting worse.
Probably up a few more percentage points after the shooting as well
If y'all haven't seen Hillbilly Elegy yet, you are late to the party


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It has often been said that a man would rather run for office than go to therapy.

JD Vance, in a nutshell.

An angry individual, filled with unresolved trauma, one heartbeat away from the presidency.

Good Times,
It's an interesting implication that there are people who are still positioned on the fence in such a way that seeing one candidate get shot at is what would compel them to vote in that direction.

It really tells you something about how politics in general works. Dramatise uncertainty and people will grasp onto whatever narrative lifeboat emerges from the chaos.