A few things:
1. Clinical trials go on at universities all the time, year round. There are many studies about everything, doesn't mean that it will be successful.
2. Just because "they" are studying how a high fat diet can delay alzheimers and dementia, doesn't mean that they are "right".
3. I've mentioned before that what
has been proven is that
niacinamide and melatonin REVERSES alzheimer's not a HIGH FAT DIET. That is a
B-vitamin, and a natural hormone that the brain produces, not HIGH FAT (aka, bacon grease, chicken fat, the fatty parts of steak) Also... verified studies have proven that it
is the amino acid taurine, that prevents and cures epilepsy, not HIGH ANIMAL FATS.
4. It's been PROVEN that people who subsist on high fat, especially in meats (aka, bacon grease, chicken fat, the fatty parts of steak) in their primary diet tend to suffer from an onslaught of HEALTH PROBLEMS, such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity. So therefore, your theory that a high fat diet is good for everyone is entirely inaccurate. In fact, a high fat diet can be said to be
the cause of health problems, not that they are "good" for you.
5. In terms of a ketagenic diet, it is a diet that is
not necessarily good because it is high in fat, but that it tends to favour foods rich in
vitamin K2: butter, cream and
arginine: nuts which is necessary to release nitric oxide into the bloodstream. Vitamin K2 repairs damaged blood vessels. Another food rich in vitamin K2 is natto (fermented tofu).
6. High fat, in general, is not essential to the body for survival at the cellular level. However,
certain types of fat, such as the ones present in coconut oil, avocado fat (
increase absorption of other vitamins from food sources.
7. Just because celebrities try fad diets and can't stick with them doesn't mean that people in general can't maintain vegan and vegetarian diets. In fact, there is such a high demand for vegan and vegetarian specialty foods that there are vegetarian supermarkets opening up all around the world as we speak and it is said that by 2040, demand for vegan and vegetarian items will go up 500%.
You said:
Now, I don't get my disdain for veganism and vegetarianism from my own experiences. It comes from the research that I've done and my own experience just backed that up. In fact, I stopped the accidental vegetarian thing long before I ever had any knowledge of diet/nutrition and only in my reading over the last 3 years did I realize why I felt so shitty all of the time.
It is easy to fall into confirmation bias when you have not done all the research. Now, there is a ton of research out there, so it is easy to get lost in media sensationalism. However, if someone were to read the last few posts you have written, it might be that you might appear as a egocentric individual unable to see outside her own viewpoint, entirely bereft of emotional intelligence, brainwashed by Oprah Winfrey and her celeb friends who can't stick to a diet.
And of course, that's not you Special Edition.