Trump will win again

I'm in the process of reading project 2025 since everyone is using it to fear monger so much.

Hmm, maybe try reading it before concluding it's fear mongering? Calling out someone on fear mongering implies you're familiar with the topic, you know what the real depth of danger is, and you know they're exaggerating or making it up altogether.
Who am I to judge? Maybe she likes getting grabbed by... nevermind. 🙄

Remember, edgelords are manifold.


massive....this graph refers to household earning $200,000 or more, excludes 89% of the population, looks more like movements of tax cheats.

Well taxation is theft, so cheating the thieves is positive right? Government is known to be terrible allocator of capital in the best of times. You add in corruption of the Bureaucratic Party, and no wonder people don't wanna pay them.

Look the mighty good the taxpayer's money achieved in California.

Taxation without representation is theft. It would seem @philostam that you agree with the idea of shrinking government to a size where it can then be drowned in a bath tub. It would seem that you want to replace the fiat currency with crypto currency.
Would those be correct assumptions? and would you also put yourself in the political camp of Libertarian, with anarchist overtones?
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Taxation without representation is theft. It would seem @philostam that you agree with the idea of shrinking government to a size where it can then be drowned in a bath tub. It would seem that you want to replace the fiat currency with crypto currency.
Would those be correct assumptions? and would you also put yourself in the political camp of Libertarian, with anarchist overtones?

Theoretically yes, I am probably closest to libertarian.
Though inside I am quite soft. I am not a go-getter, hard type. I also grew up in Europe and saw welfare state working to a certain extent, although not anymore.

I just feel I was too naive in the past. When I look at our political elites, I think to myself, at worst they are evil, at best it's just misplaced compassion lending people to be useful idiots. This is what I think Kamala and Biden are. I don't think they're evil, they're just weak useful idiots. Compassion/agreeableness can do a lot of damage. Even at a family level, you might think it's good to be all soft and compassionate but without counterbalancing harshness, it doesn't work out well for a kid most of the time.

I absolutely believe in deep state and I think we don't want another useful idiot in charge of USA.
So I see this election as a battle between deep state and Trump.
“I’m a leader of fertilization.” – DJT

“You don’t say.” – the raped, the children, the porn stars, the mistresses, the ex- wives, and Melania.

"We have a president that doesn't know he's alive" - DJT

A debate without real-time fact check becomes a kind of performative charade.

I’ll have to get that recipe for Fido stew from a Redditor in Aurora CO.

Transgender surgeries on jailed immigrants?

<clutches pearls>

I just want to confirm that, in fact, Minneapolis did not burn down.

I just want to confirm that, in fact, Minneapolis did not burn down.


Aurora is also fine.
It's always been a bit of a sketchy place, that's all.
My first reaction was that Trump walked right into the trap many times and that he was too mad and incoherent.

But maybe, since this election hinges on a small number of voters in swing states, this is not so bad for him. These swing voters are by and large angry and frustrated themselves so seeing Trump like that might appeal more than Kamala and her platitudes of hope, turning the new page etc.

Kamala didn't do poorly. They prepped her well. At the same time, Trump was also OK. I don't think it moved the needle much if you're already pretty set on who you'll vote.
Your choice as always is between the illuminati and the loonitooninati
“I’m obsessed with the mess that’s America.”

– Marina Lambrini Diamandis
It was like a cross examination done by a tv lawyer where the witness is tricked into admitting their criminality.

trump made a statement on the lex freidman podcast saying he lost by a whisker, i was dumbfounded when I listened to it and in the context of the conversation he seemed like he meant it. During the debate he tried to walk it back saying he was being sarcastic.

believing you are smarter than everyone else should not lead you to believe that everyone else is stupid.