No place like home.
There's a new sheriff about the halls of home. No one is liking it much but me.
My sister got her $500 filled envelope handed to her as she was leaving yesterday. As I handed it to her I stated, "There is $500 in this envelope. If you don’t use it to fix your truck, that's on you." She just stared at me. I restated to her though I appreciate her helpfulness, her job is to follow directions. It is not to rearrange, pack it, walk out with the items here in the house, garage, or anywhere on the property. Again, she stared at me. I asked her if she fully understood this was her last opportunity. If next time she went against the things to do list and rearranged one more thing that sets Dad off, she's fired, will be replaced with a person from the agency abd she'll not be invited to this home unless I am here.
She caused dad to jump all over me yesterday and I hadn't been home ten minutes. While I was gone, she stripped Dad's bedroom, boxed it all up, wrote her name on the boxes, and organized the remaining items to suit herself rather than Dad so she can clean it better she said.
I cringed at the impression of my own look at her after I came out of Dad's rooms after he insisted that a skinny little fella boxed up all of his things and ran away with them. She did.
I asked her where the List To Keep You Busy While I'm Gone went. She pulled it off the fridge and said here it is. I showed her where it said dust Dad's shelving in his room, dust the knickknacks, put knickknacks back in same spot. Then I asked her to read it out loud. She did. As she did her face turned several shades of color and I wasn't real sure if she was mad or embarrassed. I took her into Dad's room and asked her why she had boxed everything up, only after realizing she had written other names on boxes, and marked names on boxes of Dad's personal bedroom things. She came up with that easier to clean spcheel...I asked again why her name and others, mainly her kids names, were on boxes if Dad's personal items?
"Because I want those things", she said.
Really? I gave her the look, went to my now locked cupboard and grabbed the envelope. Outside now I told her. She didn't know whether to shit or get out of the way.
That's when I told her she has one last chance. Do what is asked, or she will be fired and her access terminated.
I finally got Dad calmed back down. Reassuring him we will dust everything in the boxes and return them to the shelves.
Score one for Dad and lucidity tho. He asked me to read his documents to him again because he didn't recall giving permission to my younger sister to clear out and steal his things. Ooph.

It took me several hours to get him back on track.
Respite stays or not, I'm not going to allow my sister to steal things. If indeed she is. She does not get that she cannot just do as she pleases in my house. I told her to think about that. Because I will give her a whack at my going through her house ... only I'll be swinging a bucket of an excavator through the center to open it up when I do.

Good thing she's not due back until the 22nd. That might be enough time for me to work out my agitation and get Dad's stuff back on his shelves.
As she left I gave her a hug and said in her ear that she had best get with the program or she will get 3-hots and a cot for stealing from this house. She had a look like she generally does of defiance...I smiled and simply stated, go ahead and test me on it.
I had a great weekend, but the past 24 hours has been tormenting me. Proof, there really is no fair in life, if there was, I wouldn't have to deal with these people who are labeled family.
Sad is too mild a word for what I'm feeling right now.