Maybe the masks were to protect them from the gas they may have encountered, or worse.
Edit from last night I left out.
The takers also need the givers so they'll have something to take from. When something really good happens as a blowback from a giver, the ant on the hill is first to claim credit and start taking. The worker ants keep working. Somewhere, I feel, another ant farm is being formulated. It will have an ant standing among the other ants giving them the credit. Our taxes pay for so much, and those with the high paychecks would be nowhere without us. Some nerve.
these morons will find that their ak47's are no match for covid-19. . and we can all thank them and those who will protest tomorrow for the next wave of death. .
Didn't see one AK. Those are ARs. I think it was Michigan that started total lockdown as a law.
Michigan’s Draconian Lockdown Provokes a Backlash Gov. Whitmer’s stay-at-home order restricts lawn mowing, touchpad carwashes and boating.
John J. Miller
April 17, 2020 6:42 pm ET
Note the coincidental dates of the two...April 17.
I was telling a couple guys I work with how my ex was exposed which means my kids may have it, then I would most likely have it. The most outspoken of the two went on to say that it was my exes fault for not protecting herself in the patients room, the virus is "just a fucking cold," blah blah blah. I told him if I do get it, I'm going to keep working because I can't afford to miss work and I don't want to use my vacation days for the sickness. Lol He said, "fuck you! If you get it and come in I'm not coming in for at least two weeks!"
But why? It's just a little cold... It makes no sense to me
National Guard uses Enterprise rental vans to pick up hundreds of dead bodies from New York City homes - as the city prepares to include suspected coronavirus cases in the death toll amid test shortage
The New York National Guard has been using rental vans for its mission in NYC amid the coronavirus pandemic
Members have been tasked with picking up hundreds of bodies from homes
There has been a drastic increase in the number of New Yorkers dying at home
On Tuesday alone, 256 people died at home in New York City
On a normal day, between 20 and 25 New Yorkers would die at home
The spike is believed to be linked to coronavirus, sparking fears the city's death toll is being undercounted
City officials revealed they will now include home deaths in the official numbers
The number of people dead from coronavirus in the city stood at 4,260 as of Wednesday evening
"Utah health providers announce pay cuts and furloughs during the coronavirus pandemic"
Very sad that the closure of unnecessary medical procedures, and the lack of sick people with coronavirus since our area has it under control, has led to people losing their jobs.
I don't know if they'll really end up doing that. And even if they did Utah has an usually high demographic of young people, as long as old people who have compromised immune systems stay home it should be fine.
Seriously most of the people who have died here have been 60+ with a weakened immune system. The majority of people here are healthy and fighting it off, developing antibodies
COVID-19 striking more children than expected
For every child that requires hospitalization and ICU care for coronavirus, there are 2,381 other children infected with the virus.
The number of children infected with the coronavirus is far more extensive than what is currently reported —
a hidden detail that could vastly underestimate the demand on health care systems and pediatric intensive care units (PICUs).
the next surge in cases will come from the states that have opened prematurely. . I would like to see border guards at the Oregon border if that's what it takes to keep your virus carrying ass away from me. .and now we have healthcare workers risking their lives to keep these morons that want to gather to protest apart, trying to save their stupid lives. .
all so the ignorant can wave guns around, get a haircut, sit in a bar, and demonstrate their profound ignorance