Trump will win again

Yeah and what has the GDP growth ever done for the people? GDP is literally just the sum of all transactions in the economy. If rich people are flipping houses between each-other for 10 million, that comes out brilliant for the GDP numbers but it doesn't help anyone. Also, US is running war time deficits which also boosts the GDP.

It is not hard to have good GDP if the government is financing everyone. That's why you need to look at inflation numbers and real wages.

Unfortunately most people are economically and financially illiterate and fall for the gaslighting of the Biden administration and state media apparatchiks like Paul Krugman.

That is the point. I know that Covid is an external shock that derailed the numbers. But please, do not gaslight people that everything is fine and economy is stronger and better than ever. It WAS much better under Trump, that is a fact.
The Gaslight is that the economy was great until the greatest nation the world has ever known totally blew its response to a world wide epidemic while being led by a complete and utter moron.
The Gaslight is that the economy was great until the greatest nation the world has ever known totally blew its response to a world wide epidemic while being led by a complete and utter moron.

And yet he is not the one dodging cognitive tests or avoiding any unstructured interviews. He is in fact going on podcasts and various conferences and laying his vision out there while often being interviewed by hostile reporters.

I'd like to see Kamala do a 60 minutes podcast or interview with a hostile interviewer. But obviously her campaign advisors know that it would not work well for her.

Biden's health was a major gaslights, and so is the strength of the economy and so is Kamala's suitability.
I mean, everyone can see that she is a puppet, right? It's all about the PARTY, following the PARTY line.
I listened to Trump on Shawn Ryan, an hour of the same old same old.(millions of criminals and insane asylum migrants streaming over the boarder, overturning roe v wade was what everyone wanted, perfect phone call wi Zelenskyy, the elected Dems are evil, the indictments are a hoax....) and the hour with Lex Freidman where he straight up refused to answer Lex on what the heck was trump up to with the jan 6th debacle). Not informative, no depth, lots of "secret" plans to end wars.
Trump inherited an economy that had failed under GW and rebounded under Obama and he presided over some of the worst job losses ever.

BTW Dick Cheney has endorsed Kamala Harris, what is that all about? must be some deep state doo doo huh?
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BTW Dick Cheney has endorsed Kamala Harris, what is that all about? must be some deep state doo doo huh?

Yes the difference is that in Republican party you are allowed to go against Trump whereas in the Democratic aka Bureaucratic party you must follow the party line and support the party leader or you are cancelled. That's why no one was allowed to say that Biden is obviously not in good shape. Only when the party narrative shifted after the debate it became clear - so they made Biden to step down to save the party (even though he won the primary). It's a joke how corrupt that party is.

I suggest you listen to some interviews with Tulsi Gabbard. Ex democrat, really respected Bernie Sanders - till he endorsed Hilary. The first time in the House that she dared to go against one of Obama's narrative, she immediately got a call from the White House telling her who does she think she is and to get in line.

There are deep state neocons in Republican party too. Deep state is afraid of Trump because he is an actual individual and his current advisors are not party members. Vivek, Tulsi, RFK and Elon Musk. What is worse for the neocon war mongers like Hilary than Musk coming in and carrying out a "government efficiency revision".

I see wide admiration for the Democratic party of 60 or 70 years ago. Everyone respects JKF and that he stood for peace, liberty and freedom. But sorry, current Democratic party is so far from that as humanly possible. They stand for control, censorship, illegal immigration, war at every opportunity, stupid woke policies...If JFK ran today he would be cancelled and pushed to periphery, just like RFK. Things change, parties evolve and are corrupted from within, but due to inertia and myopia somehow people still don't see it.
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thank you! I take it you watched this, ( @philostam ) if you did then we fully understand each other. (the reporter on the far right was super nice to him for like 10 mins)
You are correct, VP Harris has not undergone a similar interrogation, nor will she unless she starts really losing in the polls. The dems are not going to convince anyone who is currently willing to vote for trump to vote against him, that leaves only the folks who do not pay attention to politics and those people do not care about policy.
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I really enjoyed watching the Obama's speak at the dem conference, it reminded me how terrible everyone who is currently running for office is at speaking. I've gotten so used to it that I just forgot that people could be rousing in speeches.

Kamala is a strange duck. I'm not sure that I even have that much beef with her policies, she's just a weird speaker and I can't quite put my finger on it. I guess she will do.

Trump is really degrading in his debate ability and discussion ability in general. If you go back to the 2016 circuit and listen to him speak and compare it to how he sounds now you can tell his age is really wearing on him. Or maybe it's all the time he's spending in court, who knows.

I'm in the process of reading project 2025 since everyone is using it to fear monger so much. But it's a little frustrating because there is a huge emphasis on the social issue part of it but there is very little coverage on the bureaucratic and transparency acts that they want to implement. It really doesn't make much sense to me why liberals are against all of these transparency acts and a lot of the stuff that they praise like the medicare/Medicaid policies that required patients to be able to compare prices were kept in by Biden.

IDK. What a mess.
We can all have our own interpretations, but let's look at some figures. How are you interpreting that graph?
My interpretation is twofold. Firstly, plan of the ridiculous "inflation reduction plan" was to import a lot of middle to low income foreigners to keep the wages down. Second benefit - more votes for the Democrats!

Employment and economy is booming! Just not for Americans.

Another data point. If Democrats are so good, why do we see massive exodus from blue states to red states?

For me, data clearly shows that Democrats are ruining this country.
Yet all I hear from Democrats are un-backed opinions, counter-factuals (with Biden there would be NO Covid) and fear mongering (Trump is the new Hitler that will destroy our bureaucracy...khm, democracy).

Whatever. I am not even an American. Nor am in England, thanks God. Talk about communist dystopia under two-tier Kier Starmer.
import a lot of middle to low income foreigners to keep the wages down. Second benefit - more votes for the Democrats!
Where would the more votes come from?

The immigrants, foreigners, whatever you wish to label them—they have no right to vote.

So where would these extra votes come from?

why do we see massive exodus from blue states to red states?
Could it be moving to poorer, economically disadvantaged states (relative to where they came from) is because of the availability of lower-priced housing?

Despite the clampdown of post-COVID return to office edicts, plenty of people can still work remotely. As long as network infrastructure is present, why not do it in a town with lower COL?

That said, I’m going to treat “massive exodus” as hyperbolic until some peer-reviewed data is on offer.

For me, data clearly shows that Democrats are ruining this country.
Yet all I hear from Democrats are un-backed opinions, counter-factuals (with Biden there would be NO Covid) and fear mongering (Trump is the new Hitler that will destroy our bureaucracy...khm, democracy).

Whatever. I am not even an American. Nor am in England, thanks God. Talk about communist dystopia under two-tier Kier Starmer.
You need better, saner, more reasonable friends.

I mean, that just sounds like limbic arousal.

I guess my question is, you’re clearly smarter than that, so why entertain those ideas?

Could it be moving to poorer, economically disadvantaged states (relative to where they came from) is because of the availability of lower-priced housing?

Despite the clampdown of post-COVID return to office edicts, plenty of people can still work remotely. As long as network infrastructure is present, why not do it in a town with lower COL?

Sure, you are allowed to have a different interpretation. I think people in general like lower taxes, more freedom and safety.

Where would the more votes come from?

The immigrants, foreigners, whatever you wish to label them—they have no right to vote.

That depends if you think non-citizen voting exists or not.
I think certain people are definitely incentivized to make sure non-citizen vote. Where there's incentive, there's a way.

You need better, saner, more reasonable friends.

I mean, that just sounds like limbic arousal.

I guess my question is, you’re clearly smarter than that, so why entertain those ideas?


I could say the same to you!
As for limbic arousal, you're probably right :)
thank you! I take it you watched this, ( @philostam ) if you did then we fully understand each other. (the reporter on the far right was super nice to him for like 10 mins)
You are correct, VP Harris has not undergone a similar interrogation, nor will she unless she starts really losing in the polls. The dems are not going to convince anyone who is currently willing to vote for trump to vote against him, that leaves only the folks who do not pay attention to politics and those people do not care about policy.

Thanks, but what does the Michelle Obama video have to do with anything? Sounds just like another baseless accusation thrown at Trump. He hates us because we are black and educated? This is about as relevant as when Trump says for himself he is the best president since Abraham Lincoln and Biden is the worst president in history. In fact it's probably worse, it's just pure character assassination.
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quotes out of "project 25" as reported on the Strict Scrutiny podcast
,..... deleting the term sexual orientation and gender identity, diversity, equity and inclusion, gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender sensitive abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term that might be used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights out of every federal rule agency, regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists now.......
.....conservatives should gratefully celebrate the greatest pro-family win in a generation. Overturning Roe versus Wade....
.....the Dobbs decision is just the beginning. Conservatives in the States and in Washington, including in the next conservative administration, should push as hard as possible to protect the unborn in every jurisdiction in America.....
....the next conservative president should work with Congress to enact the most robust protections for the unborn. That. Congress will support while deploying existing federal powers to protect innocent life......
.....When the founders spoke of pursuit of happiness, what they meant might be understood today as in essence, pursuit of blessedness. .... .....our Constitution grants each of us the liberty to do not what we want, but what we ought......this pursuit of the good life is found primarily in family, marriage, children, Thanksgiving dinners and the like.....
.....the Trump administration issued Executive Order 1395724 to make career professionals in positions that are not normally subject to change as a result of a presidential transition, an exception to the competitive hiring rules and examinations for career positions under a new schedule F..... [No competitive hiring rules and exams. Or retentions, just flunkies.]
.....While the white House counsel does not serve as the president’s personal attorney in non-official matters, it is almost impossible to delineate exactly where an issue is strictly personal and has no bearing on the president’s official function. The white House counsel needs to be deeply committed both to the president’s agenda and to affording the president proactive counsel and zealous representation...
....the Office of White House counsel also serves as the primary gateway for communication between the white House and DOJ. Traditionally, both the white House counsel and attorney General have issued a memo requiring all contact between the two institutions to occur only between the Office of White House counsel and the Attorney General or Deputy Attorney General. The next administration should reexamine this policy....[This is how you get the white House directing DOJ to prosecute political enemies, media critics and more.]
audit the course offerings at military academies to remove Marxist indoctrination....
[Project 2025 proposes limiting overtime pay. Or, as they put it, quote,] .....less a relaxed overtime trigger....[which means that it would allow overtime pay only for more than 45 hours a week of work, rather than the traditional 40 hours per week, or for only more than 80 hours every two weeks, rather than for more than 40 hours every week]
......efforts to expand disability benefits have caused an erosion of veterans trust in the VA......adverse health outcomes thought to be the result of veterans exposure to airborne toxins during the global war on terrorism......
.....perceived threat of climate change....
JD Vance on how women's sexual revolution caused them to escape abusive marriages, so they're the ones at fault for their kids being unhappy:

''...and this one of the tricks sexual revolution pulled in the American populus, which is this idea that, well ok these marriages they were fundamentally, you know, they were maybe even violent, but certainly they were unhappy, and so getting rid of them and making it easier for people to shift spouses like they change their underwear, that's gonna make people happier in the long term. And maybe it worked out for the moms and dads, though I'm skeptical, they really didn't work out for the kids in those marriages...''

JD Vance on how the childcare issue can be solved by having grandparents work until they die taking care of the kids THEY want to force women to have, in addition to disregulating the whole existing system, hiring any creep who ''loves kids'' as a kindergarten teacher, because kids' safety comes last with these groomers:

“What can we do about lowering the cost of day care?” His verbatim answer: “Such an important question, Charlie [Kirk], and I think one of the things that we can do is make it easier for families to choose whatever model they want, right? So one of the ways that you might be able to relieve a little bit of pressure on people who are paying so much for day care is…maybe grandma and grandpa [want] to help out a little bit more, or maybe there’s an aunt or uncle that wants to help out a little bit more. If that happens, you relieve some of the pressure on all the resources that we’re spending on day care.''

''What we’ve got to do is actually empower people to get trained in the skills that they need for the 21st century. We’ve got a lot of people who love kids, who would love to take care of kids but they can’t, either because they don’t have access to the education that they need or, maybe more importantly, because the state government says you’re not allowed to take care of children unless you have some ridiculous certification that has…nothing to do with taking care of kids. So empower people to get the skills they need. Don’t force every early-childcare specialist to go and get a six-year college degree where they’ve got a whole lot of debt and Americans are much poorer because they’re paying out the wazoo for day care. Empower working families, empower people who want to do these things for a living, and that’s what we’ve got to do.”


JD Vance thinks we need to stop being so emotional and just accept the facts. Such as the inevitability of school shootings:

“I don’t like this. I don’t like to admit this. I don’t like that this is a fact of life. But if you are a psycho and you want to make headlines, you realise that our schools are soft targets.”