Trump will win again

Seen this one coming a million miles away, next he'll step down before the election then the crap starts hitting the fan.

Does Kamala Harris have a shot at the male votes?
Sure, why not? I mean, the alternative is to vote for a rapist who wants to end abortion access, end no-fault divorce, and tear apart families as part of the largest deportation program in history.

Never mind that though, he lost me with “Grab ‘em by the pussy.”

Others may take issue with him partying on Epstein’s plane, or him sexualizing and talking about banging his daughter.

All my life I’ve voted against people. I’ve never once felt any candidate represented me whatsoever.

Sure, why not? I mean, the alternative is to vote for a rapist who wants to end abortion access, end no-fault divorce, and tear apart families as part of the largest deportation program in history.

Never mind that though, he lost me with “Grab ‘em by the pussy.”

Others may take issue with him partying on Epstein’s plane, or him sexualizing and talking about banging his daughter.

All my life I’ve voted against people. I’ve never once felt any candidate represented me whatsoever.

These are interesting times, but it seems to me that the democrats need a wilder card than Harris to actually win this. For now she seems more like a predictable and convenient transition than a fierce representative of a democratic voice. I don't know how she fares in the polls but from what I've read so far, she might not be the game changer this country needs now more than ever. The upcoming convention will definitely be an event to follow.
These are interesting times, but it seems to me that the democrats need a wilder card than Harris to actually win this. For now she seems more like a predictable and convenient transition than a fierce representative of a democratic voice. I don't know how she fares in the polls but from what I've read so far, she might not be the game changer this country needs now more than ever. The upcoming convention will definitely be an event to follow.
Yes, for this to work, she needs to come out as a firebrand, with guns blazing.

The time of soft-touch is over.

You gotta remember Drumpf is afraid of Harris which is hilarious.
If she is chosen, her VP pick will be crucial.
Drumpf still has all the hype and momentum, I doubt much of anything will change that.
US citizens are currently rabid, salivating at the prospect of this country's demise.
They want everything torn down but have no real strategy for improving or rebuilding, which is also hilarious.
Proof that Trump can actually smile, and is capable of more than his two-thumbs smug grin.

“We're effectively run in this country via the Democrats, via the corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they made, and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too. It's just a basic fact. You have Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, AOC, the entire future of the Democrats is controlled by people without children. How does that make any sense when we've turned our country over to people who don't have a direct stake in it.”

– JD Vance (emphasis mine)

When you’re a stupid fucking race-baiter...yep, Trump’s posse is full of them!

Sure, why not? I mean, the alternative is to vote for a rapist who wants to end abortion access, end no-fault divorce, and tear apart families as part of the largest deportation program in history.

Never mind that though, he lost me with “Grab ‘em by the pussy.”

Others may take issue with him partying on Epstein’s plane, or him sexualizing and talking about banging his daughter.

All my life I’ve voted against people. I’ve never once felt any candidate represented me whatsoever.

Rapist? Haven't seen that one..... Likes sex, sure what guy doesn't. He turned the decision of abortions over to the states. "Grab'em by the pussy" = guy talk. Deportation, if they came here illegally they shouldn't be here. Take your kid with you. Who's fault is it? They cost us $50,000,000,000 a year. How many did Sleepy Joey let in?

When you vote for candidate's you vote for the ability to do the job, not the personality. Look at the Kennedy's, ol' Slick Willy and his wife, Obammy and his wife, Sleepy Joe - "look at my Corvette. Never mind the sensitive papers I kept piled behind it". The list goes on.

Harris? I think this is the first year I saw her eyes. Her father through her out of the house. Hmmmm. What has she done? Zip. Don't look black to me. Nor oriental. Some sites says she claims to be Native American also....WHAT? A lawyer.....what did Shakespeare say about lawyers........ LOL. Nuff said.

I do wish they would take Donald's cell phone / social media accounts away