[MENTION=708]VH[/MENTION] i think i know what you mean-- when you're in control, and everyone submits to you, things run smoothly? that's how it is for me sort of. i'm in charge of (me and) my environment, and if you're in my environment, we have to get things straight; and i'm in charge of getting things straight.Not in a good way... but yeah.
VH, it might be uncomfortable, but accepting these parts in yourself and knowing who you are will help you be in control that much more. Instead of situations becoming a surprise, you can line yourself up by learning to deal with the issues first.
You don't have to become darkness to turn it into light; you just have to understand it and know when it's coming in order to overcome it with truth.
@VH i think i know what you mean-- when you're in control, and everyone submits to you, things run smoothly? that's how it is for me sort of. i'm in charge of (me and) my environment, and if you're in my environment, we have to get things straight; and i'm in charge of getting things straight.
8 in training sounds like you're becoming a more balanced person and developing your wing.
I do. You say your whole life you've seemed a 9, and now you've stopped taking shit from people and learned to put yourself ahead of others (a hard thing to do for a 9). Do you feel like when you're at your best, everyone else is as well?You think I'm a 9w8?
I do. You say your whole life you've seemed a 9, and now you've stopped taking shit from people and learned to put yourself ahead of others (a hard thing to do for a 9).
Do you feel like when you're at your best, everyone else is as well?
Not backing down is a good thing. Sometimes, you need to put people in their place to keep the peace. That is textbook 9w8. Putting people "in their place" to exhibit dominance and gain control is 8 behavior. Motivation is what separates them of course.
Unhealthy anger has nothing to do enneagram, however.
When I'm at my best (others have no influence on this at all) everyone else seems to be as well-- more tolerable, more harmonious, more accepting, everything just goes fucking insanely well. I havent found a way to keep myself at 100% best at all times, though I have spurts of it often! This is typical of 9s from what I've read. I always blame myself (so it feels like I'm in control) when people around me break harmony and do stupid shit like that. Sometimes, fixing it requires strength, power, and force.Quite! I can't be at my best unless everyone else is, though the two are inter-related and build on each other.
Yeah, that doesn't sound like type 8 at all. I'm the same way you describe-- someone tries to control me, or just plain dominate me, I call that breaking harmony and it needs to be fixed asap. Which brings about this--I don't do this to gain control per se. It's not to be "in charge" of anything but me. I really only put my foot down on attempts to control me, not to control others any more than to get them to stop pushing me, but I've become extremely over sensitive to being pushed. I hate to say this, but I think I'm just tired of "losing".
Yup, when I'm in harmony, or at my best, so is everyone else (refer to first paragraph).It definitely used to be to keep the peace. Now it's to maintain something else. I'm not sure exactly... my ego? My place in this world? Justice? My dominance? It's like it's become about creating harmony for me, and everyone else can fall in or fuck off.
@VH When I'm at my best (others have no influence on this at all) everyone else seems to be as well-- more tolerable, more harmonious, more accepting, everything just goes fucking insanely well.
I havent found a way to keep myself at 100% best at all times, though I have spurts of it often! This is typical of 9s from what I've read. I always blame myself (so it feels like I'm in control) when people around me break harmony and do stupid shit like that. Sometimes, fixing it requires strength, power, and force.
Yeah, that doesn't sound like type 8 at all. I'm the same way you describe-- someone tries to control me, or just plain dominate me, I call that breaking harmony and it needs to be fixed asap. Which brings about this--Yup, when I'm in harmony, or at my best, so is everyone else (refer to first paragraph).
9 Sexual/Social
This subtype of Nine may appear least like a stereotypical Nine because the outward sexual and social energies obscure some of the withdrawing and "zoning out" tendencies of the Nine. These Nines are the most connected and assertive of the subtypes of Nine, especially when it comes to relationships.
The energy of the sexual instinct is at odds with the dominant type Nine energy and makes for a conflicted subtype. The assertive fiery energy engages in a constant push-pull with the calm peace-seeking energy of the Nine. They are often drawn to solo sports or to an active engagement with nature that involves some risk and exertion. These Nines are drawn to peak experiences.
There is still some internal struggle, but overall there is less of a tendency to withdraw. With the self-pres instinct last, this subtype can neglect self-preservational needs in favor of the intensity of their sexual instinct's pursuits. Individuals of this subtype could easily be mistaken for the dominant wing, because the sexual energy tends to flow in a manner similar to the energy of the wing. A Nine with a One wing would therefore appear more One-like and a Nine with Eight might be mistaken for an Eight.
When it comes to intimate relationships, this subtype can be needy. The merging of the Nine combines with the intensity of the sexual instinct to create a subtype that will always be in danger of losing themselves in a relationship. Their boundaries for themselves and their partner can become blurred which can lead to conflicts. This subtype might have a hard time judging clearly the degree to which they have merged.
Intimate Nine
Living Through
With the intimate Nine subtype, the general tendency of style Nine to merge with the plans and agendae of others becomes focused on a partner. The intimate Nine will tend to almost "live through" the romantic partner or close friend or parent/child. Within style Nine the danger is not getting what they want because they prefer to do what others want in order to get along. When this energy is focused on the partner, the relationship becomes all important and the Nine can lose her own volition and direction.
When not in a relationship, much of their energy may be devoted to finding one. Lacking inner direction, they may seek someone to give them purpose and focus. Because Nines have a natural modesty that they can push too far into "I don't count," they may rely too heavily on the partner, either glorifying the partner and expanding on their virtues and talents or they may be angry that the partner is not enabling them to have a life.
Nines will often stay too long in an unhealthy relationship because they allow the partner to create and enforce the unspoken rules of the relationship. The intimate Nine assumes those rules are necessary for the partner and because they are not aware of their own needs, they go along to get along-sometimes for an amazing number of years. I once heard a Nine at an Enneagram conference say she had wanted a divorce for 41 years!
Some Nines can be prone to jealousy. They so identify with the relationship with their partner that any other relationship the partner has seems like a violation. When the Nine loses himself in the relationship it is threatening to have any other dynamic involved.
Because Nines are easily satisfied, they can settle for too little in a relationship and then be disappointed. When this happens they can become fickle, looking for fulfillment -looking for someone else to bring them to life. The fickleness is a form of passive aggression. Instead of insisting on what they need from their partner, they just drift into a different person's life.
Nines with a One wing typically withdraw under stress more than those with an Eight wing. They sometimes find it difficult to ground themselves. They tend to lose focus and can get lost in worlds of their imagination. Nines with an Eight wing are overall more grounded and assertive. They tend also to be more sociable than those with a One wing. Nines with a One wing are more theoretical; those with an Eight wing more practical.
I love this quote:
We have sometimes called the Nine the crown of the Enneagram because it is at the top of the symbol and because it seems to include the whole of it. Nines can have the strength of Eights, the sense of fun and adventure of Sevens, the dutifulness of Sixes, the intellectualism of Fives, the creativity of Fours, the attractiveness of Threes, the generosity of Twos, and the idealism of Ones. However, what they generally do not have is a sense of really inhabiting themselves—a strong sense of their own identity.
You're an 8 - but you lean heavily on your 9 wing.
I can tell this because you (and I mean this kindly) you can be *pushy* and I don't see 9s as being very pushy.
You're lovely, but still pushy when you want something.
I honestly think it could be either @VH, but I do think you lean slightly more to the 8-side of things. Still, you're very right when it comes to 9w1 vs 9w8 and how the wings can play a huge part on how we view ourselves and the world around us. Now mind you, not to throw yet another wrench into the mix...you could be an ENFJ 9w8 instead, which could account for the more assertive behavior; that I could see very well. But I don't quite see you as an INFJ 9w8. Not *quite.*
The other question I have for you is this - you mentioned your childhood at one point. It's possible that you chose to be a nine, to escape a difficult home situation since you didn't want any trouble...and then once you matured your real self began coming out but the "real" self frustrates you because it's neither as kind *nor* as strong as you'd like it to be. Hence, the dichotomy between the two.
All I can say is, you have to find a way to make peace with both sides of yourself, and you have to find a way to forgive yourself (and others) if a conflict arises.
Being dominant doesnt inherent make you an 8, or not a 9. Dominant makes you dominant. Why you are dominant is the question, right? As for me, it's just easier to keep the peace. I'm not dominant just for power, or to boost the ego.This really bothered me for a moment, and then I realized it wasn't the pain that was turning me on, it was the submission. And it was at that moment I realized I am a natural dominant, and yet I didn't take over any of those interactions. Sure, I helped keep them fueled and going, but I had no business getting involved. I didn't want to ruin it for them (or myself) by butting in.
Is this an 8w9 thing or a 9w8 thing?
Being dominant doesnt inherent make you an 8, or not a 9. Dominant makes you dominant. Why you are dominant is the question, right? As for me, it's just easier to keep the peace. I'm not dominant just for power, or to boost the ego.
Was there any way of getting in on the action?