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@Vendrah @Milktoast Bandit @MoonFlier @Skarekrow
I want to take a minute to clarify my thoughts and intentions here.
I understand this is a sensitive issue and that there is a lot of suffering going on. Especially health care workers and many involved in this thread are in health care or have loved ones in health care. I empathize and in no means take the gravity of your job lightly, nor your life. I understand the concerns. They are real and valid .
I feel I have been unfairly characterized in this thread as cold, unfeeling, caring more about money than people. I have had people attacking my character in this thread. I hope the I have not attacked anyone else, and if I had please bring it up so that I can address it. I'm not upset with anyone for doing this because I understand emotions are high and this being a matter of life and death, of course people are going to feel strongly and thus behave that way.
My main concern has always been that the strategies being employed can only be sustained for a period of time. I do agree that the quarantine is a good idea.
The place where we differ, I think, is how long it can be sustained.
I largely feel nobody really has enough information on either side to make a case with absolute certainly. At this point we are all doing our best to sift through various conflicting data, E which is not always as accurate as we would like it to be, to find solutions.
There are problems that are going to happen the longer we stay in quarantine and I feel they aren't being legitimately addressed. If we can find solutions to these problems it might be possible to continue quarantine for somewhat longer.
Everyone knows that the quarantine has to end at some point we just disagree with when.
One of my thoughts has been that we revert to a similar system that we had during world war 2; it's very fitting since many outlets have been calling this the war against coronavirus.
Potentially the government could take the unemployed population, particularly the young and healthy, test them and then take those who have antibodies developed against coronavirus and assign them jobs. If everyone we have in the work force has already had coronavirus it greatly reduces the risk of these people falling ill and being unable to work, or infecting their co-workers. We could also go the route where only people who haven't had it get to work, but I feel that more people will come down with it and It could risk too many people being out of the work force and essential businesses failing.
Okay so- this pool of healthy young people who can work- we assign them jobs, just like the women in factories during world war 2, in order to sustain things. We can have people deliver food and that's their job exclusively. With standardized precautions. We can have unemployed people plugged into agriculture work and factory work. My boyfriend works at a factory and they do not have enough people working and he is working 60+ hours. We need more people in the essential jobs. We need to plug in the holes with the unemployed we currently have.
If we were able to do that, we may be able to stay in quarantine slightly longer. Enough people would have jobs that the economy would be going to a degree. We also could brainstorm creative ways to keep businesses that had to be shut down like bars and entertainment industry and coffee shops open in a more limited capacity.
But a system has to be devised and put in place to avoid long term problems. The economy shutting down is real and we have to address that in quarantine plans which we are currently not.
I hope this clarifies my position.
I want to take a minute to clarify my thoughts and intentions here.
I understand this is a sensitive issue and that there is a lot of suffering going on. Especially health care workers and many involved in this thread are in health care or have loved ones in health care. I empathize and in no means take the gravity of your job lightly, nor your life. I understand the concerns. They are real and valid .
I feel I have been unfairly characterized in this thread as cold, unfeeling, caring more about money than people. I have had people attacking my character in this thread. I hope the I have not attacked anyone else, and if I had please bring it up so that I can address it. I'm not upset with anyone for doing this because I understand emotions are high and this being a matter of life and death, of course people are going to feel strongly and thus behave that way.
My main concern has always been that the strategies being employed can only be sustained for a period of time. I do agree that the quarantine is a good idea.
The place where we differ, I think, is how long it can be sustained.
I largely feel nobody really has enough information on either side to make a case with absolute certainly. At this point we are all doing our best to sift through various conflicting data, E which is not always as accurate as we would like it to be, to find solutions.
There are problems that are going to happen the longer we stay in quarantine and I feel they aren't being legitimately addressed. If we can find solutions to these problems it might be possible to continue quarantine for somewhat longer.
Everyone knows that the quarantine has to end at some point we just disagree with when.
One of my thoughts has been that we revert to a similar system that we had during world war 2; it's very fitting since many outlets have been calling this the war against coronavirus.
Potentially the government could take the unemployed population, particularly the young and healthy, test them and then take those who have antibodies developed against coronavirus and assign them jobs. If everyone we have in the work force has already had coronavirus it greatly reduces the risk of these people falling ill and being unable to work, or infecting their co-workers. We could also go the route where only people who haven't had it get to work, but I feel that more people will come down with it and It could risk too many people being out of the work force and essential businesses failing.
Okay so- this pool of healthy young people who can work- we assign them jobs, just like the women in factories during world war 2, in order to sustain things. We can have people deliver food and that's their job exclusively. With standardized precautions. We can have unemployed people plugged into agriculture work and factory work. My boyfriend works at a factory and they do not have enough people working and he is working 60+ hours. We need more people in the essential jobs. We need to plug in the holes with the unemployed we currently have.
If we were able to do that, we may be able to stay in quarantine slightly longer. Enough people would have jobs that the economy would be going to a degree. We also could brainstorm creative ways to keep businesses that had to be shut down like bars and entertainment industry and coffee shops open in a more limited capacity.
But a system has to be devised and put in place to avoid long term problems. The economy shutting down is real and we have to address that in quarantine plans which we are currently not.
I hope this clarifies my position.
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