What did you want to be when you where younger?

La Sagna

I did it! I'm a butterfly!
When you were a kid, what did you tell people you wanted to be when you grew up? Maybe there were many different things you wanted to be at different times, tell us what they are and what you think drew you to the idea.
My mom loves to tell this story:

"When you were 6 years old, ____ [my mom's coworker] asked you want you wanted to be when you grew up. Do you know what you said? You said 'I want to be a veterinarian and fix ponies, or a Dairy Queen cake decorator! I LOVE CAKE!"

...the sad thing is...I remember this...and it was the truth for quite awhile.
Astronaut (obviously). Jet fighter pilot (until I realized I did not want to die from some idiots command or kill people for the same reason).
I guess though I have always wanted to be a speaker, through typed or spoken word in a way that would change the world for the better. It took me a long time to realize though that even if I could do this, one persons idea of a better world is not everyone's.
Astronaut (obviously).

Hell yeah, this (obviously). That and a scientist in general. It took me up until halfway through middle school for me to begin to narrow down my interests to a certain field.

Of course I also entertained all the other typical young boy fantasies i.e. firefighter, police officer, race car driver, etc.
a journalist

I always excelled at English and writing.
I wanted to be indiana jones

I had the hat and my imagination did the rest
I wanted to be a writer from the moment I could write stories. Then I wanted to be a nun. Then I wanted to be an accountant (I would have hated that). Then I wanted to be a journalist.

In between that there were lots of other thoughts: an art teacher, a museum curator, an interior designer, a support worker for handicapped children, a sailor...
a journalist

I always excelled at English and writing.

Holy hell, you jostled some memories loose.

I remember wanting to be a writer right around the time I finished elementary school. I spent a lot of time in the sixth and seventh grades writing short stories and basically playing with writing to see how I could best entertain/amuse myself and others. I recall enjoying it quite a bit, so it's no wonder that I wanted, for however short a time, to write professionally.
I wanted to be an artist, architect, actor, astronaut, and when a bit older an immunologist, or a doctor. I used to dab in writing when I was younger and would create a lot of stories, but can't recall ever wanting to be a writer for a living. I've always felt more of a better artist than a writer, but as I've gotten older my writing as become just as important as my art. I still look at life as an artist would though.
A video game tester.

I still want to be a jedi though.
A Yoda kind of jedi or a Mace Windu kind of jedi?

Obi-Wan Kenobi I'd say is a solid balance between the two.

And why can't I be a part of the dark side? Who the hell is more badass than Darth motherf'in Vader!?
Journalist, teacher, Science Officer of the U.S.S Enterprise D, football team manager (that one was even more deluded than working on the Enterprise), actor, screenwriter, super hero or villian, depending on my mood. There were others that I can't remember.

Assassin and thief were really prevalent throughout my teens. Not surprising that Silent Assassin and Thief were two of my favourite videogames at that age.
When I was a really young I really wanted to become Batman.

What is funny though, is that afterwords another kid would tell me that, he would become Batman instead of me.
in no particular order:
baker, composer for film & TV, soldier, pilot.
When you were a kid, what did you tell people you wanted to be when you grew up? Maybe there were many different things you wanted to be at different times, tell us what they are and what you think drew you to the idea.

From the time I was 3.5 yrs old, I was telling everyone that I wanted to be an Archaeologist. I love searching, analyzing, putting together pieces of a puzzle so that I may come to a better understand of whatever it may be...I find it completely fascinating. I also told them that I wanted to be an Architect if that didn't work out. They were baffled at how I even knew what either of these professions were and what they entailed at that age. My mom still talks about when my preschool teacher pulled her aside to tell her about how I was building these amazing things with blocks. She had never seen anything like it before from a 3 yr old. I was completely focused on what I was doing, blocking out everything else around me. I do remember that clearly. I would space out and I was so content. I love building things. Searching, building, learning... <3
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Race car driver because I liked cars.