Trump will win again

At the end of it all, I'm honestly just shocked that it's legal to appoint a felon to presidency, while other convicted felons aren't even allowed to vote.
Just seems kind of backwards.
The convicted felon will not be able to own a gun, but said felon will be able to control a nuclear arsenal.

After the debate it is obvious who'll win as Biden wouldn't be able to win against a head of lettuce like much of congress at this point.
The right to import insulin and other medications from countries like Canada broke the domestic monopoly and lowered prices, if I remember correctly.

Or was the price reduction achieved through government subsidies to pharmaceutical companies?

Edit. Almost forgot the thread topic.... Uh, the debate was boring and I only watched about 15min of it.
Quite a take:

The Democrat primary ended on June 8[1]. So why wasn’t Biden’s age openly contested?

It’s simple: Democrats are intentionally destroying democracy. They all knew Biden was infirm. But they waited till after the primary to acknowledge someone would need to succeed him. They waited till the people no longer had any say in who the Party would nominate. In other words, they waited till there wasn’t any shred of democracy involved in picking the leader of the Democrat Party.What they want instead is a one-party state like California[2], where “elections” are held but a Party member always wins. They want intra-party selection, not competitive multiparty election. This is why Democrats seek to jail the opposition — so they can run without opposition. And this is also why they seek to control the Internet — so that the Internet doesn’t threaten their control.All the Party really wants is to steal money and give it to their loyalists. That’s what the millions in student loans[3] and billions for nonfunctional trains[4] and trillions in printed bills[5] are all about — the greatest robbery in history. They just want the public's money, they don’t want the public to have any say over whether they're in power.Unfortunately for them, the public Internet is outside their power.Thus, social media circulated clips of Biden’s infirmity[6], even as regime media insisted he should be in charge of the country[7]. And prediction markets bet that Biden would be officially swapped out[8], even as officials tried to shut prediction markets down[9].So, once again the Network triumphed over the State. Biden loyalists did their level best to control the debate in the smallest and largest senses of that term — by excluding RFK, excluding other outlets, muting Trump, “fact checking” one side, and attacking internet debate itself — but that faction within the regime just couldn’t hide the truth from Twitter.

Now everyone agrees that the hot swap is on. Because only Biden's faction wanted Biden to run.Recall that after the Democrat primary ended on June 8, Obama very consciously put Biden on stage, let him stumble and mumble, and then held his hand[10] to usher him off stage.That was the act of a savvy politician: Obama was ostensibly appearing with Biden to help him, but was really there to help finish him. He intentionally ushered the old man off in that way to visibly (but deniably) show the world how powerless the “most powerful man in the world” was.That primed his team for an intra-party contest, and foreshadowed what just happened. The Party put Biden on stage for the debate, let him stumble and mumble, and is now very firmly ushering him off stage.So, as often happens these days, internet “conspiracy theory” anticipated the regime’s now-consensus reality. Solzhenitsyn[11] put it well: we knew that they were lying, they knew that they were lying, they even knew that we knew they were lying…but they were still lying.It suited the Democrat Party to lie, to keep an aged and infirm man as their nominal head, just as it suited the Communist Party to have Andropov and Chernenko[12] in nominal command towards the end of the Soviet era. With no one man in charge, each Party apparatchik can quietly loot the public blind, while letting the walking corpse take the public blame.

Remember also: the nature of the NPC is that any one man is dispensable. The NPC’s role is to just repeat the party line, strengthening the Party in return for the support of the Party. The person is nothing, the Party is everything.Biden simply took this principle to its absolute limit. With no onboard cognition whatsoever, he was the NPC President, and has been for years. A mindless mouthpiece for party propaganda, a hollow shell of a man, a Potemkin[13] president. He was nothing without the Party. And now, without the Party, he is nothing.

So, what happens next? Well, in the late Soviet Union, there was a discipline called Kremlinology[14]. It was about inferring what that opaque and undemocratic system would do, about reading internal factional conflict from public hints.

Today the free world is online, while Washington itself is the Kremlin. So we do Kremlinology through digital prediction markets[15] that the state can't stop. There you will see the Obama faction, the Newsom faction, the Clinton faction, the Warren faction, and the likes of AOC and Bernie all viciously clash and contend for who will succeed President NPC.Needless to say...there will be no democracy in those smoke-filled rooms. No public input into those Party struggles.But there will be at the end. Because despite the Democrats’ best efforts to destroy democracy — despite all the show trials and Internet censorship and dissident prosecution — unlike the Soviet system, there does remain that extreme inconvenience of a presidential election.So, it’s quite possible they pick Newsom. If the Party needs someone completely without conscience to succeed Biden and make centrist noises, he can do it.Newsom is after all a 6’3” tall, handsome white guy with a beautiful wife and four children. Visually, he's a candidate from central casting. Sure, running him would be a completely unprincipled throwback for a Party that nominally opposes “white privilege” — but all that matters is that the Party retain control to loot the public, so they may get behind him regardless.And what would Newsom do if he wins? Well, he was mayor of San Francisco and governor of California. So he will bring San Francisco- and California-quality governance to America — complete with dysfunctional million dollar toilets[16] and nonfunctional billion dollar trains[17]. Even more ominously, as you can see from the screenshot below and citations here[18-21] Newsom has already strongly committed in Chinese state media to be "China's long-term, stable, and strong partner". That's why Xinhua welcomes more Newsoms to come:

Moreover, as many in San Francisco saw to their dismay, Newsom personally welcomed Comrade Xi to California by escorting him from the plane, cleaning up the city, and (as you can see above) symbolically handing over the Golden State to Xi with a giant smile[22].In short, Newsom has very publicly committed to reversing the last eight years of US resistance to China and completely conceding DC to Xi. If he is the candidate, that is the likely consequence.

So as the journos keep saying, this election may in fact end America's democracy...but for reasons completely different from what has been publicly discussed. It's not the Republican who could end democracy, but the Democrat, in the sense of ending competitive multiparty elections and erecting a one-party state.Newsom wouldn't acknowledge it, of course. His party will lie without apology just as they lied about Biden's senility. As Democrat Party leader he'd just maintain the pretense of democracy, just as the PRC calls themselves the "People's Republic" of China. But in practice, as in his home state, and in many blue states, all multiparty elections will be replaced with de facto intra-party selections. They'll accomplish it through court-packing[23], gerrymandering[24], persecuting[25], and prosecuting[26] — as they've actually already done and promised to do!So the threat to democracy is real. But it comes from the left. If Newsom wins, there is a real risk that he'll succeed in destroying democracy and replacing it with a one-party state.As they've already done in California, and in China.
What are your personal thoughts on it tho

I think democrats (in their current form) are the establishment party. I pretty much dislike everything they do and stand for. Temperamentally I am probably more of a democrat, but apparatchik Joe Biden and his woke DEI cabinet is the most useless bunch I have ever seen. And the same goes for Canada and most of the G7 countries.

Are they a threat to democracy? Of course not. I think they need to show some dignity, accept the defeat and prepare someone better for 2028.

The democrats completely misread the situation. After 2008 the plan was to inflate the stock and property prices to the moon to stimulate demand and economy via the wealth effect. Well, this worked great for the rich asset holders, but alienated the younger/poorer/more working class people. And then, poof, someone cooked up woke propaganda to divert attention of the young, college educated to the issue of climate, sustainability, immigration, LGBTQ and the rest of it. This distraction worked for a few years and captured the minds of some, but ultimately it failed as the economy post Covid got worse and inflation picked up. Ever since then they have been just caught in the web of lies, scrambling for media control and controlling online narratives.

Pendulum is swinging back right, it's just what it does.
Sounds about right to me as well. Thanks @philostam
I don't think it matters who wins really.
Either way is a path towards a little degradation of our democratic system.
If Biden is elected he'll probably die or be ruled as unfit for office soon after. If not it will just be four more years of a nothing burger.
Drumpf means another four years of social chaos but he will do some good as well through breaking things like the little baby child he is.
A lot of things are broken anyway and others need to be broken in order to improve in some direction.
I don't think it matters who wins really.
Either way is a path towards a little degradation of our democratic system.
If Biden is elected he'll probably die or be ruled as unfit for office soon after. If not it will just be four more years of a nothing burger.
Drumpf means another four years of social chaos but he will do some good as well through breaking things like the little baby child he is.
A lot of things are broken anyway and others need to be broken in order to improve in some direction.

If nothing else, I think Trump will appoint better people and I trust him more to navigate the geopolitical turmoil. He is more of a realist and judges himself and other based on results/achievement in the real world. Democrats just lie and say "yeah Biden might look demented, but behind closed doors he is sharp as a razor..." Honestly, WHO is even at charge at the moment?

Trump might be a better president as in his 1st term. I think back then he was unprepared and didn't expect to win. He also got super defensive after media was on his back all the time.
I think he's a bit more calm now and people/media are a bit more used to him as a political figure.
If nothing else, I think Trump will appoint better people and I trust him more to navigate the geopolitical turmoil.

Gonna have to disagree with you there, but it's more an ideological difference than "effectiveness" which you may be correct on in some sense.
Can someone maybe fill me in if it's actually possible for Trump to stay leader for longer than four years? I don't know if what I've been hearing about him wanting to be a dictator for the rest of his life is something that is actually possible, or just fear mongering. Not a fan of him, don't get me wrong! I just want to see what I should expect, and what I can do to maybe seek some kind of exit plan out of this country since I have a passport.
It's certainly possible, though unlikely.
Many dictators come from governments where it was thought to be not possible by the citizens.
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Can someone maybe fill me in if it's actually possible for Trump to stay leader for longer than four years? I don't know if what I've been hearing about him wanting to be a dictator for the rest of his life is something that is actually possible, or just fear mongering. Not a fan of him, don't get me wrong! I just want to see what I should expect, and what I can do to maybe seek some kind of exit plan out of this country since I have a passport.

American system with checks and balances is designed in such a way to prevent an ego-maniac president from seizing total control. The closest US got to a dictatorship was probably FDR.

Chances of Trump staying in office beyond 2028 are real close to 0.

This kind of fear mongering is just democrat media machinery. Their only weapon.
Can someone maybe fill me in if it's actually possible for Trump to stay leader for longer than four years? I don't know if what I've been hearing about him wanting to be a dictator for the rest of his life is something that is actually possible, or just fear mongering. Not a fan of him, don't get me wrong! I just want to see what I should expect, and what I can do to maybe seek some kind of exit plan out of this country since I have a passport.

I am doubtful that Trump will be around long enough to even think of a third term even though Obama did get his via Biden.