Trump will win again

What has she done?

I like reading this with a very dramatic accusatory tone
Emma Stone No GIF by Searchlight Pictures
Rapist? Haven't seen that one
Then you’re not paying attention, for whatever reason.
"Grab'em by the pussy" = guy talk.
Feel free to call it what you like, but don’t think it can be excused or explained away.
When you vote for candidate's you vote for the ability to do the job, not the personality.
Yes, thank goodness, this is the sound of reason. He promised the wall. Nothing. He directed the Fed to print money, now we are caught in inflation. These are but two examples.
Hmmmm. What has she done? Zip.
Again, ignorance for whatever reason. She is 59 years old. She’s had a long career.
I do wish they would take Donald's cell phone / social media accounts away
I support the right to free speech, even for those I dislike. Let Donald be Donald, to whatever end.

p.s. People are Asian. Lamps and rugs are oriental.

May you have a lovely evening.

Immigration is not an issue which Trumpers can bring up in good faith.

Republicans scuppered the immigration bill back in January, which would have been the most substantive reform seen in a generation.

Trumpers needed the issue to remain unaddressed, because one of their tentpole FUD narratives depends upon broken policy.

Come on now. Trump did not "instruct the Fed to print". They are quite eager to print in any case. And it was the duration of accommodating monetary policy that was the biggest problem. They kept at it almost till 2022.

My problem with the democrats is that they are the party on NPC. You know that saying, a single ant is stupid but colony of ants is intelligent. Most of the democratic party are unintelligible NPCs that repeat the party line. "Biden in very sharp behind the scenes". No one dares to tell the truth. Their strength lies in numbers. In lying and spreading fear. They attack and demonize Trump like is the new Hitler. They were adding fuel to the fire (not to say more) during Black lives matters riots just to make Trump look bad. They think Democratic party == democracy. And everyone that is not for democratic party is a fascist. They want to make US into a one party shithole like California is.

If Trump wins, it's not the end of the world. And if Kamala wins, neither. Let's just calm down. It's a two party system, let us just count the votes and don't burn everything down.
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Come on now. Trump did not "instruct the Fed to print". They are quite eager to print in any case.
Sorry, I’m still gun-shy after having my ass served to me on a platter after saying “the government printed money,” and being told the government is not the Fed.

Fair Enough,
Also. I think we can all agree that US is tremendously divided and partisan at the moment.

I think (that's just me) the Democratic party is mainly responsible for that. Since 2008 we had 3 presidential terms from Democratic party and one from Republican. The Democratic party also controls the legacy media and online discourse (at least until Musk bought Twitter). So we had one single Republican president in the last 16 years and even that was too much for them. They continue to vilify anyone that votes red. For them any red voter is an uneducated fascist who doesn't care about other people. That's the narrative out there that Democrats created.

Trump on the other hand said it well recently. "I don't wanna be president for half of America, but all of America".

IMO the tides are changing. Thx God Musk bought Twitter. Make voting red acceptable again. :)
Also. I think we can all agree that US is tremendously divided and partisan at the moment.

I think (that's just me) the Democratic party is mainly responsible for that. Since 2008 we had 3 presidential terms from Democratic party and one from Republican. The Democratic party also controls the legacy media and online discourse (at least until Musk bought Twitter). So we had one single Republican president in the last 16 years and even that was too much for them. They continue to vilify anyone that votes red. For them any red voter is an uneducated fascist who doesn't care about other people. That's the narrative out there that Democrats created.

Trump on the other hand said it well recently. "I don't wanna be president for half of America, but all of America".

IMO the tides are changing. Thx God Musk bought Twitter. Make voting red acceptable again. :)
I’m going to guess you are young enough that you weren’t around for the election of Reagan.

Yes, I can only remember last few elections. Why, what happened then?

Just FYI, I am not permanently in red or blue camp. Maybe next elections I would be more sympathetic to a Democratic candidate. But this time (unless Democrats nominate someone completely fresh) I don't wanna see Kamala, Hilary, Newsom or Michelle Obama as a president. The Democratic party needs a reboot.
Why, what happened then?
The gloves-off partisanship. The welfare queens and die you fucking faggot. The CIA’s weapons for drugs program. The realization of the southern strategy. The deals with foreign governments behind the scenes so as to influence elections. The celebrated murders of the othered. And my goodness did conservatives clutch their pearls when the economy was banging in ‘94.
The Democratic party needs a reboot.
I agree, but I also think this is unlikely to happen. They are but the flip side of a coin. The fundamentals remain the same.

Sad That,
“We're effectively run in this country via the Democrats, via the corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they made, and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too. It's just a basic fact. You have Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, AOC, the entire future of the Democrats is controlled by people without children. How does that make any sense when we've turned our country over to people who don't have a direct stake in it.”

– JD Vance (emphasis mine)

Jesus Christ. Vance is reportedly a two faced sycophant. Man's mouth is unhinged.
Immigration is not an issue which Trumpers can bring up in good faith.

Republicans scuppered the immigration bill back in January, which would have been the most substantive reform seen in a generation.

Trumpers needed the issue to remain unaddressed, because one of their tentpole FUD narratives depends upon broken policy.


Both parties exploit immigration beside just polarizing the population. One side it is cheap slaves while for the other cheap votes while ultimately it is just people who are left holding the bag. More academically speaking both parties exploit demographics to further their political goals at the expense of the overall population.
Yes, I can only remember last few elections. Why, what happened then?

Just FYI, I am not permanently in red or blue camp. Maybe next elections I would be more sympathetic to a Democratic candidate. But this time (unless Democrats nominate someone completely fresh) I don't wanna see Kamala, Hilary, Newsom or Michelle Obama as a president. The Democratic party needs a reboot.

I would love to see both parties done away with as they're just dead weight not only for this country but the whole of western civilization. The best the dems had was Sanders and the rest are just deep state assets.
Come on now. Trump did not "instruct the Fed to print". They are quite eager to print in any case. And it was the duration of accommodating monetary policy that was the biggest problem. They kept at it almost till 2022.

My problem with the democrats is that they are the party on NPC. You know that saying, a single ant is stupid but colony of ants is intelligent. Most of the democratic party are unintelligible NPCs that repeat the party line. "Biden in very sharp behind the scenes". No one dares to tell the truth. Their strength lies in numbers. In lying and spreading fear. They attack and demonize Trump like is the new Hitler. They were adding fuel to the fire (not to say more) during Black lives matters riots just to make Trump look bad. They think Democratic party == democracy. And everyone that is not for democratic party is a fascist. They want to make US into a one party shithole like California is.

If Trump wins, it's not the end of the world. And if Kamala wins, neither. Let's just calm down. It's a two party system, let us just count the votes and don't burn everything down.

This is correct and people point this out all the time only to get swarmed with bots on platforms like youtube for example.
The left media would have you believe Harris is a slam dunk win
Same for the right with Drumpf though
Trump on Kamala: “She doesn’t like Jewish people. She doesn’t like Israel. That’s the way it is, and that’s the way it’s always going to be. She’s not going to change,” he said.

Kamala has been married to a Jewish man for the past ten years.

I know, I know, it’s politics, not rational discourse. That said, I’d prefer more cortex and less amygdala.
