Why don't women make the first move?

So in an age of equality why don't women make the first move?

Shouldn't women approach guys as much as guys approach women?

If guys always make the first move and if many guys are too shy or sensitive to make the first move then is that why 'nice guys always come last' because under such a cultural norm the more assertive and aggressive males would be the ones approaching women and therefore having the most success?

What do people think about this issue?
Firstly, I think that men and women should be respectful of one another's space. Nowadays, I'm starting to see "making moves," as overrated. Whoever has to try hard is doing it wrong.

Live life well.
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Firstly, I think that men and women should be respectful of one another's space. Nowadays, I'm starting to see "making moves," as overrated. Whoever has to try hard is doing it wrong.

Live life well.

Read this 'move': 'Hey, do you fancy going for a drink sometime?'

I timed myself. It took me 2.8 seconds to say that. If that is 'trying too hard', then what exactly is the alternative?

You cultivate a glance that bags you a date in 2 seconds flat?

Master your 1-second wink game?

Disregarding women approaching you, I suppose you're referring to spontaneous shit just happening socially. That ain't a plan, dude, that's the zen philosophy of pretending to be a flower.

Read this 'move': 'Hey, do you fancy going for a drink sometime?'

I timed myself. It took me 2.8 seconds to say that. If that is 'trying too hard', then what exactly is the alternative?

You cultivate a glance that bags you a date in 2 seconds flat?

Master your 1-second wink game?

Disregarding women approaching you, I suppose you're referring to spontaneous shit just happening socially. That ain't a plan, dude, that's the zen philosophy of pretending to be a flower.

Pretending to be a flower waiting for random pollen of unknown provenance, that is.

What I'm saying: you get more women at the end of the day by investing in yourself.

Women do approach successful men.
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What I'm saying: you get more women at the end of the day by investing in yourself.

Women do approach successful men.

You don't even have to be successful, you just have to believe that you are, and low quality humans will flock around you.

It's quite a funny parlor trick.
There are so many things that I think this might mean, that I I transcended into machine form and experienced blue screen of death for at least a full minute.

My life's work is complete then.
Life, death, man, machine, it's all connected.
